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The grumpy thread


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I'd happily swap my kingdom for a clean syringe and a bag of charlie. :(


Good luck snorting that charlie up a syringe :mrgreen:


LOLZ! I was thinking more to drain the abcess but that could be a good idea!

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Arse, A work mate has just told me how he got offered a Mk1 Cortina last week and turned it down. He said it belonged to someone his wife works with who's husband had recently died and need shot of it, apparently it was in good condition as well.


The worse bit is that she ended up selling it to someone else she works with... for £150!

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Been off work today due to getting twatted in the face by a curtain pole on a 40' tautliner. It wasn't even my trailer, I was giving another driver a hand to try and speed the queue up a bit and now I look like a chipmunk due to a dental abscess.


I'd happily swap my kingdom for a clean syringe and a bag of charlie. :(


Ooooow ... sympathy. :(

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Todays grump will be mostly about The Youth Of Today.


On the way home from work I passed where there's a quasi-trader who always has some kind of vehicle for sale outside his house, true to form there was a Clio at £1250. And as I waited to pass the Acado home delivery van, I watched what I presume was a father and son looking at it.


The Dad was all over the car, underneath, on top, looking along panels, bouncing the wings on the suspension, doing all those things that people do so it looks like they know what they're doing. The Son, though, about 17 and in skinny jeans and sporting some kind of on-trend hairdo, was standing motionless and typing into his iPhone. He obviously didn't give 2/3rds of a shit about the process of achieving A Car.


This seems to be rife. Kids don't seem to actually know the first thing about what they're driving, as long as they can figure out how to put some Halfords alloys on it, and drive massively too quickly for their experience / the stretch of road they're on / the weather or lighting conditions etc. etc.


I propose an extension to the driving test, where you firstly have to diagnose why the test car won't start, and then maybe change a wheel.


And while I'm tarring people with a shared brush, if Journalists don't stop referring to the current newspaper scandals as "Hackgate" (which just sounds stupid), I won't be held responsible for my actions.

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Hey Warren, I have had the pleasure of being knocked out cold by one of those flaming curtain poles, so I know what you're talking about!


Organist, that R14 was a joy to behold! You have got to get it to a few meetings so other shiters can have a good old perv over it.

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Luckily not all kids are less then enamoured about cars bought for them, nor want to plaster their motors in rubbish. Not many like that I grant you though!

Pissing me off today (and for the last few weeks) is battling depression again.

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Chin up Billy (not wanting to sound flippant)...


General query really; after how many times of being told to "fuck off", offers of a "smack in your stupid ugly face" and being called a "fat prick" and other such fact-based insults, is it socially acceptable to retaliate with physical violence?


Just wondered. :twisted:

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Organist, that R14 was a joy to behold! You have got to get it to a few meetings so other shiters can have a good old perv over it.


Cheers, I will definately do my best!!


Would love to meet some more fellow shiters!

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Pissing me off today (and for the last few weeks) is battling depression again.


I had it again last year (and the start of the year) in a bad way, the fucker just appeared again. The thing is I don't really have anything to get stressed about really.

It went instantly a few months ago, I started a routine and it worked. It's utterly shit when it comes though, it ruins and controls your life, I empathise completely. :(

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Chin up Billy (not wanting to sound flippant)...


General query really; after how many times of being told to "fuck off", offers of a "smack in your stupid ugly face" and being called a "fat prick" and other such fact-based insults, is it socially acceptable to retaliate with physical violence?


Just wondered. :twisted:


Sounds like a day in the life of a car salesman. Water off a ducks back.

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General query really; after how many times of being told to "fuck off", offers of a "smack in your stupid ugly face" and being called a "fat prick" and other such fact-based insults, is it socially acceptable to retaliate with physical violence?


You are married to my ex wife aicmfp.


Pissing me off today (and for the last few weeks) is battling depression again.


Chin up mate. I've battled varying levels of mentalism for a good few years now, and most recently found exercise is helping everything. Which is weird.

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Pissing me off today (and for the last few weeks) is battling depression again.


Sounds like lots of us are mentalists ... well apart from thinking that a beige rust bucket is just full of win! With bonus points for the original number plates and velour interior.


I started feeling symptoms about month ago but did more exercise and found myself a project to get excited over which has helped it pass for now.

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Pissing me off today (and for the last few weeks) is battling depression again.


Sounds like lots of us are mentalists ... well apart from thinking that a beige rust bucket is just full of win! With bonus points for the original number plates and velour interior.


I started feeling symptoms about month ago but did more exercise and found myself a project to get excited over which has helped it pass for now.


Eliminating the cause of the depression is always going to be a better long term solution than treating the symptoms.Alas your GP can't write you a prescription for a lottery win/long holiday/two hours in the Bungalow or Office.


