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The grumpy thread


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I am single, frequently sad but not for the lack of a lady in my life, I like being alone nowadays and can't imagine living with someone. Mind you, I can't imagine anyone wanting to live with me if they knew how I live!


I have no idea how I keep getting into these jams, yes, if I find someone attractive I'll tell them (straight out, no messing - 'fuck me, you are GORGEOUS! ' type of thing :)   ) but to everyone else, I am just 'me' - friendly etc but nothing more. It's not like I'm going to give George Clooney sleepless nights worrying about his fading looks!


be straight with Kath- tell her what you cant do and why

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The pay rise I've been working my bollocks off for has finally happened after 5 years aaaaaand it's not even half of what I was expecting and puts me on about £350 less p/m than the other guy doing the same job with about the second experience etc.

It's still a raise, so I should be happy, but I'm grumpy as fook because they obviously think I can be mugged off on the cheap.

Time to hit the job market I suppose.


ask them who is best person to give details for to get a reference

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£98. Fucking £98! Wont be brimming the 406 much anymore...


Then the esso app didn't register me replacing the pump so one of the staff came out and gave it a good kicking, and I rebooted my phone.


The good kicking probably explains why it's pissing out diesel from the handle... Plus to Che k it was reset he took the diesel nozzle out and squeezed a slosh out all over the front of the pump! Nearly dropped my fag in shock...



oh yeah forgot to tell ya an 406 has got a mahoosive fule tank- prolly cost £90 or more to fill :mrgreen:

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Had a great weekend, lovely friendly event - right up to 2200 on the last day, when news starts spreading that someone's room has been broken into and part of their costume nicked.


Had enough that some scum have managed to put a sour note to the end of a great weekend, have caused that trauma to the guy involved, and have meant that the poor convention staff who by all rights should be getting the chance to chill the hell out for the first time in probably months are now having to run around dealing with this nonsense.


Now looking at most likely a room-by-room search of the hotel by the police too...I really need to be asleep about an hour ago to be confident I'll be in a fit state to drive all the way home tomorrow, yet now have no idea if we're to expect a knock on the door at any second.


Hard to believe that someone who's made the effort to come to the event would do this.


It's obvious it's not just someone off the street (not that there's much passing traffic, hotel is buried at the back of an industrial site) as there were plenty of easily shiftable high value items of tech in the room but they weren't touched. Just a single item that's sufficiently well known as to be "too hot to handle" in terms of resale that's been taken. It's either a massively misjudged prank gone wrong or a purely malicious act.


Why does one person always have to ruin things for everyone?


This little event is one of the very few times of the year I really feel safe and part of a wider family...so something like this stings a lot, it's unnerving in itself, but also makes it feel less inherently safe, but even more so is the fact it feels like a direct attack on what's essentially an extended family.

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Not sure if I posted this, but last night at work fuck me.


Everything was going tits up. I actually got that wound up I was physically sick.


Sent from my VFD 710 using Tapatalk

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The mighty* Synergie keeps sticking with one indicator on, so I locked it and then took the negative lead off the battery overnight.


Next morning, taking kids to school. Get out of house with littluns. Remember about battery (car is on other side of the road) - can't unlock the car until battery is reconnected! Fuck. Tell kids to wait on pavement, go over other side of road, put bags down. Reconnect battery, unlock car. At this point, lots of traffic comes by. Stress about kids being on pavement right next to cunts in BMWs doing 40 down our road to get to the station. Cross road, collect children, strap them in, get in myself, start, drive off. BUMP. What the fuck was that?


Go round front of car. I left my bag on the floor in front of the car. I have just driven over my laptop bag containing phone, macbook, good headphones (Beyer DT250s), etc etc. Fuck. Pull bag out from under wheel. Get back in car. Drive off. BUMP.


Go round front of car again. I have now run over my camera bag as well, which I also left on the floor but must have been hidden by the bumper when I was extracting the laptop bag. Canon 60D, lenses, shotgun mic, flash...

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It does but they didn't trip. Don't think I took enough current to trigger it.


An RCB should trip before you feel it, they take milliamps to trigger. Sounds like you've just got MCBs.

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The mighty* Synergie keeps sticking with one indicator on, so I locked it and then took the negative lead off the battery overnight.


Next morning, taking kids to school. Get out of house with littluns. Remember about battery (car is on other side of the road) - can't unlock the car until battery is reconnected! Fuck. Tell kids to wait on pavement, go over other side of road, put bags down. Reconnect battery, unlock car. At this point, lots of traffic comes by. Stress about kids being on pavement right next to cunts in BMWs doing 40 down our road to get to the station. Cross road, collect children, strap them in, get in myself, start, drive off. BUMP. What the fuck was that?


