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Mystery Picasso Roffle


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Soz, everyone, I'm trying to keep up with this and cook a roast dinner and drink brandy all at the same time.

I'm updated down to sherpamog, who has one requested number already taken. Want a different one?


BTW I hope no-one is expecting some kind of Lotus MonteCarlo or summat, this is a running car with a long MOT that may be classed as surprisingly good or grim or something inbetween.

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27 and 55 please! :)


Been after somthing new to drive, been a year and a half since I bought a car and the empty space in the drive is needing to be used!


This ticks this box and means I can finally do a collection thread!

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16 and 18 please

I think it would be hilarious* if this and my Jag drew on the same night, and you came in on both of them!!

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The list (second post) has been fully updated. All tickets are now sold. You lot are weird.


The tickets have gone quickerlier than I had imagined, so the last few requests can't be honoured. Sorry Mike D, bub2006, mitsisigma01, Steve79, Brodders, fatharris and ruffgeezer (you've probably got a lucky escape TBH).

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Ah well, probably for the best, MrsH was saying the other day how liberating it was to have the Omega off the driveway and having some space back, filling it straight away wouldn't have gone down well.


Sent from my ONEPLUS A3003 using Tapatalk

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I should add that the winner will also recieve cake, in an indetermined amount varying from not much to loads, depending what the girlfriend has left from market.

And if that isn't enough, the keys will be resplendent with a keyring from my collection of treasure the girlfriend has won me on two pence pusher machines during previous seaside collection missions.



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I don't mind giving up one of mine to someone on the list wanting a single, let another body join in the fun*

I'm up for that if you don't mind!

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