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2 hours ago, Faker said:


I'm not trying to be a keyboard warrior or an arse.. But you did read the info posted? Where it clearly makes reference to breaches of corresponding Great Britain legislation...


I did read it and I'm not disputing its similar effect in this case.

What am having a dig at is NI has separate set of generally parallel legislation that isn't universally interchangeable with the rest of GB. (Same with Scotland & Wales on devolved matters). For instance, because of reasons, the 40 year MOT exemption isn't applicable (yet?) in NI and a vehicle still needs to be pre-1960.

Moving on from that, what is the practical penalty for those offences in NI? In GB, the similar s.75/76 of the Road Traffic Act 1988 translates to a Level 5 fine on the standard scale , but no penalty points. It'd probably be "easier" to go after defective tyres (s.41A). Only Level 4, but get the Bully bonus of penalty points.


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5 hours ago, Eddie Honda said:

What am having a dig at is NI has separate set of generally parallel legislation that isn't universally interchangeable with the rest of GB. (Same with Scotland & Wales on devolved matters). For instance, because of reasons, the 40 year MOT exemption isn't applicable (yet?) in NI and a vehicle still needs to be pre-1960.

Does that mean you can't drive a MOT exempt car registered in England and exempt under English/GB laws, that has no MOT, in NI?

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Yeah, so, right, what happened was, we couldn't get our cars back from the Nazis so right, we had to like use all that GFM money for like stuff.

*annoying music*


*terrible videography*

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^^^ AFAIK you can certainly drive a 40-yr MOT exempt car in NI if you're just visiting, but if the V5's registered to an NI address then it'll need to have a valid MOT to tax it.

This is, apparently, just one reason why NI drivers can't tax a new car online - you have to rock up to a designated Post Office and wave your MOT cert and insurance document before they'll permit you to hand over the necessary £££. Even though DVLA Swansea holds the details of the last MOT, and can check insurance status online.

(For more details of this nonsensical bureaucratic pain in the hoop, see the Datsuncog's Heaps thread c. last May.)

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I’ve got nowt against ride height adjustment, my daily is wound down pretty low. However, I’ve fitted wheels and tyres that never contact the body, even with 200l of veg oil in the back. I’ve always thought that air ride was a way to have wide wheels, good fitment, stance and all that shit, while retaining drivability on the road. So why the fuck has the 2 tone W124 been driven with the tyres and wheels rubbing on the body, when they had the option to avoid it when in motion? I know there’s a catalogue of errors here but I can’t get my head around that

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7 hours ago, Datsuncog said:

^^^ AFAIK you can certainly drive a 40-yr MOT exempt car in NI if you're just visiting, but if the V5's registered to an NI address then it'll need to have a valid MOT to tax it.

This is, apparently, just one reason why NI drivers can't tax a new car online - you have to rock up to a designated Post Office and wave your MOT cert and insurance document before they'll permit you to hand over the necessary £££. Even though DVLA Swansea holds the details of the last MOT, and can check insurance status online.

(For more details of this nonsensical bureaucratic pain in the hole, see the Datsuncog's Heaps thread c. last May.)

You can renew car tax for 40+ year old cars online with no mot in N.I using the dvla web page... however the legislation covering it hasn't been passed yet in N.I! So we can do it! But it's not legal. Neither are electrically assisted pedal cycles legal in N.I.  The authorities in N.I have been advised to excersize discretion 

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On ‎5‎/‎18‎/‎2019 at 2:26 PM, Andyrew said:

Although That crying dingleberry needs to man the fuck up and get his credit card out. If you can  afford new tyres every few months and expensive wheels you can afford the fine. 

Stop with the Instagram, snap chat , whateverbook look at me bollox.

I'd bet my arse that some of the fines increased and punishments got worse due to self entitledness and phone waving camera bellends. 

Strangely enough - YES...…

Apparently - the tyres rubbing on the arches were the initial pull...….. ex's brother knows one of the initial Officers involved - but when they tried pointing out the dangers they met with a load of attitude. A lot of - they're legal UK cars, you can't touch us…… and camera phone waving. While no real language skills and stuck with that yawning chasm too.

Typical german plod shrugged off the attitude and immediately turned it into a - OK, we'll take the whole lot and sort out the fines for everyone then………..

Personally, I do feel a little sorry for the lads, as it's a nasty way to learn a lesson. According to the Germans, they'll get the cars back in a week or so - with impound costs etc... and fines to be paid first of course. Any found dangerous will need transportation out of Germany (where Belgian or NL plod will be waiting I guess). Stupidity learns a lesson somehow and someway - this is a tough one….

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14 hours ago, 2MB said:

. So why the fuck has the 2 tone W124 been driven with the tyres and wheels rubbing on the body, when they had the option to avoid it when in motion? I know there’s a catalogue of errors here but I can’t get my head around that

Hi,  'cos a  live action photo was being tooked.  It's got to look cool.