I hope you understand that you're amongst friends here and if there's anything we can do to help then we will.

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I hope you understand that you're amongst friends here and if there's anything we can do to help then we will.


+11, I know how it is. Best of luck, Cavette.

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Cheers guys, lots to think about. Police (surprise surprise) were somewhat less than interested, been past the address she gave twice in the Proton and no sign of the car, even at dark o'clock... hmmm! Mondeo is going in on Friday morning for repair because RSA won't let it be. Motability are a fucking nuisance on things like this, and it means all 6ft 3in & sixteen stone of me will be plodding around in a bloody Aygo for a FORTNIGHT. And I lose the £500 good condition bonus at the end of the lease term. Grrr.



In other news - Cavette as has been said you're among friends here, chin up man and try to let it out if you can... most of us might be faceless usernames but sometimes that helps too.

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I hope you understand that you're amongst friends here and if there's anything we can do to help then we will.


+11, I know how it is. Best of luck, Cavette.



plus another one, keep smiling Billy - you are a top fella matey. :)

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I hope you understand that you're amongst friends here and if there's anything we can do to help then we will.


Same here, I know it can be very lonely, I imagine this is probably a good place to come for a bit of cheer!!


I suffered from it several years ago and just thought sod it in the end but I know it is not always that easy. I have a friend who is suffering terribly from it at the moment he has had a bad couple of years in his personal life.

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I hope you understand that you're amongst friends here and if there's anything we can do to help then we will.


Another +1 here. Know how this can affect you from personal and professional experience. As others have said, exercise is good, both for distraction and for helping to release endorphins. Distraction is key, though, however you choose to do it. Internet, shite-meddling, exercise, reading, jigsaw puzzles. One thing, though, and without wanting to sound like a party-pooper, but drink exacerbates the symptoms, and is best avoided.


We're all around if you need us, even if only for a rant.

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I'm trying to get my hands on a BX Mk1, because they're ace. Some runt on BX Club keeps beating me to it though. Come on - fair's fair! He can't possibly need all of them.

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We're all around if you need us, even if only for a rant.


Here too Cav. Having spent most of 2005 in a complete state if there's anything you want \ think I can help with, you know where I am.

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I'm trying to get my hands on a BX Mk1, because they're ace. Some runt on BX Club keeps beating me to it though. Come on - fair's fair! He can't possibly need all of them.

Phone up about this before it gets broken


http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1986-Citroen- ... 2a127c3a92

too late, someone bought it!

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What a fucking farce things have been of late. Yesterday I get home to find that the newley cemented step between the outside path and path leading to my house has been trod in whilst still wet presumeably by a postman or someone posting leaflets. Today I walk into class, switch on the computer where my work is stored when suddenly smoke starts coming from the computer tower. Great. Thankfully my work should be saveable as its not the hard-drive that is affected.


My tutor was trying to educate me about being 'positive' and that 'I wasnt the only one' bad things happend to after I vented a few frustrations. I am very aware this and it kind of grated against me. If that wasnt already bad, a couple of other people in class started butting into the conversation trying to 'educate' me on the same point and judging the things that I had said to my tutor during the conversation that I was having with him and him only. That really got me riled. :evil::(


The other day I wanted to submit my folder for another course I had been doing. I checked on my USB to upload 1 of the 2 videos I made. The 2nd video is not on there, it hasnt been saved properly and has corrupted. Now that wouldnt be so bad if the college hadnt started refurbishing rooms and therefore started packing computers away, including the Apple Mac computer I had my video saved on :|

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What a fucking farce things have been of late. Yesterday I get home to find that the newley cemented step between the outside path and path leading to my house has been trod in whilst still wet presumeably by a postman or someone posting leaflets. Today I walk into class, switch on the computer where my work is stored when suddenly smoke starts coming from the computer tower. Great. Thankfully my work should be saveable as its not the hard-drive that is affected.


My tutor was trying to educate me about being 'positive' and that 'I wasnt the only one' bad things happend to after I vented a few frustrations. I am very aware this and it kind of grated against me. If that wasnt already bad, a couple of other people in class started butting into the conversation trying to 'educate' me on the same point and judging the things that I had said to my tutor during the conversation that I was having with him and him only. That really got me riled. :evil::(


The other day I wanted to submit my folder for another course I had been doing. I checked on my USB to upload 1 of the 2 videos I made. The 2nd video is not on there, it hasnt been saved properly and has corrupted. Now that wouldnt be so bad if the college hadnt started refurbishing rooms and therefore started packing computers away, including the Apple Mac computer I had my video saved on :|

Watanabe, when did you change your user name ...



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Depressions a bitch, a friend of mine suffers it and I found worsened by shouting at him to snap out of it. Trouble is the world is getting shittier, there really is so much to be depressed about.

On the off chance it helps I saw this in Fulham today.



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