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The grumpy thread


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As Len says, you've been charged labour twice on some things.....and what kind of ironmonger charges that amount of labour?? Is it an Audi dealership on the side?


£2's worth of oil

£2 spark plug

£3 Air Filter

5 minutes labour to sharpen blades and 1/2 hour max for the oil/filter/plug.


I know you are probably pissed off enough already but if it's a Briggs & Stratton engine they go for years with minimal maintenence. Changing the oil & plug is a 5 minute job. The air filters are washable and you can sharpen the blades with most knife sharpeners.

I'd be on the phone to query that bill, especially the labour. As already said, you could have bought a new one for that and a mower service should really be a 'fixed price' type thing for £50 total.

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Try plentyoffish instead - you just sign up and write some words about yourself. None of this computer matching rubbish.

I'm ugly, skint and depressed and even I got a couple of shags out of that site. Warning: one of them got a bit clingy (she was fatter, skinter and more depressed).



I am on there as well (with a different username), sent messages before but never had a reply. I wouldn't say I have the look of Daniel Craig but I'm hardly Joseph Merrick either although I do hate having my picture taken. Hence I have 3 photos up which I think look rubbish

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Once you take into account transport, minimum labour charges for a time-served, skilled mechanic and main dealer parts mark-up it seems very reasonable.


However it was a lawnmower service at an ironmongers!

Yes, you are a twat.

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Guest Leonard Hatred
Try plentyoffish instead - you just sign up and write some words about yourself. None of this computer matching rubbish.

I'm ugly, skint and depressed and even I got a couple of shags out of that site. Warning: one of them got a bit clingy (she was fatter, skinter and more depressed).



I am on there as well (with a different username), sent messages before but never had a reply. I wouldn't say I have the look of Daniel Craig but I'm hardly Joseph Merrick either although I do hate having my picture taken. Hence I have 3 photos up which I think look rubbish



Plentyoffish seems pretty grim.


I can be your sweetest dream and your worst nightmare,the way you see me - it's your choice!


i am looking 2 meet new people and see wot happens i would like 2 settle down at some point but i am not in a hurry,i like all types of music mainly anythin thats in the charts


looking for a good laugh!!!


Im quite random at times which makes life more fun haha.



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I wouldn't say I have the look of Daniel Craig but I'm hardly Joseph Merrick either although I do hate having my picture taken. Hence I have 3 photos up which I think look rubbish


Why not get some better photos then?

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Yeah, I said I got a couple of shags out of PoF - not a lifelong commitment! The fat one was after something longer term but I bailed - I'm not actually adverse to a few curves, AND she was utterly utterly filthy in the good way, but she was also pigshit stupid and that I can't cope with.


I don't think I've even got a profile picture up there and I take it all with a grain of salt and take the piss a little too much but it seems to work. At the moment my profile is on hold, I'm hooked up with a hot blonde from work but that feels like it's unravelling so I might pop back on there soon.


It's all about confidence - my ex-housemate was a right cocky bastard and he was going to 3 or 4 birds houses a week, every week, all off that site. All about the mouth. Just remember that every woman on there is dealing with a dozen men or more at any time - my skinny, blonde, young friend has a profile and she is fending them off with a stick all thanks to one photo.


Failing that, try dogging.co.uk - it's the same sort of thing but without all the faux-niceness and getting-to-know-you.

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Don't listen to Norm, he's talking nonsense. I will teach you how to do this.


First of all check out your wardrobe and see what's in there, probably a load of Nafco 54 jackets and "popper" tracky bottoms. Chuck them in the bin, you need to look smart if you want to have any chance of success. The most important thing is having the right sort of shirt. By this I don't mean a George at Asda T-shirt with Oscar the Grouch on it. Think "smart" and keep going from there. Collared shirts are smart, but cotton isn't very smart. Silk is much smarter. And don't go for a plain one, you'll blend into the scenery, you want something along these lines.




It's all about fashion, heavily patterned silk shirts have a certain timeless appeal to them. They say "look at that guy - he's fashionable and trustworthy". One other point is to not neglect your shoes, birds are obsessed with them - they will judge you on them.




White loafers add a touch of class to any outfit, especially when paired with a matching white belt. Plastic ones are the best as you can remove the insoles and give them a good blast with the hose every so often. Keeping your smart clothes in good nick is important!


The next thing to remember is how you smell, if you reek of B.O. that's no good! The best trick is to experiment with a few different fragrances, find the best 5-6 and then apply them one after another. My "hot date" smell is a mixture of Blue Stratos, Brut 33, Old Spicy (it's off the market), Pina Colada bathroom air freshener and a dash of cheap whisky. Remember, you might get sweaty, so don't be tight with the amount used - the more the better.


