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Dumped cars in your area

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Now scrap prices have plummeted I have seen 3 dumped cars


This is the most recent one, I cannot work out what it is but it made me smile anyway,


Spotted in a posh area very near Wolverhampton


What's dumped in your area?






There is the shell of a VW Golf in a layby just north of Kelvedon (Essex) on the A12. Not seen a dumped car on the A12 since I saw a very clean Mk2 Cavalier SRi (minus the interior) in a layby near the Galleywood turn off a few years ago.


Nothing dumped locally apart from the odd fridge or couple of bags of shit. However, that spot of yours is bloody brilliant - it's the fact is it's car slices which makes me chuckle. Bizarre.


Ive not seen an abandoned vehicle for years. I really cannot remember the last time I saw one. Plenty of long dead examples outside premises where cars are worked on but thats on private land.


The new tax rules probably have a lot to so with it as well, so no car can lay untaxed and uninsured for long at the side of the road.


I wish someone would abandon a Focus near me so I could relieve it of several things prior to the council towing it away.


There's an eastern euro Astra and a Megance scenic dumped in laybys on the nearby A50 dual carriageway near me. Presumably left where they broke down after expiring. A whle ago they'd be dragged away for scrap after 15 minutes. The Astra is slowly having all it's windows smashed.


Love the idea that the local scallywags are so apathetic they can't even be arsed to do all the windows at the same time.


We need some sort of matchmaking facility where you put in what parts you need and it sends you the grid reference of a layby


I'd presume you couldn't scrap a foreign plate car as where's the paperwork to give to the scrapyard? Your only hope would be to find somewhere that would take it and bale it straight away. Chances of that would be slim as they are constantly concerned about a visit from the authorities and questions about a car they can't provide the docs for.


This about 2 months ago on a local beach, would've been worth a fair bit in decent nick. Most probably some sort of drugs related theft and dump job (syringes in the foot wells) the only salvageable part was the plastic engine cover which cleaned up nicely. Give me a shout if anyone on here wants it!


I was hoping it would be left there for the sea to gradually destroy but sadly it was removed by the council about 2 days after those pics were taken








You could weigh in a ufo at my local yard and they wouldn't give a fuck


In the last couple of weeks I've seen a dumped Rover 75 near the A140 junction of the A14 westbound and near Copart on the A12 south (just north of Colchester) with lots of breakers yard markings scrawled on the windows, a dead Clio with the bonnet touching the windscreen, I suspect that was purchased from said breakers and conked out very quickly


Usual stuff dumped in the city, including this which I would classify as a new car




Of more concern is a number of recent arson attacks on cars. No big deal most of the time, as long as its someone elses car of course! But they did get this as well which was a bit of a heart breaker.



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Theres been a dumped caravan at the side of the A50 in derby for the last few days


I thought there was a dumped van in our High Street, 2 flat tyres and full of crap. But I checked the gov site and it was taxed and insured and then two days later it was gone.


I'd presume you couldn't scrap a foreign plate car as where's the paperwork to give to the scrapyard?


I don't know but the big yard in Carlisle has/had this pair:




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Remember when scrap prices were high? Theiving bastards would dress up as roadside furniture and drag stricken vehicles away.

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Saw a derelict Ford Explorer at a Wal-Mart in Florence, KY yesterday. (I dare you to come up with a more stereotypically inbred-redneck sentence than that one.)


Windows smashed and license plates taken...oddly, the alarm system seemed to still be on, although clearly not functioning.



This used to be near my Nan and Grandads house. I doubt it would've ever moved but one day it was scrapped and was never to be seen again...

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There's been an old Merc 190E in a layby on the A30 for weeks.


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There is the shell of a VW Golf in a layby just north of Kelvedon (Essex) on the A12. Not seen a dumped car on the A12 since I saw a very clean Mk2 Cavalier SRi (minus the interior) in a layby near the Galleywood turn off a few years ago.

That wasn't a shell a few months back, it started off as a Polish registered GTi then over the weeks piece after piece started disappearing.


I've seen a number of stuff start to appear on the side of roads and layby, I saw a very tatty X reg Escort with no wheel trims in one a few days ago which I'm sure was dumped.


I wish people would dump more cars around here, but they're too damn posh for that. Last dumped car was a Xantia V6 which lived on our road for about three months before vanishing. That was three years or so ago.


Love the idea that the local scallywags are so apathetic they can't even be arsed to do all the windows at the same time.


We need some sort of matchmaking facility where you put in what parts you need and it sends you the grid reference of a layby


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There is a Ka with a flat tyre in the layby just off J1 of the M32 in Bristol. Guessing replacing a tyre is more expensive than its value in typical Ka rusty scrap...


Someone has slapped one of those yellow warning stickers on it. I think it from the council warning that it's being classed as a dumped car and will be removed or something.


I saw a very tatty X reg Escort with no wheel trims in one a few days ago which I'm sure was dumped.

Wasn't red by any chance?

Could be an ex cannock auction car.........


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This Almera sat here for a good few months before it was hauled away by the council about two weeks ago. At the time of taking the pictures, the tax had been expired since September 2014, the MoT since January, and it was uninsured as well.





theres a renault van on a 53 plate dumped outside my work. its utterly fucked, and seen as scrap here is shit aswell, itll be there for a bit.


Theres been a dumped caravan at the side of the A50 in derby for the last few days

Get it, we know you love caravans/campervans  :mrgreen:

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