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The grumpy thread


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The fact that nobody names their children "Norm" or "Norma" any more, thus rendering my name a laughingstock for use by sitcom TV and slasher flick writers. I'm thinking of starting a "Save the Normans" forum, but nobody would be arsed..........




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The fact that nobody names their children "Norm" or "Norma" any more, thus rendering my name a laughingstock for use by sitcom TV and slasher flick writers. I'm thinking of starting a "Save the Normans" forum, but nobody would be arsed..........

ha ha


My first name is Ronald - think yourself lucky you've not got a namesake that's an effing McDonalds clown!!!

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The fact that nobody names their children "Norm" or "Norma" any more, thus rendering my name a laughingstock for use by sitcom TV and slasher flick writers. I'm thinking of starting a "Save the Normans" forum, but nobody would be arsed..........

ha ha


My first name is Ronald - think yourself lucky you've not got a namesake that's an effing McDonalds clown!!!

He's not the biggest clown ever to have the name Ronald:-

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I'm just so utterly depressed about Torsten's lovely A35 being stolen. And I went to have a look at that Triumph Mayflower Trigger spotted, just to find it would only run on three, belched out clouds of blue smoke (the seller claimed he'd fitted another engine to it and the blue smoke was oil in the exhaust from the old engine burning off) and the clutch had no action at all, you had to rev the guts out of it to make it move just a few feet. And it needed a bare metal respray.

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:cry: I didn't know you was going to go and see it, Shame it's knackered, Mind you it has sat there a long while.


I'm depressed about the A35 too, It's made me worried about my two old cars now :(

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Haven't really used eBaY much recently and it would appear I missed the rule changes that now must include a new law where you're not allowed to show decent pictures and include things like interior shots.

Oh, and avoiding pertinent questions seems to be the way as well :roll:

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I'm a bit sad as I've heard a friend was in a car crash yesterday in his "new" 1980's VW Camper.


Driving along a country road a lady coming the other way lost control on a corner, came over his side, hit the O/S front (luckily his VW is LHD), ripped his wheel off and pushed him into someones garden, Everyone is ok but he's gutted, although he's glad it wasn't any of his other old VW's (He has a split screen as well as a 60's Beetle and a Variant.).


I've not seen his camper but heard it was a really nice one and now it's wrecked due to some women not paying attention.

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now it's wrecked due to some women not paying attention.


And that's the way so many lovely cars die, not to mention the people involved. Mrs Ramrod and I have both lost cars to women who were putting on makeup or whatever instead of looking where they were going. My car didn't matter, it was a cheap nasty Orion, but it cost me several months off work and the compensation takes so long to come that you can only get out of debt by selling your house. Her car was the pale green Proton I've shown you before, which we had almost paid for and would probably have owned all the way up to leaving the country had it not been smashed 7 years before.


I was hit by a 2002 Clio; I often wonder what would have happened had I decided not to go to work in the Orion that day, as the alternative would have been my 1980 Buick Century Limited which had chromed girders for bumpers, and a proper heavyweight chassis. I suspect I would have carried on blissfully unaware that I had a frog shopping trolley hanging off my towbar...

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Is there anybody in the Western Hemisphere selling a Vectra C or E46 Beemer who isn't a knobhead?

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Is there anybody in the Western Hemisphere selling a Vectra C or E46 Beemer who isn't a knobhead?


You're really looking for the exception to the rule with those two motors, and while the e46 atleast isn't a terrible car, they attract the type of cocknock who buy one for the "status", and as such these people are a bit dim and probably easily angered.

Still, at least you aren't after an e36 316 with msport badges already stuck slightly wonkily on the back.

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Is there anybody in the Western Hemisphere selling a Vectra C or E46 Beemer who isn't a knobhead?


It's a longshot........

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Dim and easily angered you say? Sounds like my missus has more relations than I thought.


To be fair for the budget I'm working to (circa £1500) I can't expect too much but someone selling one who has a brain shouldn't be too much to expect I'd have thought. Wrongly, it would appear.

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Collect daily from body shop “aâ€Â. Set off fiscally bereft but mildly cheered by the prospect of waxing some nice new paint. Eight or so miles later oil pick up pipe decides now would be the ideal time to block. Again.


Break tooth. That’ll be cheap to fix then.


