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The Doctor's travels through time. Fin.


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Well, Tourer is gone. Loads of miles, loads of smiles and the longest I've owned a car for a while. It will be missed, but on to better things. 

Annoyingly I can't find the logbook, I'm sure I just had it! I always do this! 


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Having sold the Tourer last night (don't get me started on the missing logbook), this morning would of course be the perfect time for the Fenlander to play up wouldn't it? 

Started it and it fired up and cut out as I started to move away. Wouldn't restart. 

Had a bit of a look under the bonnet, pumped the fuel primer a few times - still nothing. Looked again, a few more pumps then noticed one of the pipes to/from the fuel filter was loose (I'd attempted a filter change the other day and I'd forgotten to reconnect the jubilee clip). Tightened this up and restarted the engine. It fired up and away we went. 

Now its always had a bit of a 'pulse' when tootling alone as low revs (say 50 in 5th), which although hardly noticeable, was still annoying. This is why I was changing the fuel filter (correct one due today). Now you can feel it almost all the time. 

Am I right in presuming it's likely to be air in the fuel system? If so, how does one bleed this? Am I better off finding an old school diesel mechanic to give it a look over? Would replacing all fuel pipes help? Should I just buy a Yaris? 


Typical isn't it, when you're down to one car.... 

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I've had that moment when selling cars where I discover the log book isn't in the binder of car stuff, despite every other scrap of paper ever for the car being there...

This is why I now have a spreadsheet on the computer (which is actually the maintenance log) which as soon as I get the V5C gets the document reference number noted down.  So given that's all you need to do a change of keeper through the online system in seconds not being able to find the original becomes less of a worry.

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30 minutes ago, Zelandeth said:

I've had that moment when selling cars where I discover the log book isn't in the binder of car stuff, despite every other scrap of paper ever for the car being there...

This is why I now have a spreadsheet on the computer (which is actually the maintenance log) which as soon as I get the V5C gets the document reference number noted down.  So given that's all you need to do a change of keeper through the online system in seconds not being able to find the original becomes less of a worry.

That's a good idea. 

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I remember from my XUD-owning days that there's a bleed nipple on the fuel pump. Put a bit of transparent tubing on there (ideally leading into a container) and pump the primer bulb until you get diesel with no bubbles coming out of the transparent tube. Then tighten up the bleed nipple again.

The suggestion earlier in the thread to crack the leak-off pipes off the injectors while the engine is running sounds a bit scary! Also difficult, considering how much an XUD rattles around on idle!

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I loosened this nut here, while it was running until fuel came out. I swear afterwards it drove smoother.


Then to shatter the illusion it gave a single cough under mild load pulling away from a junction about 20 minutes later. A fuel and air filter change is overdue, so I think I'll sort these first, then perhaps replace all the fuel pipes as they are looking a bit ropey. 


Here's some videos just because... 





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From the grumpy thread:


Good old DVLA. 

The reason I can't find the logbook for the Tourer is that they never issued one. Back in March I only received the green slip from the seller, so had to apply for a logbook as well as tax it at the post office. The application is still stuck in their backlog, due to C****19

So I have to write a letter to DVLA to confirm I've sold it, and the new owner has to apply for a new logbook using form V62.

Do they waive the fee?

Nope! Because 'I should not be selling a vehicle without paperwork'.

I could have applied for a replacement for me and then changed keeper when I received it, but apparently it would take 6-8 weeks at least.


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jubilee clips don't really do up round (and can let air in) whereas the ones Yohan shows above does

back in the "diesel car mag" days the problem page always had "where am i getting air in my fuel system?" queries were always given the hose clips as a starting point

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Why is nothing ever straight forward? Apparently Land Rovers have a smaller diameter beam than a Rover 218D. Had to put the old ones back on. 


Fitted shiny new wheel nuts, as you are supposed to have the proper ones for alloys aren't you? 





Also while down there I noticed my neighbour's Golf is one of the rarer 4 stud type... 


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Just to warn everyone - I'm going to lower the Fenlander. All reversable of course, but I know how it upsets some people. I just can't stand the arch gap! 

There was plenty chances to buy the car, so nobody on here has room to criticise or bemoan this. 

If by some chance you didn't see the for sale adverts, and feel it is your duty to 'save' this unloved and unwanted car from certain crayoning, drop me a line, but be quick! ??


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Well, I got as far as jacking it up and then decided there was more useful things to do. Like cleaning the engine bay. It doesn't look too bad, even if I say so myself. 




Still waiting for my 'not jubilee clips' to arrive so I can do the fuel pipes - will do that this weekend. 

Then I got carried away and did a few more of the plastic bits. It's not a bad looking car, even with its paintwork issues. 





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