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The grumpy thread


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Started on the second try? How the other half live eh? There are some of us who are happy with an engine that will begin firing on one after a minutes churning, another minute of feathering the throttle whilst fumbling Rosary beads praying the other cylinders will wake up rather than stalling and hacking up a plume of fuel out the carb and having to whip the plugs to pathetically wave over a Bic.

At least you can fix it by waving a lighter over the plugs. To properly fix the TT you need wave the BIC on a rag hanging out of the fuel filler.
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My son starts big school today. I said he can go in the car but maybe he could think about cycling.


He says its too far.


I said it'll still be quicker.


He says he can afford the petrol.


I hope the kids are nice to him.


Welcome to our newly qualified bomb making, Mr Dangerous your new Chemistry Teacher.

I hope he will be as good as the Chemistry teacher I had at secondary school who had a real passion for the subject and made it fun :) the more things he can make catch fire change colour or smoke the better!

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Started on the second try? How the other half live eh? There are some of us who are happy with an engine that will begin firing on one after a minutes churning, another minute of feathering the throttle whilst fumbling Rosary beads praying the other cylinders will wake up rather than stalling and hacking up a plume of fuel out the carb and having to whip the plugs to pathetically wave over a Bic.


Sounds like my Dolomite which took an age to start on Sunday and then refused to start while in the display area at the car show and trapped all the nicer cars in front of it in place... Much disappointing tutting from giffers because I'm a youth who clearly cannot do car things.


Although I did manage to get it going, and could probably rebuild the whole engine (I reckon £600-700ish) for less than it'd cost to sort the TT...

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...  Pushing views on other people is a big no-no in my view.


I've been a vegetarian since 2010 but have never, ever tried to convert or persuade anybody to match my lifestyle choice and I always offer to bring my own food to parties...


It's a bit like farts. Everyone prefers their own.

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As Ken has said, get rid. The ticking and rough running (and possibly even the struggle starting) are possibly signs the cam chain on the way, and when you do that you might as well do the belt too, yadda yadda. Oh, once you've fixed those it'll just 'do an Audi' and cost you money elsewhere.

It could be the chain, or could just be the old battery that is struggling (I think its original). The BWA engine in mine doesn't have the trouble with the cam chain like the earlier AXX or later EA888 engine (all branded as the 2.0 TFSi). It's more likely to be the high pressure fuel pump ticking away. I'll have a listen tonight. Could also be simply a air con mix valve sticking too. Or the speaker amplifier in the boot got wet again, playing up and making ticking sounds through the speaker. Or the PCV pipe that is held together with insulation tape not making a good seal.


WeBuyAnyCar offering 3.5k. CarTakeback are offering £2.2k. Local Audi independent breaks them and I might try them for a quote. It owes me around £5.5k right now.


I have serious levels of cba to sell it. Especially having to explain the gearbox jerkyness when off the line, how to drive around it and how its not actually a problem (history points to it doing it since 80k). It works as a car right now and apart from these fobles it does drive well plus has nice levels of power. Selling it means a couple £k loss and I still have to find something else. Something else that is likely to have its own set of problems.


I could change it to something like a Focus/etc but they're boring and slow. Buying something with decent levels of performance will require spending more £k on top.


Hence I'll just carry running until something goes bang. In some ways, if the chain tensioner does go, at least it makes the decision to scrap it a lot easier. If it does blow soon, I've lost the older/cheaper car vs new car roulette this time.


This is in a nutshell why people spend £300 pcm on a new car that is under warranty.

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This is in a nutshell why people spend £300 pcm on a new car that is under warranty.


"but they can't actually afford to buy a car"


" you can buy a car for a few month's payments that will be just as good"


etc etc etc etc


You're right, though.

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It could be the chain, or could just be the old battery that is struggling (I think its original). The BWA engine in mine doesn't have the trouble with the cam chain like the earlier AXX or later EA888 engine - all branded as the 2.0 TFSi. It's more likely to be the high pressure fuel pump ticking away. I'll have a listen tonight. Could also be simply a air con mix valve sticking too. Or the speaker amplifier in the boot got wet again, playing up and making ticking sounds through the speaker. Or the PCV pipe that is held together with insulation tape not making a good seal.


WeBuyAnyCar offering 3.5k. CarTakeback are offering £2.2k. Local Audi independent breaks them and I might try them for a quote. It owes me around £5.5k right now.