Still no answer from the landline and two mobiles of body shop “b†/ MOT station which appears to have permanently closed whilst in possession of my shite. Make enquiries at neighbouring businesses: “There’s been a fall out round there – not seen him in weeksâ€Â.


FFS :evil:

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We need scaryoldcortina to knock out some more trackers.


the autoshite v1.0 car tracker is still in development.... but it is something I am working on. In fact, my silence all day yesterday was because I was knee deep in C. Soon as I get the hang of Nokia serial protocol and find a working battery for a 5110 then a prototype should happen. Then it will be possible to send the car a text message and get a GPS fix as reply. Estimating less than £40 in bits (including the phone) and easy to build. Watch this space.


The logger I made works fine, but it's no good if the car goes missing because you need access to the SD card to find out where it is, it's more of a "where did you go?" gadget than "Dude, Where's my car?"


I'm really pissed off to hear about the A35 as well. :(

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Is there anybody in the Western Hemisphere selling a Vectra C or E46 Beemer who isn't a knobhead?


I hear there's a nice E46 Touring in Leatherhead.

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Ive just found out that friends of ours in Nelson..his daughter Rose..25..was the woman who got shot dead by deer poachers in Taupo in October.The guy has been jailed for manslaughter..i heard about it when i was in Scotland when it happened..its Mums best mates partners daughter..but we ve only just been told..awful just simply awful..

http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/artic ... 03&ref=rss


http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/4291676 ... lt-service

this has made me cry..

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My friend asked me to make a DVD of her wedding tape. "No probs" quoth I. "What sort of tape is it?" I further enquired. "mini DV" she said. So she left the tape round. I then discovered that my camcorder is fucked, giving the "C32:11" error of death. So I borrowed a mate's cam, only to find out that the FireWire card in my monster PC is buggered as well. My cam was hardly used, and is 5 weeks out of warranty. Fucksticks.

How old is it? Could be a 'fitness for purpose' issue here. Don't let the retailer fob you off with excuses - your contract is with them, not the manufacturer.



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The gusset of my wranglers has chafed through, my right testicle now only has pant material to shield it from the coldnessness of late winter/only spring.


On the plus side, the weather is getting milder so I wont have to get er indoors to darn my nether regions up until november, hopefully it doesnt get to large

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My potato masher has just broken, I only bought it in 1983 (from Woolworths) does nothing last anymore?



Go back to the store you bought it from and demand a refund

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The gusset of my wranglers has chafed through, my right testicle now only has pant material to shield it from the coldnessness of late winter/only spring.


You're probably kidding, rite? But I've got -quite a few- pairs of jeans like that. Draughty.

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My potato masher has just broken, I only bought it in 1983 (from Woolworths) does nothing last anymore?



Go back to the store you bought it from and demand a refund


Especially if it's a Dixons or something now.

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Job seeking woes. Spent all day browsing online jobs and despite looking at over a thousand in total I couldn't find a single one that made me think "yes, that's what I want to do with my life". Kinda feels like I'm at a crossroads in that if I don't find a decent job now I'll be stuck on minimum wage for the rest of my life. Yet looking through all those descriptions it feels like it's the only thing I'll get. Makes me think I should have just left school at 16 and not bothered getting a degree as it doesn't seem to be helping

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The Audi-driving cnut behind me at the mini roundabout this morning, who after waiting in line for at least 0.75 seconds, decided to speed things up by blaring his horn at the woman in front of me. How exactly does a large, shaven-headed man signal through a misted windscreen to someone that he's not the impatient fucktard that he so obviously appears? To add to the fun, she then panicked and pulled straight out in front of an oncoming car.

In a rather angry mood, I then stamped a leetle too hard on the throttle while driving sideways into work and nearly obliterated 2 more cars and 3 pedestrians, before tyre-squealing myself straight again. What a twat.




I couldn't find a single one that made me think "yes, that's what I want to do with my life". Kinda feels like I'm at a crossroads in that if I don't find a decent job now I'll be stuck on minimum wage for the rest of my life. Yet looking through all those descriptions it feels like it's the only thing I'll get.

I hate to break it to you, but your 'feelings' are absolutely right. Gone are the days when you could be employed in a great job just because you have the quals (or even experience). The only way you will ever get a truly satisfying job, is by starting your own business doing something you genuinely enjoy. You'll probably never be well-off, but at least you won't be fighting suicidal urges every morning.

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