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Syria. All this talk of a possible invasion of Syria is causing a lot of discomfort to my existing worry as I have family over there as well as my possible Lady_Sterling in-waiting.


When the Iraq war kicked off I felt quite bad about it. But now I feel poorly thinking about the human suffering that all that caused. Back then, Iraq was just 'some other country' to me and the implications didn't hit. Now I feel differently. One of my closest friends was born in Baghdad. Moved here in the 80's. Have known him for six years and he is one of the nicest guys I have ever met. He is just like you and me! Surprise surprise.

Works for BT and pays his taxes. Guess the point I am trying to make here is that people are people, whether in Syria, Iraq, France, England, Scotland, Ireland or whatever. They hurt when bombed or shot. Just as we would!

Enough of this war mongering bollocks. Stop it now!

Rant over



America makes me ashamed to be a human being.



America/Americans is/are becoming the new 'modern cars' debate on here. They're not all bad, you know.


America/Americans is/are becoming the new 'modern cars' debate on here. They're not all bad, you know.


A lot of them are thick and shallow but then so are a lot of British people. What annoys me most about Americans is they think they have the best most free and equal country in the world, which they don't.


Actually I probably should stay out of this debate.

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After Iraq, I can't really believe that chemical weapons were used against Syrian people by the government, just because our media/government tells us so. It could also be argued that even if chemical weapons were used, it was in rsponse to an uprising sponsored by the West. If you don't want a lion to attack you, don't poke it with a bloody stick.

I don't wish to involve myself in a debate about Syria as it hurts enough as it is. But I would like to clear up a few small points.


My father is Syrian, therefore I am part Syrian myself, hence my (real) name. I have been many times to Syria, although it was a fairly peaceful (and wonderful) place to be, there was always the feeling of fear/treat from the government. The people in Syria watched the 'Arab Spring' uprisings and decided that it was time was to stand up and protest, peacefully against Bashar al-Assad and make thier voices and opinions heard. Assad did not like this and sent his army and thugs to disperse the people and cause mayhem, then the police would single out the ring leaders and torture them into submission. Assad is like every other dictator, your either with him or against him, if you are against him, you won't be around for long....


The people though refused to back down and continued to protest, peacefully, against Assad and his goverment asking him to step down. More and more people (including my cousin) were tortured by the Police. So, this is how the "rebels" were created. The rebels are made up of (mostly) normal young men who feel passionately to fight against Assads oppression and Army desserters who did not wish to carry out Assads orders.


Let me make it clear that there no Muslim extremists within the rebel groups/opposition there are no factions (sunni/shia'a) are fighting against each other, these people are not welcome in Syria by the rebels, opposition groups or government. This bloodshed doesn't discriminate by religion, sector or politics. Everyone is involved in it and everyone has been affected by it.


I don't think there's talk of an invasion or occupation of Syria is there? Just a few cruise missiles to piss them off a bit.


I don't think they'll do a ground war, at least at first. But I think we can expect a lot of missiles from both sides.

Syria is fairly well tooled up being so closed to Israel. The worry is if Israel see this as a chance to nick more territory from Syria or wherever else they fancy.


I also doubt there will be a ground war. We simply cannot respond in such a manner at this point. No doubt Israel will stick it's snout in at some point, then it will get stupid(er).


Sorry I meant *most Gouvernments especially the US and UK at the minute* I guess peace is unattainable so long as us humans are here and then even other animals eat eachother


I am officially having a shit day. left my house this morning in kinross off to pick up Ruffgeezers xantia. Get to edinburgh after spending £10 on a bus ticket and then I can't find my wallet. I seem to have lost it between house and edinburgh, to add to the woes my train tickets can only be collected with the now missing card. Bugger.


New ticket would be £160 so that is out. Mission aborted until next week. Luckily I had car money seperately so didn't lose that and could dip into it to get bus back.


All this whilst carrying a flywheel and clutch in my bag. Oh and my mp3 player died on the way home.


Overall my trip today cost me £100 in different things... buggeration :(


Sorry to hear about your woes Moog, and I'm now feeling guilty about you having to lug that flywheel/clutch around.

Unfortunately my trip to Scotland got cancelled so I can't offer you a lift South to Mr. Ruffgeezer either :(


Its not a problem as long as I got the train :rolleyes:


That Big Brother bollocks is back on telly. I fucking abhor the whole shower of shit, and the pointless, 'CH4 box ticking' type of absolute wankers they have on it.

Celebrity or non celebrity, they're just hateful, attention seeking fucking gobshites and I wish they'd all fuck off and never come back.


Right, I'm going upstairs now and leaving my missus to watch this fucking shit alone.


What increasingly pisses me off is people applying the attribute "Vintage" to something made in 1998 or so. This is becoming rather widespread among pushbikeshite Ebay mongs that aren't simultaneously autoshiters (what a bloody dismal lifeform that must be I don't even fuggin want to imagine).


FFS, something made in the 90s isn't vintage! It's fuggin newfangled shit, for chrissakes! 1998 was last year. Knobheads.

  • Like 2

Vintage Ben Sherman polo shirt. From Littlewoods catalogue 2009. only worn a couple of times. Non smoker, pet free house. 75£.




