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The grumpy thread


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Back to plentymorefish, My work mate was going on about that site a few weeks back, He reckons his mate started using it and met up with some fat women on there and was shagging her within an hour of meeting her, My mate told me to sign up and try and find this girl put all i got was pages of spam emails but the naughty pond section makes for interesting viewing.


Apparently this bloke has now met another girl from the site who enjoys fists being put up her bottom, Classy.


Myself and Mrs_Claim set up a couple of blag accounts on there, TVDAPHNIE is one of them and we had a laugh at some of the men who replied. Most of which looked normal and didn't say they were looking for fun with unconvincing transvestites in their profiles.


Edit. Here he/she is...



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And here's the pics of a few people who want to meet.



Note the strategically place lighter to give a perspective of size.



No this isn't Johnny Vegas!



Jimmy Hill meets Swampy.



Apparently this guy is looking for the right girl and settle down...... He must be short sighted......

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I'm wondering if those that are married/with partners are roffling at Hirsts post and those who are currently single are thinking "Hmm, might be worth a go"

I reckon the ones who are married/with partners are only in that position because they did something very similar to what I suggested.

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PoF.... just for scientific reasons, I went back on my account last night and reopened it. Two photos, neither of which are any good.


Bam, three normal sounding girls, all local. Doesn't seem difficult! Spent all night chatting to them. Point proven, none of them appear to be into fisting.

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Just getting over one of those myterious 1-day illnesses that caught me out. Saturday night/Sunday morning was spent on the bog being sick and getting rid.... Sunday, I felt seriously drowsy and well out of it, I hardly ate and only drank. Today, thankfully I feel much better and a little more normal.


Finally manage to get the Rover 820e back from the garage after having a new p/s pipe fitted, only to find that on leaving the car stationary but running for about 30 mins sees engine overheat, the fans are not kicking in, the fuses seem Ok. Tomorrow an auto electrician will be having a look.

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Ebay grump: Old, massively incomplete tools selling for -to me- humongous amounts of money simply because they are collectable. You can guarantee the buyer is a collector who will stick it on a shelf and not someone who might actually want to make use of the item for what it was originally designed and made. :roll::x

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Ebay grump: Old, massively incomplete tools selling for -to me- humongous amounts of money simply because they are collectable. You can guarantee the buyer is a collector who will stick it on a shelf and not someone who might actually want to make use of the item for what it was originally designed and made. :roll::x


I noticed this recently. I was looking for cheap garden tools and discovered a whole world of vintage tools - not that most of the stuff looked even slightly vintage. Just knackered, missing bits and rusty and some of it not very old looking either!

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Ebay grump: Old, massively incomplete tools selling for -to me- humongous amounts of money simply because they are collectable. You can guarantee the buyer is a collector who will stick it on a shelf and not someone who might actually want to make use of the item for what it was originally designed and made. :roll::x


Conversely, I provoked shock and horror from the seller of whom I bought my Tamiya Cheetah off several months ago. He was aghast because I actually wanted to run it instead of sticking it on a shelf. I reckon he deliberately left parts off it during his tenure so that it had less chance of being run. I don't understand the whole RC 'shelf queen' mentality - there are far more detailed 1:10 and 1:12 models out there for similar money with the singular purpose of being a collector's model. Why buy an RC car with very approximate levels of detail, half build it and then whop it on a shelf?




I don't have the money to complete the Cheetah at the moment, so it's sat on a shelf at the unit. The irony.


There was a sociologist called Arjun Appadurai who wrote at great length about the commodity phenomenon. I think Marx would have been baffled by the collecting mentality too, whatever form it took. Collecting tools does seem a bizarre fixation, especially when vast sums of money become involved.

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Fucking cars. :evil:


Took my car to bits, now can't for the life of me see how I am gonna put it together again.

There's this little inflexible hydraulic pipe that is supposed to attach to the end of clutch master and secure with a split-pin type affair... except I can't get to it to even get the pipe all the way on, let alone get the pin in. I think I am gonna have to dismantle vast swathes of the rest of the car just to do this, I really haven't the time or patience for this shit. So tempted just to bin the fucker and be done with it.

Twatting twat cakes.

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Fucking cars. :evil:


Took my car to bits, now can't for the life of me see how I am gonna put it together again.

There's this little inflexible hydraulic pipe that is supposed to attach to the end of clutch master and secure with a split-pin type affair... except I can't get to it to even get the pipe all the way on, let alone get the pin in. I think I am gonna have to dismantle vast swathes of the rest of the car just to do this, I really haven't the time or patience for this shit. So tempted just to bin the fucker and be done with it.

Twatting twat cakes.


Which car is this Pog?

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Took my car to bits, now can't for the life of me see how I am gonna put it together again.


Reassembly is reversal of dismantling? How did you get to it to take it off?

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I squeezed my hand in with some very small pliers to remove the clip, pulled out the pipe and slid the M/C out.

New M/C is in, but of course there's no space to move with dexterity to do things up (there was enough to remove brutally).