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1 hour ago, Exiled_Tat_Gatherer said:

...but when they tried pointing out the dangers they met with a load of attitude. A lot of - they're legal UK cars, you can't touch us…… and camera phone waving...

However, from the to fund me page:

They went with extra money knowing there is a risk of having a fine, like everyone else in modified cars going to Wörthersee. 

They took their dangerous cars to Germany expecting to get fined, then still behaved like bell-ends when they inevitably got pulled. 

An intentional publicity stunt?

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Fine(s) - yes - but not to be told they couldn't proceed due to being in a dangerous condition…………  they went too far - and as said, were made an example of.

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A lesson that I frequently give my teenage son, with varying degrees of success, is ‘Pass the Attitude Test’. In so many situations, you get a lot credit for being honest, contrite, humble and apologetic. It doesn’t matter if you even mean it. 

I can well believe that the baying crowd of millennial entitlement didn’t play well. 

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On 5/18/2019 at 9:07 PM, TheDoctor said:

Apropos of nothing, has anyone here ever driver a car that's been lowered to this extreme? 

Was it as bad as I'm imagining it to be?

I am assuming it is not entirely different to when your P38 spits the dummy and starts flashing up that "EAS Fault Max Speed 25mph" warning. I had to drive all the way back from Glasgow with it trying to punch my spine through the top of my head.

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1 hour ago, Exiled_Tat_Gatherer said:

Fine(s) - yes - but not to be told they couldn't proceed due to being in a dangerous condition…………  they went too far - and as said, were made an example of.

I don’t think they went too far at all.  Unless they were going to make it roadworthy then they couldn’t continue using it. 

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Sorry - badly worded - NOT ALL THE CARS WERE CONSODERED UNROADWORTHY - and as such would've been allowed to continue...……. apologies of I didn't make that clear. Once the attitude started - they impounded them en masse. That's why they'll all be inspected. Not all will (hopefully) be such a bad ending…..

Synopsis :-        Stopped - informed of a couple of them dangerous defects - got arsey ……….. Deutsche plod said - fair enough - we'll take the lot then!


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1 hour ago, inconsistant said:

As Clint Boon said, 'it's good to see kids on the streets again'

Putting 'em back on their feet.

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5 hours ago, JimH said:

I am assuming it is not entirely different to when your P38 spits the dummy and starts flashing up that "EAS Fault Max Speed 25mph" warning. I had to drive all the way back from Glasgow with it trying to punch my spine through the top of my head.

Or when badly fitted stainless exhaust with life time guarantee from kwikshit cut through the rear hydrogas link tube on the back of a metro 1275 sport. Thus allowing me to run on the bump stops for 2 days and about 60 miles whilst arguing about their liability. 

Luckily it didn't have the link that earlier cars had to the front units. 

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7 hours ago, Exiled_Tat_Gatherer said:

Sorry - badly worded - NOT ALL THE CARS WERE CONSODERED UNROADWORTHY - and as such would've been allowed to continue...……. apologies of I didn't make that clear. Once the attitude started - they impounded them en masse. That's why they'll all be inspected. Not all will (hopefully) be such a bad ending…..

Synopsis :-        Stopped - informed of a couple of them dangerous defects - got arsey ……….. Deutsche plod said - fair enough - we'll take the lot then!


When they inspect them, do they do it to TUV standards or UK MOT standards? Just interested to know what the procedure is for a UK registered car travelling in the EU. 

I'm guessing the German plod have the right to force any car to be inspected, if they believe it to be unroadworthy. In this case they were exercising this right, even if in the back of their minds they knew some probably pass ok. But they did it to inconvenience them more than anything as they were being dicks. 

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I would hazard a guess that due to harmonisation of regs and such they know which bits of the TUV apply in any EU state and can apply some sense.

Having said that if the shoe was on the other foot and a foreign registered car was pulled on suspicion of dangerous issues, would our plod/DVSA/etc want it inspecting/repairing to UK standards?

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Surely the position is that the other country accepts the MOT or whatever as a valid equivalent of their test (TUV whatever) but can apply their own rules to specific situations. Therefore the question of roadworthiness would be down to the country in which the car is travelling.

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Hi, On another forum of a different colour, one of the forum members is an inspector with TUV and says they will take pictures of the cars and problem areas and ask the DVSA if they are legal or would be legal in the present state, if so they will honour it.



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I saw a toyota starlet with sticky out wheels on the M62 today doing 70mph , it seemed to go where he pointed it but there wasn't much of the tyre on the road

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On 5/18/2019 at 5:10 PM, Matty said:

Just got two guinea pigs for the kids this morning. After reading this thread I'm never taking them to Germany. The politzei would not be impressed with the ground clearance on the little buggers

Did the Guinea Pigs pass their MOT with such low ground clearance? 

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If the guinea pigs are less than three years old they won't have had their first mot and as long as they are still to the original specifications I think you'd get awayour with it

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2 minutes ago, anonymous user said:

If the guinea pigs are less than three years old they won't have had their first mot and as long as they are still to the original specifications I think you'd get awayour with it

That's true lol

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