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yum yum yum, that chevette is mighty fine.I always thought the chevette and cav MKI looked similar, probably just me however.

They're very similar under the skin too, IIRC the Manta running gear goes straight onto the Chevette, you just need to extend the arches.
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I quite fancy a Chevette. They featured quite prominently in my childhood as two of our neighbours had them and a schoolfriend's dad had an estate we got lifts in a few times. Another mate's dad had a Chevanne works van he borrowed occasionally too. There were also the black army ones from the training school at Leconfield always bobbing about locally.

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I had a Chevette! NUF 546W. It was an utter, utter heap. To be fair, it had been abused, crashed, rebuilt (badly) and had awful Corbeau seats but for 20% of the time it was reliable transport.My favourite fault was the non starting. AA Roadside assist traced it to a duff battery (replaced, no difference). Next they said it was the starter (replaced, no change). Then a fault with the ignition switch (again replaced, no change). Feckin problem was a loose earth wire! Cheers AA, that was £200 spent unnecessarily.Eventually sold it back to the mate I bought it from. It sat in an alley at the end of his house for about three months before someone torched it.I will say though that it was the best handling car I have ever had. You could slide it around in the wet easily, great fun! OMG RWD GR8 4 DRFTN!

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As it's page 944 we had better have a Porsche!


This car has been traded in under the scrappage scheme! But its not to late! It hasnt yet been 'registered for scrappage'...unfortunately if it doesnt sell, it will be scrapped! We dont want to scrap it, because we feel its a nice future classic that one day will have its turn in the sun, and with a bit of cosmetic tidying, this will be a nice future classic...If you want to see it saved, its now or never!

At least they are making an effort to save it although i doubt it will get it's £1700 starting price.
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My impression of those Alpines is that they aren't actually as astoundingly rare as people make out, true they're not an everyday sight but somehow one never seems to be far away, especially if you look out for them! :wink:


Gold one looks the nicest, there's an IXO model exactly like that now available!




The red one is the most intriguing of the three - colour coded bumpers??


The street behind looks like a period shot with what looks like plenty of other chod in the background! A French Mr Bickle??


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WTF's going on with those rear lights?!


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Alpine was styled by Roy Axe same bloke who did the Rover 800.Similar clean-ness in the lines I reckon.. both cars were spoiled with ham fisted facelifts.

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That rover 800 has suspiciously little things wrong with it for that sort of money, are spares hard to come by?Someone on here should get on that, i would if i had storage.

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Well, Poglet Minimus got me up at about half five, so whilst he entertained himself with brightly coloured plastic things and pooing in his nappy, I thought I would busy myself with some ebay huntings, and a look at some work - which I now wish I hadn't done, as it was all a load of bollocks, and will inevitably lead to a spiky chair session tomorrow.

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Re Huskys: this one has been back on - ended res. not met this morning.

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Another repeat performance:

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How can we resist? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/L-K-UNIQUE-MINI-FORD-KIT-CAR-HOTROD-PICK-UP-L-K_W0QQitemZ16035670584

not a head turner its a neck breaker!!

the tyres o.m.g phatt bas***ds

absolutly NO rust on this vehicle

rust on door

wot u get is wot u see

im cryin cos the missus is making me sell





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Pog's next family wagon?



Edit for an RO80: OMG OMG if only!

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Tidy Phase one 25

I went to have a look at this, and can confirm it's as advertised. A VERY nice example, and drives beautifully. Being a manual, it's considerably quicker than my auto too. Pulls really well, and doesn't feel like it's done the 150,000 plus miles. Seriously considered it, but not a big fan of the phase 1 look, even though they are very scarce now.
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I would love to razz around town in an anti-social manner in this heap! if it was road legal...


I don't get it, why doesn't the image thingy work all the time?

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I fancy plopping a bid on that rumpled beige Maestro, just to find out what they are like [assuming it's awful, just need to make sure]. I'm sure I can always palm it off onto some skint friend or relly afterwards.

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Here's one for you:


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http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... 0326006835


I know Mk1 escorts generally belong in the inaccurately-titled 'ebay bargains' thread, but this is giving me a mega-chubby.


I have established that I could in theory own it for £2500, and after pay day I could put that into practice (60-70 hour weeks suck donkey balls, but shit they pay well).


Would it be foolish to do so?

Yeah, I remember when this would have been £500, but that's never going to happen again. Would I be expelled from the inner sanctum of shite for buying the bleeding obvious, and coughing the premium for it?

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I fancy plopping a bid on that rumpled beige Maestro, just to find out what they are like [assuming it's awful, just need to make sure]. I'm sure I can always palm it off onto some skint friend or relly afterwards.

1275cc A+ power in a beige Maestro = driving misery. Or extacy if you are odd like me.
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