Manuals no bloody good - it didn't even mention this end of the M/C, spent ages trying to work out why it wouldn't come out when it was still attached throug hthe bulkead... :roll:

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Ebay grump: Old, massively incomplete tools selling for -to me- humongous amounts of money simply because they are collectable. You can guarantee the buyer is a collector who will stick it on a shelf and not someone who might actually want to make use of the item for what it was originally designed and made. :roll::x

20 years ago my uncle started his own blacksmith/welding shop, and had difficulty obtaining a good anvil but eventually found one - within 3 weeks of opening the forge, he'd had 'suits' offering to buy the anvil "because it would look good in the garden". They wondered why he got upset at this, after all, it's not like he needed it to make their bloody gates...

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I squeezed my hand in with some very small pliers to remove the clip, pulled out the pipe and slid the M/C out.

New M/C is in, but of course there's no space to move with dexterity to do things up (there was enough to remove brutally).


Manuals no bloody good - it didn't even mention this end of the M/C, spent ages trying to work out why it wouldn't come out when it was still attached throug hthe bulkead... :roll:


Can you unbolt the M/C again so that it floats about a bit to make it easier?

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Pog - running into the house and ranting is the best solution. Head out tomorrow and it'll probably pop straight on. Lost count of the number of times this has worked...

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Pog - running into the house and ranting is the best solution. Head out tomorrow and it'll probably pop straight on. Lost count of the number of times this has worked...




That's why my gearbox swap took two weekends. Kept hitting an "obstacle" so I'd walk off, go and have a wander or a cup of tea or go to a mates house or something. Come back and "piece that won't fit at all and is in completely the wrong place" just slots straight in.

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Ebay grump: Old, massively incomplete tools selling for -to me- humongous amounts of money simply because they are collectable. You can guarantee the buyer is a collector who will stick it on a shelf and not someone who might actually want to make use of the item for what it was originally designed and made. :roll::x


Conversely, I provoked shock and horror from the seller of whom I bought my Tamiya Cheetah off several months ago. He was aghast because I actually wanted to run it instead of sticking it on a shelf. I reckon he deliberately left parts off it during his tenure so that it had less chance of being run. I don't understand the whole RC 'shelf queen' mentality - there are far more detailed 1:10 and 1:12 models out there for similar money with the singular purpose of being a collector's model. Why buy an RC car with very approximate levels of detail, half build it and then whop it on a shelf?




Well said sir.I do collect vintage Tamiya RC but they are all run,albeit with a certain amount of care due to the obscene prices vintage parts seem to make.Believe it or not there are people who collect,sometimes solely,unbuilt kits with the intention of keeping them that way,never mind actually building them and running them.Whats the point in that?


By the way,watanabe,let me know what bits you need for your Cheetah.Might be able to help you out there and if I cant I know a few people that may have the parts you are looking for (obviously without the need to spend a stupid amount to get it going)

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Photography Competitions.


Prize(s) look good, standard of existing entries looks poor, I could be in with a shot here.

Quick look at the T&Cs...

Oh dear.

"You, the entrant, grant Us, the promoter, the non-exclusive, royalty-free rights to use your image in any way, shape or form, in any media, currently existing or invented in the future, for any purpose we wish. Forever. Anywhere in the universe.

Even if we make pots of money from it.

Ha ha."




Pre-packed vegetables.


Why can't I buy loose vegetables in the supermarket anymore?

Being a single chap I don't want to buy 1kg of carrots, I want four carrots.

I also want to buy loose carrots as there's usually a few rotten ones at the bottom of the pre-packed bag.

Annoyingly, I can buy 5kg of carrots for less than four loose carrots.

Although by the time I've reached the supermarket (6pm), the one, single, solitary box of loose carrots is empty so I have no choice but to buy the 10kg bag because there's still 20 full boxes of those.


All because they can put a best before date date on a 20kg so people will throw them out sooner.

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Single blokes should only buy tinned carrots! Or go to a proper greengrocer (if you can find one still open)

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Buy the bigger cheaper bag, peel and chop them as you prefer then bag them into the freezer with some spuds or whatever other veg takes your fancy in individual potions.


Then when you want a "slap up tea" you can just use them as required. :mrgreen:



I wish i was rich/that busy that I had to buy the pre peeled and chopped stuff - lazy gits. :lol:

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Well said sir.I do collect vintage Tamiya RC but they are all run,albeit with a certain amount of care due to the obscene prices vintage parts seem to make.Believe it or not there are people who collect,sometimes solely,unbuilt kits with the intention of keeping them that way,never mind actually building them and running them.Whats the point in that?


By the way,watanabe,let me know what bits you need for your Cheetah.Might be able to help you out there and if I cant I know a few people that may have the parts you are looking for (obviously without the need to spend a stupid amount to get it going)


I shall bear that in mind. When I rescue it from the unit I will send pictures.

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After spending an absolute fortune - it's easy to exaggerate on fixing cars, but it must be close to 2,000 of my missus' money so far - and spending months and days in pissing rain, snow, the MGF will no longer start in the morning. I've replaced everything on the fucker, and it's still driving like it would rather be sat on the driveway just resting. Fuck these cars and fuck you Rover (again) for making constantly shit, unreliable products.

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The bloody glass fell out of the drivers side wing mirror on the Simca on the M6 yesterday. Arsecandle.



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^^Who was driving it while you're in FL?



Me! I'm not in FL until Thursday of next week. Can't wait!

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