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The grumpy thread

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TalkTalk are so crap they never actually managed to connect us at all when we moved here. Changed to Plusnet and it was sorted in a jiffy. Nice Yorkshire folk on t'phone if you have any issues too.


I had Talk Talk in my last house, for four years the connection was intermittent.And by that, I don't mean up for 5 hours, off for a couple of minutes, it was up for 5 minutes, then off for 10, then back up. It took two months to get it sorted when it was installed as it never worked at all. You have to go through two lines of Indian call centre to check you have the microfilter plugged in, before you get to tech support. And it's slow. My mum has been paying 14 quid a month for 200kbit download speed, which is about 1/20 slower than every other service (for more money as well). She won't change it as 'it works'.

I've just got Talk Talk in my new house and it's awful, it can be up for 1 minute to 1 hour and then be down until the next morning. It's up for 5% of the night. Bit silly getting it again, but thought it might be my area.

They are statistically the worst broadband service. I'm going to try and sort it next week, if I can't I'm cancelling immediately and going with PlusNet.


TL:DR - don't get Talk Talk, you'll regret it.


I found the thing with broadband is they're all fine until you have an issue. It's how quickly and efficiently they sort the problem that is the difference between the suppliers. I'm another plusnet fan, as I've had a couple of issues this year, they've sent an engineer out straight-away and it's been fixed without fuss.


Looking up at the sky and trying to come to terms with the fact that there's an infinite amout of unending space.

You are Voyager 1 AICM£5...



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Got a medical procedure tomorrow that I won't discuss at the mo, but I can't eat today, and I've got to be there at 8.20 am!

I'm at work on short-time at the minute, and where do you reckon I got sent?

A bakers, a kebab shop and a fucking chippy. Bad enough, but then onto a well known Chicken vending establishment - not teh Colonel - and had a chat with the bossman there in his office. RIGHT NEXT TO THE KITCHEN.

Just got one job left, which I can't do until after 4.30 as the meter is internal. 3 guesses.

A tandoori takeaway. FFS.

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Few years ago I had to have a kidney X-ray (that one where they inject dye) and the letter said I couldn't drink anything after 10pm the night before. But this applied whether your appointment was 9am or (like mine) 4pm, which was irritating. 


When I turned up the nurse asked me when I'd last had anything to drink, and when I said "nothing since yesterday" she was so pleased, impressed almost, I got the impression people regularly turned up chugging from a two litre bottle of Mountain Dew. 


Few years ago I had to have a kidney X-ray (that one where they inject dye) and the letter said I couldn't drink anything after 10pm the night before. But this applied whether your appointment was 9am or (like mine) 4pm, which was irritating.


When I turned up the nurse asked me when I'd last had anything to drink, and when I said "nothing since yesterday" she was so pleased, impressed almost, I got the impression people regularly turned up chugging from a two litre bottle of Mountain Dew.


Mountain Dew. Now that stuff does turn your piss fluorescent green! Kidney dye without an injection?

Almost topically, I've just got my internet back today after BT left me without it for 2 weeks. Here's the unexpected twist: I'M NOT EVEN WITH BT.


It was kinda my fault (which just increases my grumpiness) as after 3 seperate instances of BT trying to poach my line from Plusnet, and me phoning up to cancel the order each time, I'd got a bit lax and missed the deadline for the fourth time. Even more irritatingly, I asked Plusnet (who are brilliant, by the way) if they could place some kind of lock on my account to stop random twats trying to take my line, but apparently there's some kind of universal protocol that means anyone can take the line from anyone else if they want, and it's up to me to try and stop them. Fantastic.


The reason why BT keep trying to take the line, is that new people have moved in next door and BT are simply too utterly retarded to realise that it's not the same house. Which is odd, because Plusnet identified the 2 seperate lines (and figured out which one was mine) without any problems at all when I moved in. The guy next door is on the point of suing BT himself, and he's only been with them for 2 months. And the moral is.....


+1 for TalkTalk being fucking awful, the router was bollocksed, my mum's that fucking clueless she renewed a 2 year contract to get a new one for nothing. I complain constantly of crap connection and nothing becomes of it. I'm in my bedroom, and I get kicked off the internet if someone closer to the router goes on it, and if I'm on it, then my mum can't get on it, etc.


I'm in my bedroom, and I get kicked off the internet if someone closer to the router goes on it, and if I'm on it, then my mum can't get on it, etc.


Possibly the content filter is struggling to differentiate between 'porn searches' and 'knitting pattern searches' so just shuts one of you down at random?


I'm with Talktalk and it's been pretty reliable - the one time it died turned out to be a knackered wire from the junction box to the 'phone socket, although I had to figure that one out for myself as the Talktalk engineer didn't spot it.  It's not the fastest download speed but it's adequate for my needs.  All my computers are wired in with f*ck off great long ethernet cables though as I don't trust the wireless signal.


many years ago I joined homecall with unlimited broadband free calls and line rental at £21.50 per month  pipex then bought them out and left me alone,   when talk talk bought them they slapped my package up to £36 per month and limited my broadband twats,

many calls later I sacked them of for bt who are just as bad. 

next month I am free to change provider so will be looking at plusnet.


PlusNet is ace, I seem to have to give them £50+ most months though


How come Boll? I have line rental and negotiated my BB down to half price last year, so pay £22 a month for line rental and unlimited BB


PlusNet is ace, I seem to have to give them £50+ most months though

Professional Yorkshiremen you know...


many years ago I joined homecall with unlimited broadband free calls and line rental at £21.50 per month. When talk talk bought them they slapped my package up to £36 per month and limited my broadband twats.


