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The grumpy thread


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The last time I bought tampons for my good lady the chap behind the counter mentioned that they had a special offer that day on lawnmowers, I asked him why he thought that would be of interest to me and; having thought for a moment said, "Well, it looks like  you've nowt else to do Sunday morning so you might as well cut your grass"

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Just been up Daddy hole wiv the mutts and these two chaps who have joined the gang turned up. They have a lab called Benson who is both HUGE and just a puppy (11 months old). Pete (who I've known for years) is okay, bit loud but a nice guy while his mate, Dave, is a complete pain in the arse who only ever talks about the telly boxes he sells (and which I bought) and how to upgrade them, use them, what to watch, what not to do, what to do....


Today, Benson was an absolute fucking pain as well: he wound Chester up so much he was growling and snarling at eveyone and their dog - even the people he likes and the dogs that are his mates! Benson kept biting his ears and chewing his face and finally, Chester started getting a bit nasty.... at that point when I really needed to get Chester under control and keep Benson away from him for a bit, Dave started his incessant waffle about these fucking telly boxes, totally oblivious to the ruck that was happening under the bench and was threatening to spill out into full scale war with every dog in the area involved.


Benson then moved onto another dog (another lab as it happens) and Chester was incensed and then this other dog went for Benson... It was all getting a tiny bit out of hand. Pete is on the phone to someone and not watching, and Dave is rabbiting on STILL about the tv boxes and I was going puce at trying to keep Chester away from the fight that had broken out and trying to get some sense of control over Benson who isn't my fucking dog!


I was so pissed off I put Chester on his lead and got him and Phoebe in the car and fucked off and went elsewhere. I have just rung round the usuals and re-organised our meets to a different location to keep away from these two (plus one).


Sorry for the rant but so annoyed I thought I'd bother a poor unsuspecting group of innocents on the internet! :)

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NISSAN... I have been given 5 different contact phone numbers... all answered by fkin robots!!

all the people whose numbers i have work at the same dealership and i sure as hell never had 1 single robot dealing with me when they were trying to relieve me of my hard earned...TWUNTS

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Daddyhole is, or should have been, all one word. Lovely spot, but... I am reliably informed (by my son no less) that at night it is a hot bed of rampant sexual activity. When pressed as to how he knew this, he replied that he used to go there with his girlfriend.


I was shocked and appalled....








that it's so quiet during the day!

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Just had an embarrassing interview outside with a neighbour.


Yes, it was 11:15 p.m.


Yes, I was polishing the back door of my car.


Yes it was pitch dark (apart from street lights).


Yes, I am utterly and without hope of redemption, totally fucking insane!


But, in fairness, it did have a slobber mark on the top of the passenger side door that I had failed to remove earlier, and, Chesters slobber seems to be 50% pure acid that eats its way into the paint of any car if left for a day or two (Mazda had to have serious effort put into removing a few the other day and even the Honda used to get them) so I usually just wipe off the drool stains that run all the way along the back doors and wings after even the shortest journey.


Woman taking her dog for the last walk of the day was seriously confused and fair galloped away dragging the poor little mutt behind, it was attempting to squat, she was attempting to put distance between herself and what she saw as dangerous insanity.


I think she is right to be honest!

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loo roll multipack nonsense

Imagine if you'd filled your Rover 800's tank with super unleaded and then used the petrol station shop to buy

44 pouches of cat food

24 eggs

16 toilet rolls

20 cigarettes

16 bottles of Stella

24 bags of crisps

24 washing powder tablets

Box of matches

Sliced loaf of bread


They would have thought you were off on some long drive whilst consuming an awful cocktail of food, drink and drugs!


Or perhaps the shop staff know that lots of things come in multipacks...


Are you under a lot of pressure at work?

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I don't know what you lot are moaning about, I had to go to a petrol station the other day and put something called 'diesel' in my car. Thanks God I found my Costco card again and normal service was resumed.

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A Costco car park was the very first place I a: copped off and b: did a donut in a RWD car.

It was also the first place i thought i was going to get battered by a lot of travelers pitch up there. Never go in the dark to by lots of beer near Christmas scary stuff.

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Decided that I want a 405 estate again. Really miss the one I had from station.


Means I need to do a total rejig of thinking and find one that isn't totally shagged.


I wish I could make my mind up sometimes.

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A Costco car park was the very first place I a: copped off and b: did a donut .

Is it safe to Google that?

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Just to appease you miserable bastards, I DIDN'T go to Daddyhole today. I went...elsewhere, which is now a secret 'cos you lousy sods will take the pee out of this places name as well!

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A Costco car park was the very first place I a: copped off and b: did a donut in a RWD car.

Piazza? Peterborough?



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Just to appease you miserable bastards, I DIDN'T go to Daddyhole today. I went...elsewhere, which is now a secret 'cos you lousy sods will take the pee out of this places name as well!

Up the back passage?

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Some eejit drove the PRI-DAH all the way up to Scary's Yard from Newburn with not enough water in and melted the water pump seal.


Oh, yeah.  That was me.


Still, it'll be something to be proud soon.  Right?

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Just to appease you miserable bastards, I DIDN'T go to Daddyhole today. I went...elsewhere, which is now a secret 'cos you lousy sods will take the pee out of this places name as well!

Come on please share the name

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The saphs speedo needle started bouncing like a 90s raver and traced it to the speedo head, I've changed it for one I bought off ebay and the needle bounces, not as bad as the one I removed but it's still annoying, i oiled the mechanism and it went smooth with no bounce, great I thought left it a few hours and it bounces again grrr

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The saphs speedo needle started bouncing like a 90s raver and traced it to the speedo head, I've changed it for one I bought off ebay and the needle bounces, not as bad as the one I removed but it's still annoying, i oiled the mechanism and it went smooth with no bounce, great I thought left it a few hours and it bounces again grrr

Not sure if it's the same on those but when that happened on my old Orion it was because the gearbox bearings were borked. It had done 160000 miles at that point though.
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Just to appease you miserable bastards, I DIDN'T go to Daddyhole today. I went...elsewhere, which is now a secret 'cos you lousy sods will take the pee out of this places name as well!

Knob's End?

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There is a guy parked outside my house on a quiet residential street in a BMW. Windows open and he is asleep. WTF?

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