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The grumpy thread


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Micky taking (and unintended patronising aside) I take my hat off to you ladies giving birth. That sort of slightly flustered, stiff upper lip look is something no bloke could ever manage in that situation I reckon. I'd also challenge anyone to find a better sight than mother and baby together for the very first time, quite surreal.

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Setting fire to your hand. That smarts... A lot.... Even with morphine. Especially when you watched the skin on back of the hand peel off.


Pure agony for weeks. Like your hand was still on fire in the depths of hel. words don't come close...

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Micky taking (and unintended patronising aside) I take my hat off to you ladies giving birth. That sort of slightly flustered, stiff upper lip look is something no bloke could ever manage in that situation I reckon. I'd also challenge anyone to find a better sight than mother and baby together for the very first time, quite surreal.

I think that is probably what makes the difference actually, you know that once its started getting uncomfortable, the end is near and something amazing will happen. I guess with other stuff you just don't know when it'll stop.


The first time round I was in shock I think and just held her silently but second time round the whole thing was amazing, it was sort of like watching myself do it and afterwards it was ELECTRIC. I didn't sleep for two days after he was born.


I'd do it again and again!


I do appreciate how lucky I have been with straightforward pregnancies and births though, of course.

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...going to the toilet the first time after giving birth though is a totally different story altogether mind you...

I am reminded unwillingly of my first post-cystoscopy slash, some years ago. The pain - and the blood - was somewhat uncomfortable...

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Paper cuts are ridiculously painful for what they are. Going the other way, the Volvo's bonnet blew shut on my hand yesterday and it was surprisingly pain free.

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What do I win?

(pic removed, it's just up there ^). A lemon.


DVT, still. Yeah, I know it takes a LONG time to completely go away, I would have hoped that the rat poison injections would have started to reduce the excruciatingly painful swelling by now though.

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Have one with someone else, that'll learn her.

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The most painful thing I've experienced by far was in January last year when I woke up from a general anesthetic after having had keyhole surgery on my shoulder to re-attach the ligaments to the humerus bone in my arm, only to find that the nerve block that they put in place pre-op hadn't worked at all. So there was nothing to to numb the pain of them having shoved biro sized implements deep into my shoulder several times and wiggled them around a bit nor the couple of holes they drilled in my humerus. It was an almost surreal experience and one I hope to never repeat.

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First world grump but four days after depositing a cheque into working account:


Ledger balance £1040

Available balance £114



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Fucking HELL.


So I had an accident in the Citroen a while back, detailed earlier in this thread. The other guys insurance is taking care of it and its being repaired at a Citroen main dealer. As a side note, this garage is a town 45 minutes drive on some shitty narrow, twisty mountain roads from here.


They left a message on Friday saying it was ready to be collected. I had other stuff to do this weekend so left it until today. I got a lift down to town, walked in to collect it to be told that it wont start. They allegedly tried to contact me (no messages on my phone) to tell me this.


The smug fuck had a big shit-eating "what you gonna do about it?" expression on his face as he told me. They dont know why it wont start - maybe corroded battery earth strap, maybe a fried ECU. The guy pointed vaguely under the bonnet to the battery wiring. If I want them to investigate, that will cost me a minimum of 160 euros for a diagnostic and if its the ecu, then 700+.


I dropped off a slightly bashed car that worked perfectly and now it wont start - seemingly this is not in any way their fault at all and they take zero responsibility.


I was so bloody angry that I never even looked at the repairs they have done.


So now what? I really dont know.... I aint paying them a penny though, which leaves me having to trek down with a trailer and bring it home. What if the ECU really is kippered though? the act of bringing it home and trying to repair it myself will handily remove whatever trace of responsibility they may have had.


I had a very clear vision of biting the guys face off in the middle of the showroom. fucking robbing bastards.



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Gall stones.

 or kidney stones


the old man says like passing a beach ball crossed with a hedgehog :\ (the largest one was less than inch)


id laugh but know what pain he was in

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Fucking HELL.


So I had an accident in the Citroen a while back, detailed earlier in this thread. The other guys insurance is taking care of it and its being repaired at a Citroen main dealer. As a side note, this garage is a town 45 minutes drive on some shitty narrow, twisty mountain roads from here.


They left a message on Friday saying it was ready to be collected. I had other stuff to do this weekend so left it until today. I got a lift down to town, walked in to collect it to be told that it wont start. They allegedly tried to contact me (no messages on my phone) to tell me this.


