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Maserati 222 SE WIP

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Welcome along John, enjoyed the first part of the installment and can't wait for the rest.


What Billy said. I like these unloved Masers, at least the earlier ones 8)


Welcome, John.


Holy moly you sound like the stuff of shite legends. Have you DIY-fettled your maser engine? More please!!!




I love these - look forward to hearing more.

Maserati 222 SE. Bought sight-unseen off the Internet


had to fly to Belfast on Xmas eve to collect it


I weighed up the likelihood of sitting at the side of the road for hours & hours... and set off for home, relying on engine braking & handbrake.




Cheers for the welcome fellas! :D


Mr_Bo11ox said:
Holy moly you sound like the stuff of shite legends. Have you DIY-fettled your maser engine? More please!!!




I've always wanted a Mazzer, but don't possess enough "hero" genes, unlike yourself Sir.

Welcome, and plesae continue the undoubtedly miserable, wallet-emptying tale.




I pass a lipstick-red Maser like that parked on a driveway every day. I can only conclude that the owner works from home :D


I would LOVE one of these. However i would have no chance of being able to afford to run it or have a clue about how to repair it. Cant wait to see more.


Baeutifull, possibly only gazumped by the Cortina mark4/Karif. There is a hiab-ed one on here I spotted somewhere...


Christ on a bike. I'm seriously glad I don't own a Maserati 222 SE.


What I really need is a best mate who owns one instead, so I can share the good times yet be able to laugh and point at him from a safe distance when It all goes horribly wrong. Or horribly the same, for that matter.


No, of course I want one really. Quite badly. You've made me go all Biturbo-ey now, and I've ended up having to find the scene in License To Kill where the villain inexplicably drives one.



Brilliant. Anyone fixing a Maserati engine on their driveway using an offcut of wood is a bit, well, Autoshite!


Excellent stuff! I know very little about these cars, mainly due to the common comment that they're absolutely dreadful. Which means I naturally want to own one.




I rebuilt one of those, once. Had nothing to do with them ever since, for a reason.


Well done.. love the cam locking tool. Can't remember how I bodged it.


Delicious. Always loved that era of Maserati. I assumed that bit of wood was an original engine part.


From the ebay thread

While you're sitting at the side of the road going nowhere, the car making all sorts of exotic and expensive noises and smells, you could admire the awesome hand crafted orgy of blue leather and velour. Later, as you're walking towards the nearest services you'd cast an eye back towards it, sitting there, hazard lights on, bleeding fluids into the gutter, steam/smoke still wafting from the grille and think 'I am the very essence of twat for spending money on this'.


And yet, I'm still very tempted by it.

Pick up your Autoshite Hero badge at reception when you come in next. A hearty welcome, and more stories please


Wow! Sitting here with baited breath for more.


Good work!



Edit How rude, welcome along! I think you will like this place.


I saw an eighties four door Quattrofarte / Bi-Polar in a scrapyard once, as rotten as a carrot and with a 2.8 Ford V6 grafted in. A want-want situation.

I stole a badge from it which I still have somewhere.


Oh, and.......You hero! :D

love the trident on the 'locking tool' :D


+1, that is just the icing on the cake for an epic rebuild tale. Welcome, and I look forward to more 'Tales from the Trident' :D

Excellent stuff! I know very little about these cars, mainly due to the common comment that they're absolutely dreadful. Which means I naturally want to own one.


Agreed.....oh actually i already have an older, rustier 2.0 Biturbo.. :roll:

I shall watch & read with anticipation of the day i start work on mine.......or use it for spares when i purchase an MOT'd version which will turn out to be in even worse condition.



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