Go round front of car. I left my bag on the floor in front of the car. I have just driven over my laptop bag containing phone, macbook, good headphones (Beyer DT250s), etc etc. Fuck. Pull bag out from under wheel. Get back in car. Drive off. BUMP.


Go round front of car again. I have now run over my camera bag as well, which I also left on the floor but must have been hidden by the bumper when I was extracting the laptop bag. Canon 60D, lenses, shotgun mic, flash...


Liked as you couldn't write comedy that good.

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Liked as you couldn't write comedy that good.


I may well have said "you couldn't fucking make this bullshit up" at the time, actually...

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Bub get your RCDs checked out. They trip at 30mA which is tingly but not throw-you-off. Also potentially there's an earth fault for it not to react until you touched it. Glad you're still with us but get that looked at so it doesn't happen again...

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Additional to my 2am grump - has come to light that someone else wound up in hospital last night after having their drink spiked, and a few other things also went missing during the closing ceremony.


Seems there's some bastard out there set on wrecking things for us.

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Liked as you couldn't write comedy that good.


That reminds me of the time in Reading Station multi-storey car park when I saw a guy get his lappy bag out and put it down, just as a woman in a Range Rover came around the corner and ran straight over it.  Last thing I saw was the guy chasing after her waving his arms around.

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Additional to my 2am grump - has come to light that someone else wound up in hospital last night after having their drink spiked, and a few other things also went missing during the closing ceremony.


Seems there's some bastard out there set on wrecking things for us.

Comics? Or LARP?

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I thought she was doing cruise liners. Best fucking place for her, 500 miles out into the Atlantic.


And eight miles down.

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The mighty* Synergie keeps sticking with one indicator on, so I locked it and then took the negative lead off the battery overnight.


Next morning, taking kids to school. Get out of house with littluns. Remember about battery (car is on other side of the road) - can't unlock the car until battery is reconnected! Fuck. Tell kids to wait on pavement, go over other side of road, put bags down. Reconnect battery, unlock car. At this point, lots of traffic comes by. Stress about kids being on pavement right next to cunts in BMWs doing 40 down our road to get to the station. Cross road, collect children, strap them in, get in myself, start, drive off. BUMP. What the fuck was that?


Go round front of car. I left my bag on the floor in front of the car. I have just driven over my laptop bag containing phone, macbook, good headphones (Beyer DT250s), etc etc. Fuck. Pull bag out from under wheel. Get back in car. Drive off. BUMP.


Go round front of car again. I have now run over my camera bag as well, which I also left on the floor but must have been hidden by the bumper when I was extracting the laptop bag. Canon 60D, lenses, shotgun mic, flash...


Very reminiscent of a Dave numbers report.

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Close, furcon.


Oh dear. I was going to post a picture of a girl looking unbelievably hot in her Bowsette costume to cheer you up but I shan't bother now ;)

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My latest antivirus security update has been so successful that it now routes all my Nigerian Prince and HMRC Re-fund to Yous URGENT ONE DAY ONLY emails directly to my focused mailbox (with an alert), while sending all my client emails directly to the Deleted folder. I'm now a digital binhoker, having to check it every few minutes like a paranoid squirrel. Cheers, lads.


However, the PC's apparently about to blow up anyway, since the cooling fan's reportedly been running full tilt all weekend (having been fully shut down, it apparently decided to turn itself on to make noises akin to a Rolls-Royce Trent engine throttling up). Only replaced a year ago, it's dust and fluff-free inside so I can only assume a temp sensor's gone screwy. This is why I'll never buy another HP product with my own cash.


Still, IT Assist will send someone out tomorrow to look at it, so I get to enjoy what sounds like a hair dryer blasting for the rest of the day.



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My latest antivirus security update has been so successful that it now routes all my Nigerian Prince and HMRC Re-fund to Yous URGENT ONE DAY ONLY emails directly to my focused mailbox (with an alert), while sending all my client emails directly to the Deleted folder. I'm now a digital binhoker, having to check it every few minutes like a paranoid squirrel. Cheers, lads.


However, the PC's apparently about to blow up anyway, since the cooling fan's reportedly been running full tilt all weekend (having been fully shut down, it apparently decided to turn itself on to make noises akin to a Rolls-Royce Trent engine throttling up). Only replaced a year ago, it's dust and fluff-free inside so I can only assume a temp sensor's gone screwy. This is why I'll never buy another HP product with my own cash.


