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The grumpy thread


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Just reading the sub-heading on that news story made my brain hurt. Journalism has a bad name because journalists these seem to come up with trumped up horseshit like that. OMG. MILLIONS OF INSECTS COULD DIE SAY HORRIFIED BUDDHISTS.

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It's because people really do buy into this sort of shit. The same folk who get suckered into sharing "You won't believe what she did!" or "OMG this is amazeballs level twenty!" videos on Facebook. 


Speaking of which, BritainFirst are sharing some right dodgy old crap on there, and people keep sharing it!! Bullshit stories about starved dogs and 'remember them' stuff about the war. I do remember them. I don't need to promote hate-mongering racists to prove it.

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Worse than all that times by several million is that that fucking Big Brother shit is back on telly. I'm sat here with my headphones on listening to The Clash on Youtube as my missus watches that shit, and I harbour desires to gas every single fucking wanker who's ever appeared on that God awful programme.

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Speaking of which, BritainFirst are sharing some right dodgy old crap on there, and people keep sharing it!! Bullshit stories about starved dogs and 'remember them' stuff about the war. I do remember them. I don't need to promote hate-mongering racists to prove it.

Reported to the Electoral Commission by the same guy who managed to really piss off UKIP a couple weeks ago as well: http://anotherangryvoice.blogspot.co.uk/2014/06/open-letter-electoral-commission.html

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I see people are banging on about being old on the postcard thread. If you want to feel old, see this.



The beginning of the 2nd world war was nearer my birth date than today. As a larger insult, it has actually picked the end of the Spanish civil was which was before that just to rub it in.

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I see people are banging on about being old on the postcard thread. If you want to feel old, see this.




The beginning of the 2nd world war was nearer my birth date than today. As a larger insult, it has actually picked the end of the Spanish civil was which was before that just to rub it in.



SECOND world war? [/derisive snort....]



First World War starts with Austro-Hungary invading Serbia

Nearer to your birth date than today!



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I see people are banging on about being old on the postcard thread. If you want to feel old, see this.




The beginning of the 2nd world war was nearer my birth date than today. As a larger insult, it has actually picked the end of the Spanish civil was which was before that just to rub it in.



November 18th, 1928:

Mickey Mouse officially debuts in the short film Steamboat Willie

Nearer to your birth date than today!



Not happy.

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Yes, thanks for that, Bob.

I have just learned from that site that the Berlin Wall fell 8975 days ago, 8735 days after I was born...



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November 14th, 1941:

The aircraft carrier Ark Royal is sunk after being torpedoed

Nearer to your birth date than today! - does this mean i am not down with the kids anymore?

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August 12th, 1951:
The Catcher in the Rye is first published by J. D. Salinger
Nearer to your birth date than today!
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I do believe I spoke too soon.  On trying to get this house move sorted I'm looking at all sorts of financial aid for those on low income and while my business is generating some of what I need there's likely to be a rather large shortfall by the date I need to move by.  Family and friends can't help as they're all in much the same situation.


Derbyshire Discretionary Fund - would love to help me, they really would, but I earn too much money and I'm not in a dire enough situation to be helped.  Also, because I'm leaving Derbyshire I wouldn't be under their jurisdiction so they can't help.


Credit Union - Need me to put money away with them for 8 weeks, which is fair enough, but that puts me into September.  Also, they can't help me because I'll be leaving Derbyshire and they can only help those living within Derbyshire.


Bank - Minimum loan is £2,000.  I need £500 at the absolute most.  I can't take out a loan of £2,000 because I don't earn enough and am too high risk as a self employed individual.  I also can't take out a £2,000 loan, instantly pay them back £1,500 and then pay the other £500 with a sensible payment plan because apparently things don't work like that.


Wonga et al - No.  Just no.


I'm sure there must be something to help out.  Problem is while I live here Dad needs care which I can provide but not enough of.  I can either look after Dad and the house full time or work full time to earn the money to move out but not both.  My brother and his family can care for Dad and the house full time once they move in but they can only do that once I move out.  It's a big pile of Catch 22s.