Two hours late out of work, went to collect 406 from MOT and it wants sills welding and some other stuff, fairly cheap to be fair. That's that fucked then. But just to rub salt in, got home opened a letter from those cunty wankers DVLA and I've been robbed of £115 on top of the £100 clamping fee for no road tax.


I cannot begin to describe how pissed off I am now, I just don't need (nor be able to afford) this right now. That's it, the fucking thing's getting weighed in and it can't come soon enough.


Wouldn't fit into either of 'em, Baz...




One size fits all.


Iphone posts seem to be doubling up for some reason?


Job done, scrap man coming next week.


Well, they need someone to pay for the pulverising of women and children in Syria.

Looks like they found you.

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 I've been robbed of £115 on top of the £100 clamping fee for no road tax.

What's the £115 for?


I've actually been taken to court a couple of times by the DVLA for no road tax, and won.  Both times they were on council property, and both times it turned out that where they were sat didn't count as highway for VED purposes.  To be fair, I've been taken to court and lost a couple of times too. :roll:


I am officially having a shit day. left my house this morning in kinross off to pick up Ruffgeezers xantia. Get to edinburgh after spending £10 on a bus ticket and then I can't find my wallet. I seem to have lost it between house and edinburgh, to add to the woes my train tickets can only be collected with the now missing card. Bugger.


New ticket would be £160 so that is out. Mission aborted until next week. Luckily I had car money seperately so didn't lose that and could dip into it to get bus back.


All this whilst carrying a flywheel and clutch in my bag. Oh and my mp3 player died on the way home.


Overall my trip today cost me £100 in different things... buggeration :(



Probably not what you want to hear now but you could have run the train company and had them arrange an any card collect for your tickets


What's the £115 for?


I've actually been taken to court a couple of times by the DVLA for no road tax, and won.  Both times they were on council property, and both times it turned out that where they were sat didn't count as highway for VED purposes.  To be fair, I've been taken to court and lost a couple of times too. :roll:


'We 'have received an offence report alleging tHat the-above-vehicle

REAR OF XXX ROAD XXX being used/kept whilst unlioensed1• Even if the vehicle has been

licensed since this date, the offence still stands.

This relates to a section 29 offence of using keeping a vehicle 1 and is separate to the fees paid to the

Agency's wheel-clamping contractors who clamped/impounded the vehicle2.

As our latest information shows that you were the vehicle's keeper on that date; we now request that

take action on either A or B below.

A) If you were the keeper on the date of alleged offence an out of court settlement of £115.003 is

required to avoid court action. You must also complete Part 1.and Part 4 overleat4• Please make

cheque or postal order payable to 'DVLA' and return with this letter in the enclosed envelope to the abo

address by 13/09/2013. Instalments are not acceptable. If you wish to pay by debit / credit card please

contact the above number. If we do not receive payment for this aIleged offence, the Agency will take co

action against you;

B) It you were not the keeper at the time of aIleged offence, please complete Part 2 and Part 4

overleaf and return this letter in the enclosed envelope to the above address by 13/0912013. Failure to

provide this information is an offence". A court may impose a maximum fine of £1000 if you do not supply

the information requested.

This offer does not affect any separate penalty the police or courts may have imposed for any other

 offence. If your vehicle is still unlicensed and being used / kept, you must relicense it immediately....'


Sorry for the almost babelfish translation, my scanner is being a bit toss.


Can't you just scrap it and say you never owned it? 


..Or that David Cameron owns it..


Jimmy Savile


Lake View Court



West Yorkshire



See if that were me, I'd hold off settling and see what happens.  In my experience (and I've had more than a few requests for payment from the DVLA over the years for a variety of alleged transgressions), more often than not they won't bother to take you to court, they'll just turn the "debt" over to one of their dodgy debt collection firms who will then send you annoying letters but not really do anything substantial. 


How long had the car been untaxed for?  If DVLA takes you to court, the only money that they get if you're found guilty is the back duty.  If the car had only been off the road for a month or so, the back duty is only going to £18.75, so probably not worth the hassle for them to proceed with court action.  If it's been untaxed for years, they might be more inclined to take things further.


Also worth checking with your council over the exact status of that piece of land.  DVLA has this mentality that they're infallible and their opinions cannot be contested, but that's bollocks - I twiced used evidence from Norwich City Council to make them look like twats in a courtroom.


E&OE, IANAL, sold as seen no guarantee given or implied, etc. etc. etc..

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In other grump-related news - Rolf Harris.  If it's true, I'm completely disillusioned.  If it isn't, I'm pissed off that one of my favourite entertainers from my childhood has had his reputation ruined by the Savile-induced gravy-train-jumping mania.  It's a lose-lose situation.


In other grump-related news - Rolf Harris.  If it's true, I'm completely disillusioned.  If it isn't, I'm pissed off that one of my favourite entertainers from my childhood has had his reputation ruined by the Savile-induced gravy-train-jumping mania.  It's a lose-lose situation.


oh, I think its true all right


yet another celeb led around by the bollocks


according to a certain scottish author (who based one of her characters on savile after meeting him) theres also a senior tory whos 'rumoured' but unlikely to be named until after his death. (Ted 'young-boys-on-his-yacht-supplied-by-savile-from-jersey-care-home' Heath is already dead)


Probably not what you want to hear now but you could have run the train company and had them arrange an any card collect for your tickets


Sadly all my cards were in my wallet so had no id or way to get cash out 

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