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The grumpy thread


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Seriously fed up with the broadband speed at our new house - it is shit slow. Apparently we've been told that we've only got Sky and BT to choose from that cover the area. We went with Sky and it's absolutely crap...





don't be so grumpy - our braodband speed is at least 2mb/s behind you and we have 'faster' broadband in our village. Until we did, we were on 1.2mb/s.

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The fortnightly moans about the quality of content on here are incredibly tedious.


Ignore them.  I do.

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The school around the corner from my house are having their summer fayre today. Ok, fine. I can put up with all the noise coming from them for one day but what does piss me off is all the selfish cunts that have decided to double park all the way down my road (which is a busy road and bus route). One bus has already struggled to get through and I'd planned to take the Mercury out today. Now that's going to be very awkward to get out of my driveway because of them.

If it's not the school blocking the street it's the tossers at the church over the road, if it's not them it's the staff/patients at the health centre down the road!

When ever they do this it means the Transit and Mercury can't get off the drive. Bastards!

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It is bloody frustrating.


Take photos, then complain like buggery - in writing - to the school/church/health centre, local rag AND your ward councillor.  This is how things get changed.

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and if that fails, move somewhere you don't have this issue!

It's not that easy unfortunately. When we moved here there was no problem but over the last couple of years it's got worse. The health centre was only built a couple of years ago, and it's huge with very little parking. What makes things worse is the council put double yellows down that end of the road, but they stop at our house so now everyone just parks down our end of the road. And they've built OAP flats opposite in the last few years (very little private parking) so the wardens, nurses etc all compete for the parking aswell.

It's so bad today that my road is solid with double parked vehicles, and so are all the surrounding streets and dead end roads. Everyone who lives here is getting well pissed off!


Still, I got the Mercury out in the end. It was very tight but it got out. Thank the yanks for their incredibly light power steering!

Getting in again was tight too but at least I got to have an hours driving out of it today. All adds up, as I want to keep piling the miles on it to get it run in after the engine rebuild. Sitting around unused isn't doing it any good.

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Don't know what your local feds are like but ours can't be bothered with parking restrictions and if you ask them at the station they just hand out a few cones.

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Don't know what your local feds are like but ours can't be bothered with parking restrictions and if you ask them at the station they just hand out a few cones.

Much the same I think.

Trouble is, the parking while it's a right pain in the arse and inconsiderate, it's not technically illegal. It's been so bad before now I've watched a double decker get stuck! I ended up going out and guided him through between the cars, and it was close! It could be dangerous if a fire engine needed to get through at speed and it's very possible as the road is a main road into a housing estate.

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They send me to India for two weeks.

Can't stand Indian food. I hope they have Austrian takeaways there.

my mate is there at the moment, a couple of days ago it was 46 degrees outside and 52 in the factory. I love the heat but that is pushing it even for me.
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I'm having one of those weekends.  Burst tyre on the Rover, welder not welding, trigger on the chainsaw broken, hedge loppers broken, household fuse blown... I think I'll just stay indoors for a bit and try not to touch anything.

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my mate is there at the moment, a couple of days ago it was 46 degrees outside and 52 in the factory. I love the heat but that is pushing it even for me.

I would actually burst into flames in that sort of heat . Or top myself !
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I would actually burst into flames in that sort of heat . Or top myself !

I like it around 40 but found 45 a bit much when we were in Cyprus in a heatwave a few years back. It was ok if you could sit in the sea but the idea of it being nearly ten degrees more AND have to install heavy machinery doesn't bear thinking about and he is always rough when he gets back as the food doesn't agree with him. I normally take the mick but just feel sorry for him this time.
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I'm having one of those weekends.  Burst tyre on the Rover, welder not welding, trigger on the chainsaw broken, hedge loppers broken, household fuse blown... I think I'll just stay indoors for a bit and try not to touch anything.


be careful going to the toilet then! :mrgreen:

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Thanks to our dog pissing on the busa and stripping the paint I have been forced to spend £26 on the correct colour aerosol from RS paints. They are very good - and they should be at that price.


The dog has been warned.Consequently I have the only King Charles that can walk and cover its knackers.

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They send me to India for two weeks.

Can't stand Indian food. I hope they have Austrian takeaways there.


Bizarre but if you pop over the border to the North there's an Austrian Restaurant in Kathmandu called the Kaiser Café -  which I frequented when working at the university. 

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The fortnightly moans about the quality of content on here are incredibly tedious.


We never get anywhere with it because by and large there aren't rules about what you can post, there's just each member's own arbitrary standards of what they deem is or isn't shit. There's usually a kick off, a few people will flounce off, then everyone else is left uneasy about what they're posting to avoid the "you're posting shit" moan but it happens anyway like a fucking broken record.


Absolutely spot on.

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We got told last week that we are not getting any pay rises this year as the chap that owns the company said there was not enough money to warrant it.


Today he turned up to work in a brand new BMW i8.

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Had about 8 reminders in the last 2 weeks to fill in the completely anonymous* staff survey


Followed up by an email from our Director this morning that 2 people in our department haven't filled it in and can they do so by the end of the week so we have 100% response rate


was previously not filling it in due to couldn't be arsed, now not filling it in due to clearly NOT being anonymous.

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Twat in the Merc Sprinter on the 303 this morning....................if you going to carve up a large yellow recovery truck, best not have the website of the company you work for emblazoned across your back doors........your boss had an enraged email from me before you got to the next roundabout..........have a nice day.

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Had about 8 reminders in the last 2 weeks to fill in the completely anonymous* staff survey


Followed up by an email from our Director this morning that 2 people in our department haven't filled it in and can they do so by the end of the week so we have 100% response rate


was previously not filling it in due to couldn't be arsed, now not filling it in due to clearly NOT being anonymous.

Yep, had that at a previous job.


"Everyone's done the survey except Jon because he refused".


Me: "Yep, well anonymous, cheers."

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Some twat has keyed my car today. Well done, knobhead. Really brave of you.

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