The smug fuck had a big shit-eating "what you gonna do about it?" expression on his face as he told me. They dont know why it wont start - maybe corroded battery earth strap, maybe a fried ECU. The guy pointed vaguely under the bonnet to the battery wiring. If I want them to investigate, that will cost me a minimum of 160 euros for a diagnostic and if its the ecu, then 700+.


I dropped off a slightly bashed car that worked perfectly and now it wont start - seemingly this is not in any way their fault at all and they take zero responsibility.


I was so bloody angry that I never even looked at the repairs they have done.


So now what? I really dont know.... I aint paying them a penny though, which leaves me having to trek down with a trailer and bring it home. What if the ECU really is kippered though? the act of bringing it home and trying to repair it myself will handily remove whatever trace of responsibility they may have had.


I had a very clear vision of biting the guys face off in the middle of the showroom. fucking robbing bastards.

Don't take the car away. Get straight on to the insurance company and go ballistic. It is twats like this that give the motor trade a bad name. How can it be your responsibility if it ran when it went in. How they have the front to try and charge you I don't know. Ask to speak to the manager hopefully there will be a few other punters around when you inform him of your displeasure. Take a firm and loud tone but try not to be rude. They don't like it when you accuse them of being robbing bastards infront of other customers. Also threaten trading standards and to contact Citroen uk about the poor example his dealership is setting. Good luck and don't take any bullshit.

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Interesting that they have not made even the remotest effort to diagnose the problem - if they thought there was some underlying issue that had 'reared its head' while the car was in their custody you would think they would make some attempt to demonstrate their non-culpability before asking you for some money to diagnose it. But is it is theres absolutely nothing to say they are not 100% responsible for fucking it up, like short-circuiting somesthing while they were repairing it or whatever. What a shower of twats. I would say leave the car with them, make sure its crystal clear that you are going to do absolutley nothing about it yourself, ask them what they are going to do to fix it, and have a think/speak to the insurance/take some advice in the meantime.

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I think that bit about contacting Citroen themselves could be an idea. Knowing your luck though, they'll put you through to whoever was responsible for the pre-painting of BX rear spoilers and he'll either be busy 'preparing' the paint for a DS3 by having a J. Arthur on a WD40 soaked rag, or pissed off round the back for seventeen Gauloises and a kip.

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I'd get onto your insurance company for sure. They don't want any come backs they just want it out of there and have a heavier stick to weild regarding holding back jobs and so on.

I recon it's pretty simple if it drove in there then should drive out. Okay cars do conk out like this but the likely hood is they've welded it with the battery connected or something and frazzled it.

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Double-crossed by my boss, again.  I'm sure I posted the story of my birthday; since then (indeed since before then) I've been decorating, fixing and generally prepping the flat above one of our shops so it can be rented out.  I didn't mind, it was all on work time and I could do it undisturbed at more or less any speed I liked.  The major consideration was, it got me out of washing the bread trays and cleaning the bakery floor, fortnightly jobs that I alternate, so it's an afternoon every week.  The detergent we use for the trays bothers the skin on my hands, because they are immersed in it during the process.  It's painful but I have cream, so it doesn't last too long.  All the stuff I have to move around to do the floor is a bigger pain, because it's heavy and I'm on painkillers for two days afterwards, every time.  As I understood it, the decorating was a trade-off for these jobs.  Today it seems that when there's someone on holiday - anyone - these will fall to me, as my substitute will be subbing for whoever's off.  This week (tray week) nobody's off, but for the next five weeks, there is one or other he will have to fill in for.  Five weeks of floor or trays that I will have to do. Fucking marvellous.  A new Transit is NOT appropriate compensation.


And on Sunday I pulled a muscle in my back, kneeling on the floor sorting my car mags.  I'm on the tablets, but they're not quite strong enough to stand up to a workday.


All that said, though, I might not be doing all of those five weeks, there are irons in the fire.

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Fucking HELL.


So I had an accident in the Citroen a while back, detailed earlier in this thread. The other guys insurance is taking care of it and its being repaired at a Citroen main dealer. As a side note, this garage is a town 45 minutes drive on some shitty narrow, twisty mountain roads from here.


They left a message on Friday saying it was ready to be collected. I had other stuff to do this weekend so left it until today. I got a lift down to town, walked in to collect it to be told that it wont start. They allegedly tried to contact me (no messages on my phone) to tell me this.


