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The grumpy thread


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^^ Get down the docs, likely time for a prostate time.


My grump:

Just seen a tv advert for Chris Moyles X Radio show. Cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt etc

Last time doc had a finger up my arse after a bike accident I had nurses laughing by asking if that was all and do i get his number. I was on morphine though so that's my excuse
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Started need toilet a lot lately. Always bloody pissing. Like a tap and it's getting annoying

it can be one of the first symptoms of diabetes, get to the docs and get checked.

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Shetland, ugh no, far too cold. The Isle of Wight is reasonably close to civilisation, and the climate means it's rammed with old cars. I'll go to live there when I retire, please!

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^^ Get down the docs, likely time for a prostate time.


My grump:

Just seen a tv advert for Chris Moyles X Radio show. Cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt etc


Not a fan then?

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I think I will. Been 9 times today. Not good.


I'm the same bub. probably age related mate.

Colder weather kicking in doesn't help.

The way I look at it is I'm being continually flushed through.

As long as you're putting back what you're pissing out, and no, I don't mean drink your piss  :shock:

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Age related? Could be but then again I'm knackered already! Hearing aids,disability and depression now also pissing like a factory lass. Thing is I'm 28......


Oh, that is quite young....


I think I'd rather pee too much than not enough. At least it proves you're well hydrated.

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Bbc constantly spamming shit Strictly Come Dancing etc on radio, and every other medium under their control. Even 80's show on Saturday night on r2 had a good review of it. Currently One Show is dedicating the entire show to it.

Are all presenters being threatened to cover it? Fuck you BBC.

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Bbc constantly spamming shit Strictly Come Dancing etc on radio, and every other medium under their control. Even 80's show on Saturday night on r2 had a good review of it.

Are all presenters being threatened to cover it?


Chris Evans wasn't this morning, he was too busy spending 15 minutes plugging the return of Channel 4's TGI Friday.


EDIT: (I only listened for 15 minutes)

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Tory MP Nigel Evans complaining about the way Greater Manchester Police handled the tory party conference.


Some advice - don't have your conference in a city that has been subjected to some of the most brutal cuts this government has dished out. You wanted to rub people noses in it - plain and simple.


Dont blame a police force that has lost 1500 staff due to cuts - we know the home secretary wants things to fall on their arse so she can get private companies to run it.


Do us all a favour and piss off back to London.

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My knees, my back,my shoulders, mutter grumble etc


Spent Saturday laying turf at home and killed my knees, this afternoon I had to take a turbo off a merc vito, but being a v6 the turbo is in the V under the scuttle and I've been reaching in and kneeling and perching myself in the engine bay.

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My car is still not ready. I went up and saw it and it looks great but there's still a bit on the tops of the front wings they they haven't done and the parking sensors are no where to be seen.


Promised for tomorrow night. Better be as it's off to the dealers for a service on Wednesday!


But disappointed with them to be honest, the paint and prep is terrific, but, the fact they have missed the tops of the wings completely is worrying. It seems that my mate Mike, likes a good smoke and is renowned for his near terminal unreliability. Rich is the exact opposite but actually works all day then all evening on private work, while Mike is supposed to be there doing the private stuff so it can be finished when Rich is free. It doesn't work like that....


Mike was supposed to be there all day today working on my car, he turned up (according to Rich) just before 5:00! No wonder it's not ready.

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No work today due to weather.

Im sitting here reading Autoshite and a few other forums, looking at weird porn and eating dangerous amounts of crisps.


Phone rings.

Ignore it. Almost certainly some telesales bullshit.

doesnt leave a message.

5 minutes pass.

phone rings.


repeat for the past fucking half an hour.


I answer it. Background call centre noises, the guy starts his script and I interrupt and tear him and his company a new one.

He sounds genuinely miserable. Says his job makes him call the same numbers repeatedly until someone answers.

Now I feel like a dick.

Tell him he should get a new job. He says he cant find another and will now get into trouble for going off-script.


Sucks to be him.

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Like many of us, I'm at the age now where I'm going to more and more funerals, but they've been for older generations and usually not entirely unexpected.  Today, though, I said goodbye to a great colleague and friend who was only a few years older than me.  As a wise old Welsh sheep farmer once said to a friend of the Owd Giffer's: "they're taking them from our pen now."


It's hit me harder than I thought.

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Yes, they do seem to be "taking them from our pen now"


I lost my mum last year, two of my friends have lost their mums in the intervening twelve months, it seems that the black tie is in fairly regular use.  The worst of all was my friend lost her daughter, that's when it really starts to sink in.

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So very true chaps, we've had three deaths of staff and students at my small university this year. The latest happened just this weekend, she was a young and well-loved student with her whole life ahead of her and the whole uni is in shock. Sad times.

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Just to add to this, my mum lost her battle with cancer today. I am so numb with shock and I don't really know what to do with myself. I've been given the rest of the week off work so I will be helping dad and my sister with sorting through mums things.

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Virtual hug to you & yours GGS...I lost my Dad in January and remember that numb feeling all too well. Stay strong, look after those that are finding it hardest and cry if you need to. It does get better.

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