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The grumpy thread


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Got back home just now, walked into the back garden to put some bottles in the recycling bin and tripped over a ridge tile.


I thought to myself "I don't remember leaving a ridge tile there?" the noticed the trail of them all down the roof, FFS Thats a job I don't want to have to do as I am SHIT SCARED of heights.

Oh well, at least the trees didn't come down. I can't moan too much, apparently everything south of birmingham is flooded or has been blown into the sea (or both) so I came off fairly well, all things considered.

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Drove about 10 miles to GMS Capri Spares, this morning to find out they were shut.


Cue me standing outside, hopefully ringing their number and holding two handbrake cables.

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Aye, I hear they used to do the shows etc.

Don't think they bother now, but are still a decent source of some NOS genuine parts and quality pattern stuff as well as knowing the score.


I need early handbrake cables cos I have 7" drums. The ones I bought from eBay, last year are too long.

GMS said they had some in, when I rang last week.


I will go back, just will have to be during the week, to catch them - gonna ring first, though.

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Was cutting a shock absorber mount with an angle grinder - was wearing gloves, ear protectors and eye protectors, had a t-shirt, hoody and overalls on.

Angle grinder stopped, jumped and bounced backwards, and then somehow spun round, before attaching itself to my overalls, before shredding three layers and leaving this as a signature.




Continued to angle grind, I had good hold with the handle thing, but it was locked to the 'on' position, which I won't be doing again.

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I've never understood why they have a lock on when so many other tools are health and safety-ed to the max.

Old work had a mega cheap new one that would only work in a locked on position. Fucking hated it.

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Something similar happened to me years ago, when the grinding disc exploded and a piece of it hit me at the temple.

Gushes of blood were pulsating out, and since I was all by myself, I went to my office, took a stapler, stapled my temple together as good as possible, then drove to the sewing parlour of the local hospital.

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I was holding an outer race of a large taper roller bearing and was using one of those 1mm cutting discs to cut a slit in it to use it to press the new one in . The grinder snatched and it went over the top of my left thumb nail.

Managed to cut right through the nail but only in the centre due to the curve of the disc. No pain , no blood but took 6 months to grow out and I was worried about the flesh healing up through the gap in the nail.


Won't be don't that again - this week .

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the only fail ive really had with a grinder was with one of those lovely 1mm cutting discs on, i was cutting a capri front panel off to replace it and as i was cutting through the last part, i was holding the valance and the grinder went through the metal quicker than i thought it would and i managed to slice through the skin of the middle knuckle of my middle finger it was pissing with blood and you could see what i presume to be bone, i went into the house and asked mrs fordperv if we had some super glue, she gave the usual what have you done now she went ballistic that i was going to glue it and took me to hospital with a tea towel wrapped around it, by the time i got seen the bleeding had stopped and it was attempting to stick itself together when i opened it up for cleaning the poor nurse turned green, saying that to open it i did just clench a fist and blood splurged  :-D

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It's AS Confession Corner...


Dear Corsaviour and the Esteemed Mingebag Motoring Community,


Today I drove a 2006 VW Passat TDi estate and quite liked it. This follows on from driving a similarly aged A6 TDi auto estate some months ago and also finding it fairly acceptable. I have never owned a VAG group car and until now found any examples I've driven to be diresome and full of woe, but lately I have been questioning my shiteist credentials. Is there anything I can do to appease the Shite Gods, or am I doomed to a forum life of blue?



A worried shiter,

The North.

....... When it shits it's injectors @ £1,000 + - you will see the light my child & return to your shite senses 

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When I worked as a fitter at a large chipboard manufacturer,everyone wore hardhats with the ear defenders attached to the sides.

1 guy thought it would be funny to cut off 1 of his mates defender with a battery powered angle grinder........

His mate obviously felt/heard the disc cutting into the plastic stem and naturally turned to see what was causing the noise

















He was lucky to keep his eye but has a lovely 7" Frankenstein-stylee scar across his forehead......

