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  1. Hi ShitterZ. "How do mate, do you fancy an old motor?" A few weeks ago I had a call from my Dad. It's a bit of a convoluted story but the short version is that his friend has been asked to clear a house belonging to a distant relative who was in his 90's and recently died. The relatives two sons both live in New Zealand and just want the house cleared so they can sell it. Apparently there's an "old car" in the garage that hasn't been outside for 25 years or so, it's a Citroen but nobody seems to know much about it so I won't know for sure what it is until I get there and open the garage doors and all will be revealed. Whatever it is it's got to go so I'm taking my towing dolly and an air compressor to inflate the tyres. It's travelling a couple of miles across Birmingham to my Dads house where it can live on the drive until I decide what to do with it. I'm setting off down to Brum tomorrow and will update the thread with plenty of images of "the grand reveal"! Anybody taking bets on what this old shonker is going to be?
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