RedTube or Xgerbil?

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How come Boll? I have line rental and negotiated my BB down to half price last year, so pay £22 a month for line rental and unlimited BB


I haven't done any negotiating, and still only pay £36 for free national calls and unlimited porn broadband. Although to be fair, even if Plusnet were massively overpriced and unreliable, I'd still be with them simply due to the fact that I can phone them up and talk to someone who understands exactly what I'm on about. OMG I R RACIALIST!!!11!!1!!


I'm with you on that MrDuke, I have always found them very good to deal with. I think I end up paying about £36/month fixed cost for phone line rental and unlimited fibre optic internet, and much of  the rest is down to Ms_Balls ringing her family in France. Admittedly I think the call cost is quite pricey.


My van is on Ebay, someone came kicking the tyres this morning - sent an "offer" for a grand less than I've advertised it for, a good start. :roll:





I'd torch it if it was insured (yes I know it's illegal not to sorn or insure it but balls to that, it's taxed and tested what more do they want).


 All my computers are wired in with f*ck off great long ethernet cables though as I don't trust the wireless signal.


PC World are flogging Homeplug powerline adaptors for £30 for a two-pack. They're great stuff, given me loads of flexibility on where stuff goes in the house and get full speed wired networking without drilling holes or whatever. I even bought an unbranded dodgy looking 3-port one off eBay for a tenner, plugged it in and it started working fine so my TV, xbox and PS3 are all wired through one plug. Virgin in the front room on one plug, now have another plug spare which I'll probably put a range extender on so I can get wifi in the garden.


*looks at the weather*


perhaps next year it'll be useful.


powerline stuff is awesome. I bought WD 4 way kit which sorts out telly, pvr and youview. PLUS I used an old wireless router as a range extender so I can get porn internetz in the shed.


only issue I had was to keep the two units on the same ring main. they were unreliable when running through the manky old fusebox. house has been rewired since so may not be such an issue any more. the manual also suggests that the need a dedicated wall socket rather than an extension lead. I had spare sockets so not an issue for me.


They run on extension leads fine, both mine are on cheapy extensions.

The older ones (with the 85Mbps rating, or even below) had to be on the same ring main. Newer ones, such as the 100Mbps or 200Mbps "AV" spec ones work fine as long as your house only has one fuse box, they can be on different ring mains - something to do with the extra speed coming from using live, earth and neutral in combination rather than just two lines - I think they do slow down if they're on different mains but still fast enough.


You just have to stick to the same standard, some anything that says Homeplug will work together, even different makes.


Fuxake. Come home from work to see all the loud wanker scutters hanging around outside. Get in and I feel right miserable. Get a letter from the tax people who say I owe them £1k. They can get to FUCK. I'm getting the fuck out of this country and I'm taking MY money with me.


£360 bet up the Swannee because Chelsea didn't score :ssch00101:

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Fuxake. Come home from work to see all the loud wanker scutters hanging around outside. Get in and I feel right miserable. Get a letter from the tax people who say I owe them £1k. They can get to FUCK. I'm getting the fuck out of this country and I'm taking my money with me.

The tax man sent me a very similar letter. In my case I have to decline his invitation to pay because my sense of obligation towards the seller of the W124 I have won on ebay is greater than that I feel towards HMRC. Wish me luck!

After the appointment at the hospital, not sure if I'm grumpy or not. Tests were "inconclusive". So, on the grumpy side, I might be dying. on the other hand, I might not. Who knows?


The 'Rover 75 vs Clio" post on the autoshite Facebook page is a complete waste of time. Can't the owner just block those people starting these type of posts? It's not the end of the world, but there are other car sites for this type of thing.


 I'm getting the fuck out of this country and I'm taking MY money with me.


Yeah, that was much of my thinking 5 years ago-ish.  I was fed up with Gordon The Prudent* shoving his mitt in my pocket every time I got paid, so we went to Cyprus.  At exactly the wrong time financially!  Good luck, I hope you do it better.  Don't forget to send us loads of photos of the old cars you trip over!

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The 'Rover 75 vs Clio" post on the autoshite Facebook page is a complete waste of time. Can't the owner just block those people starting these type of posts? It's not the end of the world, but there are other car sites for this type of thing.

"Owner" is busy with a new baby.... Other admin is busy with his life (and family)  I am attempting to rein in the edges on a daily basis... I have 100 or so people wishing to join, and I try to "vet" each one prior to accepting them, but I can only do the real admin from home, not my phone. I work 11 hours a day, and cover the FB page voluntarily. You wouldn't believe some of the messages and complaints I get. Yet I keep smiling, and realise there are other things going on in the world that are more important.


It can be good - Facebook is a good platform for quickly sharing a photo of something you've seen, rather than crafting a long wordy post like on here.

However, it also seems to make it a prime target for idiots. I know Albert LaRoss looks after it but it would be a 24/7 job with no pay thanks to the idiot:normal ratio of Facebook so you have to mentally weed out the rubbish yourself. The only other thing I don't like is it gets personal - because Facebook, if you post something that someone else takes offence to, they can just click through to your profile and pick out stuff to moan about.  


I could offer my services as an extra mod for the FB group, but it would be an hour here and there and not an all night, every night thing.

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