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Lucky escape, Station!


I was standing in what was the engine bay, in a mk1 XR2 i was chopping up with a diamond blade equipped 9"  grinder, when it jammed and bounced straight into my chest.


I was only wearing a t-shirt, hoody and overalls and PPE but somehow it stopped in time! :-P


I have had a few nips from slitting discs, exploding grinding discs, knot wheels etc. I always wear PPE, though.

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Some filthy scratter had stunk the bog out in the Shell service station, today.

I had to breathe that pungent filth in, whilst waiting to pay for diesel.

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I've had a couple of minor nicks from the escaping angle grinder, one of which was on my thumbnail and took a long time to grow out/heal! I've also been to hospital with grinding sparks in my eyes (despite wearing goggles), and had a doctor stick a needle into my eyeball to fish out the tiny shards of metal, which is delightful as you can imagine.

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Autonet insurance,


I took a policy out with them a few weeks ago, they emailed a week or so ago asking for proof of no claims so I forwarded the cancellation email from my previous insurer which contained my policy number, proof of no claims and proof of zero claims. Sorted.


Today they sent me notice of cancellation claiming non receipt of proof of no claims. I've forwarded the previous correspondence with a sarcastic/annoyed addition at the top, and seeing as their main office is just around the corner i'll be popping in and I WILL NOT LEAVE until I get SATISFACTION.


Why are all insurers such complete twats? 

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Warning. Old twat alert.

When I first started driving my insurance was with the Co-op and they had an office in town, which you were welcome to pop into any ypu I liked. If I was changing cars or what ever I'd go in there and they'd write me out a new cover note making sure to tell me I had 2 weeks gratis on my old car should I need to sell it or whatever. That's my only good experience of car insurance the rest have been complete twats.

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autonet are complete fuckers apparently according to a lad i know who worked on sales there, inter department communication is toss and it seems as if 80% of the workforce are muppets incapable of doing their job properly

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I should say the only reason it stopped was because it spin-wrapped three layers of clothing up before I switched it off lol!

I've cut my knuckles numerous times and have a scar on most of them.

I'll get a photo of the clothing, which has a six inch hole in!!

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So there I am, eating my roast pork belly and spuds, I just finish, lifted my legs up and the poxy bottom of my recliner sofa pops open and launches my table across the living room. Fuck!


Gravy, runner beans and Pepsi everywhere!

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Uh oh, Trig - if my post from earlier in the thread was right, things are about to get serious in here.


I bloody hate it when someone reports a death on here or whatever and then loads of people who don't even know the 'announcer' and who certainly have absolutely no idea who the deceased is all chip in with their e-condolances, its flipping ridiculous.

It's only a problem when I come in to whine about knocking my Pepsi onto the carpet and find the person before me just lost their entire family when their house collapsed down a disused mineshaft.
"If only I'd taken the other route home" "What if I'd left earlier?" "I could have done... something"
But there's no good taunting yourself with ifs and buts, it's too late to post about spilling Pepsi on the carpet.
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It's a committed man who, when faced with such carpet-related impending doom, pauses to capture the occasion for his chums on a tatty old car forum rather than proceeding with the more usual running about waving a can of spewing pop everywhere, thus increasing the magnitude of the clean up.

I salute you Sir. :)

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I've had sparks fished out of my eye twice, both despite wearing goggles. The last I had to go to 3 different hospitals, seemingly for everyone to have a practice on. I was getting worried that they wouldn't be able to pull it out! It was most disconcerting (and difficult not to flinch!) when you can see your vision distorting as they poke around for the shard, yet not being able to feel a thing due to the aneasthetic drops.


I had a lucky escape when I was grinding in a confined space once, with the grinder not too far from my face. The disc jammed and fired the grinder into my mouth - the 'lucky' part was that I ate the gearbox rather than the spinning disc, and the only damage was a fat lip and a chipped tooth...

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