The smug fuck had a big shit-eating "what you gonna do about it?" expression on his face as he told me. They dont know why it wont start - maybe corroded battery earth strap, maybe a fried ECU. The guy pointed vaguely under the bonnet to the battery wiring. If I want them to investigate, that will cost me a minimum of 160 euros for a diagnostic and if its the ecu, then 700+.


I dropped off a slightly bashed car that worked perfectly and now it wont start - seemingly this is not in any way their fault at all and they take zero responsibility.


I was so bloody angry that I never even looked at the repairs they have done.


So now what? I really dont know.... I aint paying them a penny though, which leaves me having to trek down with a trailer and bring it home. What if the ECU really is kippered though? the act of bringing it home and trying to repair it myself will handily remove whatever trace of responsibility they may have had.


I had a very clear vision of biting the guys face off in the middle of the showroom. fucking robbing bastards.



Any welding involved? Use of a 'weld on' dent puller? Might not have disconnected battery, newer stuff can be a bit fragile with high inputs from a welder.

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Fucking HELL......Citroen main dealer. As a side note, this garage is a town 45 minutes drive on some shitty narrow, twisty mountain roads from here...... The smug fuck had a big shit-eating "what you gonna do about it?" expression on his face as he told me. They dont know why it wont start - maybe corroded battery earth strap, maybe a fried ECU. The guy pointed vaguely under the bonnet to the battery wiring. If I want them to investigate, that will cost me a minimum of 160 euros for a diagnostic and if its the ecu, then 700+

Doesn't surprise me. This is France, they don't like taking responsibility for anything and enjoy telling you this whilst wearing thier smug "not my problem/what you gonna do about it" looks on thier faces. They clearly have done something to your car, possibly by accident and have decided that it isn't thier problem.


Has the bash on your car been repaired? I'd basically get your insurance involved but I don't know how helpful/unhelpful French insurance companies might be but of course you will have to tell them that something has been done to your car by the Citroen garage whilst under thier care. It is up to the garage to get it sorted and foot the bill.


I wouldn't recommend removing your car from their premises until it can leave under it's own power as they may accuse you of tampering with the car whilst it was off thier premises and out of thier sight. Keep on at the insurance company and possibly contact Citroen HQ France about what has happened. I hate to say jt but they may be trying to pull the wool over your eyes being as you are British. I'm not accusing all French of being like this, just that there are chancers out there everywhere.

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In a posh hotel for a belated birthday thing, and in a posh restaurant therein. The wine list is excellent, but all five beers they sell are lagers. Just how fucking difficult is it to provide a half-decent bottle of bitter that can sit on a shelf for ages?

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I need a new bloody job.


Had just about enough of whining bastards who, when things don't go their way (or, as today, expect me to be at a meeting they haven't told me about...), they whack in a complaint.


F@ck 'em.

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Don't forget, you work for yourself now. 'They' only pay you money to do things. If you don't like them anymore, find other people willing to pay you to do things. (Yeah, I know not that simple but the theory goes...)

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This is the contract with my 'previous employer'. But you're right - time to move on, spread wings, etc.


You still up for autojumbling? :-)

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Thank you for the advice, folks.


I am going to see somebody with some kind of authority at the dealership tomorrow. 


I called the insurers, they dont give a rats ass either - they are only worried about whether the accident repair has been done or not. Apparently anything else is between me and the garage - They want me to speak to the garage and see whats what after that.


Sadly, the words "Customer Service" just dont exist here. Nobody gives a fuck about anything, whether its the dude stacking the supermarket shelves, the girl flipping your bigmac on the grill or the guys in a garage....nobody really takes any interest in their job. I am in danger of going off on a right old whinge here, but its due in large part to employment laws. Its really, and I mean REALLY hard to fire an employee here, assuming they have a permanent contract. (ask me how I know, if you want the long and boring story) therefor everyone just coasts along doing the minimum they can get away with, safe in the knowledge that they are untouchable and sub-par service is acceptable because nobody gives a shit. Sadly, a hell of a lot of French people just go along with this..."thats just the way it is". 

If I tell people about good service I have had in UK....Argos no quibble returns, Makro taking my old CRT telly back and exchanging it despite it being well out of warranty, no questions asked, Tesco just refunding errors on the spot or replacing faulty items...the French just straight up dont believe me...its fairy tale stuff to them as they are so used to being screwed over and trodden upon.


blah blah blah...the grass is always greener etc......

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