Of course, the one uncomfortable suggestion is to bundle all the car stuff up and scrap the lot, Xantia and Princess.  The benefit is quick cash, but there's not enough of it to cover all the costs I need to cover and I'll incur additional costs since I'll then have to hire a van, I'll have no choice in the matter.  I don't have the time to sell them, nor to put up with mouthbreathers from the internet.  The goal was to use the Xantia to move with and then transfer it over to the garage who can then use it as a works vehicle and thus remove the financial burden from me while also saving the garage the hassle of purchasing a similar vehicle.  I'd then have the Princess for my own personal tootling near and far which as I know from experience is pretty cheap motoring and makes me happy.


If anyone has any suggestions of how to solve this I'd be happy to hear it.  I have no jewellery or anything like that I can pawn, I really have very little of anything at all left, the last couple of years have sucked everything of financial worth out of me.  I'm still working, out of necessity more than anything else, and while that is chugging along okay it's unlikely to generate the sort of funds I need to in the short timescale I've got.

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Someone is raffling off a merc here in another thread for £25 per ticket. I was debating on whether to buy in or not.


I mean no offence to him, but I would rather send the £25 to you.  Call it a gift, call it a donation....call it a down payment for some future art commission..... Maybe others here will feel similarly.


Let me know.

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So... if I were to theoretically do some sort of art auction raffle thing would that work for people?  ie:  we do it like the Volvo auction recently but you don't have to worry about whether or not your breakdown cover is valid or getting punted in the nuts by your significant other.

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'Why have we got no money left this month?'


Oh yeah, sorry love, I paid £25 for a ticket to win a drawing of a Citroen BX next to a date stamp council garage


'WTF? Where's the bleeding picture then?'


Err, I didn't win. Someone in Glasgow got 'Volvos in the snow'


(Sound of rolling pin, ironing board kitchen sink hitting head)



Yep, that's definitely going to work!

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August 12th, 1951:

The Catcher in the Rye is first published by J. D. SalingerNearer to your birth date than today!

I hated that book. Holden Caulfied was a knob.

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Got dragged out of bed 'cos idiot sister claims an AA van reversed into her, said it was her fault n buggered off without exchange of details. Had an hour of screechy women moaning at me and not listening to a single thing I've said.

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Apparently Henry Ford starting the first production line is nearer to my birthdate than today .

On the positive side I'm better off than the 7.5% born on my birthdate that have popped their clogs.

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Had an hour of screechy women moaning at me and not listening to a single thing I've said.


I've had 31 years of it.

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Vulgs, I'll happily front you for the commission we discussed, and you can get to it when you can?


This works.  I'll PM you, I have an idea.

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Britain First. I'm actually sickened that a bunch of racist right-wingers can hijack something like D-Day. The Second World War was about defeating fascism, and extreme right-wing views. Britain First are the type of people our ancestors fought AGAINST.


Also, they share absolute bullshit on Facebook that unwilling people them share. Complete fabrications based on a sensationalist style seen in the Daily Mail (not sure how they get away with it) designed to make people angry without actually checking any facts.


On top of that, Fracking. That really does expose the corrupt manner in which government works. Hey, if it makes money, who cares about the damage it does to people and the land we live on?


I want to crawl into a cave and hide from the world. I don't like it anymore!

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Lived in this grotty flat for ten months now, made friends with neighbours pretty quickly and know several quite well now. My mate Phill two doors up has had a torrid time in the last two years: had prostate cancer and had to have a radical prostatectomy (the lot out!) and promptly had a MASSIVE stroke on th eoperating table! When I first met him, you could really tell as he walked badly and spoke worse, he's worked REALLY hard to get back his fitness - runs (slowly) three miles a day, is clear to drive again and speaks pretty much fine.




Saw him today and he told me he now has secondary cancers. No operation possible, radiotherapy only. He reckons he's got until 2017 as they are quite slow growing. What an absolute bugger. Really feelfor the bloke, he's a great chap and thoroughly decent all the way.


Puts my shite in perspective.

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