Then it's just a matter of choosing a look that suits you best, I generally find driving around in a boxy 80s car with "Phil Collins - I Missed Again" blaring out at full volume with my arm on the windowframe and a big pair of aviators is the most successful, though you could also try leaning against a wall whilst smoking a roll-up or staring into the middle distance with a pensive expression. Don't smile - you want to be moody and mysterious, they like a bit of that.


Give it some time and then a hot bird will want to talk to you, then you just need to play it cool - try to mention about all your achievements as quickly as possible to keep them keen. Tell them some exciting stories which show you off as a bit wild and untamed - something along the lines of you setting fire to someone's house because they gave you some lip. Body language is important at this stage, try to cop a feel, it'll make them feel more wanted. Keep plying them with drinks until they don't really know what's going on anymore. After that, it's up to you - good luck.

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Stuck behind a brain donor in a corsa today for about 15 miles on the way home from Retford (Blyth road).


They would do 35mph in the national speed limit bits and then speed up to 45+ in the 30 limit built up areas. :evil:

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Hang on a minute, why has no one mentioned a Stanza yet?

Come, come, gentlemen - we all know the secret way to a woman's heart...




Oh yes... 8)

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I'm wondering if those that are married/with partners are roffling at Hirsts post and those who are currently single are thinking "Hmm, might be worth a go"

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I'm wondering if those that are married/with partners are thinking "Hmm, might be worth a go" and those who are currently single are roffling at Hirsts post"
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^I'm rofl'ing somewhat. Altho', I may pass on the falconer's glove trick to my 13 year old lad, who reckons he needs help with the girls. He's come to entirely the wrong person asking me... :lol:

Actually, I was rofl'ing about lunchtime, reading this on my phone, at work. Got some funny looks, 'cos we were watching Scrapheap Challenge at the time. And Dick Strawbridge isn't that funny.

I would have a grump about work, 'cos it was utterly abysmal, but you lot cheered me up somewhat.

Instead, I'm grumping on BP petrol stations. Well, two in particular: one near-ish me, and one in Grangemouth. They both do this thing, where once you've put the nozzle back in the holster and walked into the shop, the pump tacks a penny onto your purchase. SCAM-OLA! Time after time, and for comparison, almost never happens at the two Shell and one Tesco stations I usually use. Fuck off BP, yer scamming bastids.

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BP did fuck off from Grangemouth, there seems to be something in the air with 'big name' companies offloading British refineries :evil:


I've noticed that old penny trick a few times before though no recently locally. Perhaps pay cash (if possible) everytime with the exact money and hopefully the cheeky bastards will work out how much they're losing and give it a swerve in future.

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In mind of this penny extra scam, I've bugun putting in 1p short of a round number...it still comes out as 1p over, the shower.


They are generally the most expensive filling stations to start with.

Be interesting to hear what the Weights & Measures mob have to say about it although I'm sure BP will weasel their way out of it somehow.

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local bp station also used to do this, so i started to argue at the till that i didnt have the penny and they accepted that.


worked for me :D

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Refuse to pay the penny, I have before, then report them to Trading Standards anyway. :lol:


One I only use when I have to has a saucer by the till with pennies in it so guess they try it on when they can.

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The ones (Shell, Sainsburys) near me always ask for 10 quid (for example) when it's 10.01. The local Shell even has a tray with 1p's in if you go over.

I worked with someone whose job it was to check the pumps, and it means the pump is mechanism is over the threshold of 'becoming knackered'. If you're 10.009 and you put it in the holster, the vibration will knock it over onto 10.01, and as the machines are so uber-calibrated (for the sake of the consumer), the petrol station is actually causing an offence (lol).


Basically, the machine is needs to be checked/recalibrated and repaired by law.

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Back to plentymorefish, My work mate was going on about that site a few weeks back, He reckons his mate started using it and met up with some fat women on there and was shagging her within an hour of meeting her, My mate told me to sign up and try and find this girl put all i got was pages of spam emails but the naughty pond section makes for interesting viewing.


Apparently this bloke has now met another girl from the site who enjoys fists being put up her bottom, Classy.

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Funnily enough, I only ever stick a fiver in (I've been asked 'is that all?' by staff, to which the reply is 'well, it'll get me to where the petrol's cheaper...') at these places, so cash is what they get. Normally, the staff don't make a big deal out of it (how generous of them); but credit/debit card transactions don't give them a choice, as the info's uploaded from meter -> payment console, without being able to be changed. So if they pop a penny on every transaction, and harvest half of them; that's a bob or two over the course of a year. And apparently perfectly legit.

[nerd mode] I did study the BSI master documents for pez stations, during research for a project once. Once was enough, mind you; but the penny up scenario shouldn't be possible. Simply 'cos if there's any leakback in the pump, the meter unit shouldn't be reading up. If anything it should be reading down. [/nerd mode] Methinks Weights + Measures need to have a gander... 8)

Fight the powah!

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