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The grumpy thread


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I went through that in October,split up,moved 140 miles to my dad's in Dorset,divorce currently going through well,using the online service,should be done by july.found a new job (though furloughed) and found a new woman who has made me realise just how wrong my situation with my ex was,one thing I will take from this lockdown is it has made me appreciate what's important to me more.

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You can still see your kids if their under 18, they can travel between 2 places. 


I've got mine next week. Was planning on driving up to dad's but thays well out the window now... Hoping tesco do playsand... 

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44 minutes ago, plasticvandan said:

I went through that in October,split up,moved 140 miles to my dad's in Dorset,divorce currently going through well,using the online service,should be done by july.found a new job (though furloughed) and found a new woman who has made me realise just how wrong my situation with my ex was,one thing I will take from this lockdown is it has made me appreciate what's important to me more.

At the moment I am not looking to get with another woman, but I suppose nobody knows what the future holds.
We have not started divorce proceedings yet, but it’s something that will need to be done. 

As for my situation, we just became 2 different people & drifted apart over the last year, but I wasn’t expecting it to end, we still got on etc, it wasn’t an acrimonious break up. Just one of they things I suppose, Life is unpredictable sometimes.

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41 minutes ago, beko1987 said:

You can still see your kids if their under 18, they can travel between 2 places. 


I've got mine next week. Was planning on driving up to dad's but thays well out the window now... Hoping tesco do playsand... 

I know that they are allowed to go between places, my family want to see him also, which is not advisable at the moment, plus, my ex (it’s weird calling her that now) is also not willing for me to get him due to worrying about the current situation, & I respect that & I don’t want any blame should I get him & he becomes unwell, his health & wellbeing is important to us both (obviously).

So for now, FaceTime until this lockdown is relaxed/over. 


But also, thank you everyone for the comments, it’s good to know that I am not the only one going through or have been through a shitty time.

So, thank you.

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I had mine last night, their going back in a minute. They can't see their grandparents either, their only going between the ex's and mine, which I think is worth it. 

I've got them all next week and we can't go anywhere... Might fill the fridge with beer now so it's very cold... 

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6 minutes ago, beko1987 said:

I had mine last night, their going back in a minute. They can't see their grandparents either, their only going between the ex's and mine, which I think is worth it. 

I've got them all next week and we can't go anywhere... Might fill the fridge with beer now so it's very cold... 

That would be ideal for me, but my ex worries about him & the current situation we are all in just now, so I have to respect her wishes & I understand why, it’s not like she is flat out refusing to let me see him etc, it’s just because of the current situation. Normality will return at some point (I can’t actually wait for that) & I will be able to actually get him ??

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11 hours ago, 0ldCh0d said:

Well, I am unsure if this is the right thread to post this in, but if it’s not, I apologise & mods feel free to move it.

I have not been on here for a while, in fact, I was last on here in Nov 2019.

So, what has happened since then?
Well....quite a lot actually.

Me & Mrs OC split up for good in February there, which has obviously had quite an effect on me, as I didn’t see it coming, but that’s the way life goes sometimes I suppose. Just need to pick myself back up & get on with it.

So, I have had to re-locate to another house, which was a pain in the arse, you don’t realise how much stuff you actually have until you have to gather it all up, but I am settling in now.

Our boy is now 2 years old.

I still have my CLK 430 & my Rover 75.

My Daily is now a 2005 Audi A4 2.0T Quattro.


So, I now have more time on my hands than I ever planned to. 

To keep me going, I have decided to really concentrate on getting the Mercedes finally sorted out & on the road (I know, I have said that before), but this time, I am actually going to go do it, as it will take my mind off of things & I need a distraction.

obviously, this lockdown doesn’t help anything, but it is what it is. 

Apologies if this is the wrong thread, but I couldn’t find the “Jeremy Kyle” thread..? 

I also apologise if I have now killed this thread , I didn’t mean to ?


Welcome back ?

Kettle's in the same place.  @Pillock ate all the pink wafers, but there are always some slightly oily custard creams somewhere...

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19 minutes ago, 0ldCh0d said:

That would be ideal for me, but my ex worries about him & the current situation we are all in just now, so I have to respect her wishes & I understand why, it’s not like she is flat out refusing to let me see him etc, it’s just because of the current situation. Normality will return at some point (I can’t actually wait for that) & I will be able to actually get him ??

Sound alike way less arse and ear ache to keep the status quo then! 

Mine keeps wanting me to have them more, but I'm still working half days and filling the other half with projects! 

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Just now, beko1987 said:

Sound alike way less arse and ear ache to keep the status quo then! 

Mine keeps wanting me to have them more, but I'm still working half days and filling the other half with projects! 

Definitely, that’s the way I want it to stay, it makes things easier for everyone going forward. 

As for your situation, you can only do what you can do, you are taking them & you still need to do your things out with & she should understand that?
Then again, saying that.....some women are hard to figure out at times. 

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10 minutes ago, chaseracer said:

Welcome back ?

Kettle's in the same place.  @Pillock ate all the pink wafers, but there are always some slightly oily custard creams somewhere...

Thanks chaseracer, I have not had a slightly oily custard cream for a long time...but I suspect they will be coming up when I get started on my Mercedes ? 

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8 minutes ago, 0ldCh0d said:

Thanks chaseracer, I have not had a slightly oily custard cream for a long time...but I suspect they will be coming up when I get started on my Mercedes ? 

You need...


...for that job!

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2 hours ago, 0ldCh0d said:


Anyway, apologies for derailing this thread with my shit ??