Still, IT Assist will send someone out tomorrow to look at it, so I get to enjoy what sounds like a hair dryer blasting for the rest of the day.



What mail provider - Hotmail/Outlook.com ?


They fuck up their spam filters every now and again.

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What mail provider - Hotmail/Outlook.com ?


They fuck up their spam filters every now and again.

Heh, how did you guess?!


Yeah, nothing new but this time I'm especially impressed how they've managed to give Viagra spambots the gold star treatment, whilst not just marking as junk but *actively deleting on arrival* emails from longstanding trusted clients who I've flagged as safe senders.


Also: it doesn't look good to be sat in a review meeting and your work phone on the desk pings with "Horny babes in your area want hard dick!" as the alert line.


But this is all our Comms Unit's fault as a few years ago they put a sample advert up online that contained my (real) work email and phone extensions, without my knowledge, and I've been plagued on both fronts ever since... and no they won't change them either.


Calls regarding "your PPI refund", "your recent accident" and "your Windows computer needs an urgent update" already this morning.


Fucking scammers can get in the sea.

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Google maps becoming cunting stupid & not being able to find where I'm training this week. It consistently refused to admit the road was a good mile from where it kept taking me so I gave up & parked there to walk across the hell hole that is Leeds. It could tell me how to walk here, but was pretending the car park next to the building I'm in is a mile away... Now I've got to find the car once I finish for the day to get home.


Tomorrow I'm getting my sat-nav out as that loses it's mind less often...

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Came home from work feeling fine. Had a cuppa, went outside for a vape, done some laundry.


Gone from happy to grumpy for absolutely no reason in the space of minutes. WTF?

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The mighty* Synergie keeps sticking with one indicator on, so I locked it and then took the negative lead off the battery overnight.


Next morning, taking kids to school. Get out of house with littluns. Remember about battery (car is on other side of the road) - can't unlock the car until battery is reconnected! Fuck. Tell kids to wait on pavement, go over other side of road, put bags down. Reconnect battery, unlock car. At this point, lots of traffic comes by. Stress about kids being on pavement right next to cunts in BMWs doing 40 down our road to get to the station. Cross road, collect children, strap them in, get in myself, start, drive off. BUMP. What the fuck was that?


Go round front of car. I left my bag on the floor in front of the car. I have just driven over my laptop bag containing phone, macbook, good headphones (Beyer DT250s), etc etc. Fuck. Pull bag out from under wheel. Get back in car. Drive off. BUMP.


Go round front of car again. I have now run over my camera bag as well, which I also left on the floor but must have been hidden by the bumper when I was extracting the laptop bag. Canon 60D, lenses, shotgun mic, flash...


Liked for creative writing.

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Don't know what to do.

Sell Wagon for a profit, buy another car with the original amount, pocket difference. Or keep Wagon, as it's a known quantity and has a longer MOT...


(car in question is a 95 Peugeot 205 1.6 auto)


I'm shit at making decisions, and shit with money, so whatever I do will no doubt be wrong.

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There's a little patch of paint that's been knocked off one the Merc's doors.  It's obviously happened really recently because there are a couple of specks of rust showing which weren't there when I bought it, so it needs sorting straight away.


So, last night I sent enquiries to a couple of mobile repair places.


One rang me today, we swapped all the necessary details, then she asked when I'd be coming in.  Erm... it said you did mobile repairs......?

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....Hard to believe that someone who's made the effort to come to the event would do this....


You'd be surprised.


In the world of finescale model railways, I know of a kit manufacturer who had a Great Eastern Y5 tank, built to P4 standards and fully finished, nicked from his trade stand at a show in Manchester - the only one of several other finished models on his stand to go missing. Two years and counting: it has never resurfaced. Someone clearly wanted it really badly.

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Don't know what to do.

Sell Wagon for a profit, buy another car with the original amount, pocket difference. Or keep Wagon, as it's a known quantity and has a longer MOT...


(car in question is a 95 Peugeot 205 1.6 auto)


I'm shit at making decisions, and shit with money, so whatever I do will no doubt be wrong.


I'd advise getting a Pug 205 as you can never have too many Pug 205s, mine has just returned from someone who borrowed it - obviously without an MOT but with broken hand brake cable, broken bonnet hinge and a flat battery - so really it hasn't returned by is immobile parked in a growing pile of leaves by the side of the road somewhere random. BUT you can never have too many Pug 205 (1.6i Autos)s.

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