Welcome back and no apologies required. If it got something off your chest and helped you to share, then this is indeed the right place to post it.

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Just now, Cavcraft said:



Welcome back and no apologies required. If it got something off your chest and helped you to share, then this is indeed the right place to post it.

Thanks Cavcraft. Appreciated ??

I just wasn’t sure if this was the right thread to post it in. Yes, it does help get it off my chest.
It’s good to be back on here also, not that I was stopped from doing so, just life got busy until we broke up.


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9 minutes ago, chaseracer said:

You need...


...for that job!

Good choice...However, I wish I could get these....& no TUC is not the same at all.


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Sorry to hear your uncle got run over by a boat in Venice.



My gondolences.

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I know I'm not the only one, but this fucking situation is driving me to the brink. It's great having my littlun more at the moment, but I don't do well without routine. So many times I've drifted to 'that' dark place, it's worrying. Feels really silly writing it.


As a side point, my neighbours are still smoking weed out their windows upstairs, meaning we can't open our windows, and even if we don't, the smell comes in through the vents anyway. 

Estate agent said report to council / police. 

Council said report to police. 

Police didn't come back to the report. I'm sure it's not worth their time investigating a bit of weed usage. 

If it carries on much longer, they may have something more serious to investigate... ?


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Just been shopping. Ooooooooo fuck me what a palaver. Had to queue to get in (which made me grumpy) watched a woman try to park in a space that was (in total honesty) big enough to park a decent size lorry in, she gave up eventually and drove off, limits on everything you could buy, loads of people with scarves pulled over their noses, the shop was filled with pissheads on their daily jolly to ill up on the booze isle, every front page of every newspaper had the same shit on it about coronavirus and Boris's fight with (he's sitting up in bed you know!) it and weeks more of the lockdown. To cap it all, I very nearly had to be served by the slowest woman on the planet but let someone else go in front of me so I didn't have to as her uselessness really annoys me.

Got out and set off and some twat bloke waved at me to slow down - I was doing about 15mph!

I am not going to survive for long at this rate as my blood pressure will kill me before any virus gets a fucking chance.

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8 minutes ago, HarmonicCheeseburger said:

Fucking car insurance is due in May, every single quote website has jumped by £200 to nearly £600+ for my fourth year (3years NCB) insurance on a FUCKING K11. 


I am - close to just putting it on fucking sorn, wont matter using it since we are likely on a distance based lockdown soon.

Try Adrian Flux, dirt cheap (just shit if you have to claim). Tell them last years premium and see if they can beat it. 9/10 they will just to get the trade.

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4 hours ago, xtriple said:

Just been shopping. Ooooooooo fuck me what a palaver.

Saw that coming and went to big Saynesburies yesterday mid-afternoon. Short queue, took less than 5 mins to get in. Had everything I had been instructed to get though green veg was a bit thin on the ground (result!). Cashier waiting for me, so no delay there. 

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Regrettably went back on Fuckbook..book designer introduces himself...love your work..lets make a start..two days in..i finally ask what he wants out of it..profit share he says..i stew on that..OK..then i ask how much...,he says btwn 35-65%...so i call my well known  American photographer friend whose stuck in Guatemala....Johns ace..tell him to go get fucked....so i just did!

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18 hours ago, HarmonicCheeseburger said:

Fucking car insurance is due in May, every single quote website has jumped by £200 to nearly £600+ for my fourth year (3years NCB) insurance on a FUCKING K11. 


I am - close to just putting it on fucking sorn, wont matter using it since we are likely on a distance based lockdown soon.

It don't help but in the Netherlands car insurance companies are returning money.  They have calculated that most are not using their vehicles. (What a surprise) Shame I don't live there .

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Imagine spending two or three hours trying to take the fucking rack off a Honda motorbike, and then imagine finding out there's two more hidden bolts and the bastard hasn't come off? Well, that.

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Nana dustman passed away about 5pm. Been expecting the call for at least a year as she’s just existed as opposed to lived. Relief and upset is a weird combination. 

Going to take a day or so off the forum. Can’t even spend time with my parents at they’re 90 miles away

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I expect many of us will be thinking of you. I hope there's relief that it was inevitable and not due to Covid-19. Have a break from this and remember the good times you had with her.

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22 hours ago, treehugger said:

Is this not the expenses of the MPs underpaid staff rather than the MP themselves?


There was a fairly real risk of Mrs L1 becoming an MP recently, and it would have been a pretty shit deal as far as I'm concerned.  Certainly a loss in real terms household finances.

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On 4/9/2020 at 1:05 PM, xtriple said:

Just been shopping. Ooooooooo fuck me what a palaver. Had to queue to get in (which made me grumpy) watched a woman try to park in a space that was (in total honesty) big enough to park a decent size lorry in, she gave up eventually and drove off, limits on everything you could buy, loads of people with scarves pulled over their noses, the shop was filled with pissheads on their daily jolly to ill up on the booze isle, every front page of every newspaper had the same shit on it about coronavirus and Boris's fight with (he's sitting up in bed you know!) it and weeks more of the lockdown. To cap it all, I very nearly had to be served by the slowest woman on the planet but let someone else go in front of me so I didn't have to as her uselessness really annoys me.

Got out and set off and some twat bloke waved at me to slow down - I was doing about 15mph!

I am not going to survive for long at this rate as my blood pressure will kill me before any virus gets a fucking chance.

I bet she's fucking loving her job at the minute ! such lovely and understanding customers and all that 

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