I have serious levels of cba to sell it. Especially having to explain the gearbox jerkyness when off the line, how to drive around it and how its not actually a problem (history points to it doing it since 80k). It works as a car right now and apart from these fobles it does drive well plus has nice levels of power. Selling it means a couple £k loss and I still have to find something else. Something else that is likely to have its own set of problems.


I could change it to something like a Focus/etc but they're boring and slow. Buying something with decent levels of performance will require spending more £k on top.


Hence I'll just carry running until something goes bang. In some ways, if the chain tensioner does go, at least it makes the decision to scrap it a lot easier. If it does blow soon, I've lost the cheap car vs new car roulette this time.


This is in a nutshell why people spend £300 pcm on a new car that is under warranty.


True enough.


WBAC an option I suppose, just in case things are about to get expensive. Worth taking to a specialist first to sound them out? That way if they think a big bill is looming you can offload to WBAC.

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What sometimes grinds my gears are these cow apologist types (vegan association). One of these groups decided to erect notices in tube stations early this year saying "Be vegan for January to save cows." when these people are also the types who go along and critisize everyone for using cars, burning oil, gas, coal, not wearing green sandals etc. They seem to have forgotten that their friend, the cow, is a large greenhouse gas producer and is contributing a nice amount to el scorchio weather and white furry bear problems.


Except you don't know any of that, you're just making assumptions. I would imagine what these people are complaining about is the treatment of animals in the food and dairy chain, not about wanting a train run on fairy dust driven by hand knitted, fair trade driver made out of ethically grown lentils.

As for putting notices up in tube stations, there are plenty of adverts for products and films people don't want to buy or see, have you complained about them, too? 

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just been put at risk of redundancy




lady fate farts in my face once more.....


or has she?

Ah the old formal communication meetings.


New POD will get zero redundancy if he is selected because not enough service. But if he volunteers and we agree we will double that.


to erm zero.....


New POD finds it funny.


Its shit at the time but for many people it's the kick they needed. But months of stress first. The best thing that happened to me.

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Uckfield, the town on the other side of me, decided to widen its pavements to encourage that continental cafe lifestyle and then bollocked it up as there are nowt cafes and now the parking is hell. The joys of grants.

Oh come on. The first thing they did, before touching the pavements, was to build a new car park by the station for commuters so that they didn't fill up Luxford Field - I used to be one of them, and if you turned up after 10am you'd be driving around for 10 or 15 minutes trying to find someone leaving. I get that people are overstaying now, but that's down to people being twats, you can't blame the council for messing up parking when they've put in at least 100 new spaces...

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just been put at risk of redundancy




lady fate farts in my face once more.....


or has she?



Just back from a weekend with mates - one of which was told the same 3.5mths ago...... but with a HUGE payout for the 24yrs service thrown at him - he took it. Enrolled via LinkedIn on consulting calls at stupid amounts per hour..... tided him over ya know... now one of those firms needs a massive overhaul of process flows/ procedures and purchasing etc.... of what he did for the 24yr crew. Walked straight in..... 


You'll do fine fella - doors are already/always open awaiting

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Foster child has returned from court. He wasn't very complimentary about the cells in skelmersdale police station. The bed wasn't very high and the food was a bit rubbish. I have suggested he leave a review on trip advisor so future toe rags can request an upgrade.

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eBay is being a delight, as ever. 

I listed a double DIN head unit ('as new'; it didn't fit in the SVX or the Impreza) on a three day auction with a very long dispatch lead time listed because of my working hours. 

I list postage at £15 because it's a medium parcel over 2kg. 

Buyer complains as he pays that the postage is too expensive. I explain why the postage is what it is and if there's any difference I'll refund him. There wasn't.

Two days later he asks for an update; I respond that day while I'm working over the weekend that it'll be Monday or Tuesday before I can send it out. 
I receive nothing over the weekend, then on Monday night I get an angry message saying that I'm taking the piss and that he's: 'had stuff posted quicker from China.'

Er, no, my postage terms were clear; by posting it then, which I informed him of in advance, I was still well within my stated dispatch terms. 

He then went on to demand a refund, which I read as I'd just happened to post it. 
Scrambled to get the parcel back, sent him another message explaining that I'm not a Chinese sweatshop, I wasn't picking my dispatch terms out of my arse and that he can either have it sent tomorrow or have a full refund. He likes responding in the evening, which is nice. Working, eh? Funny, I do that too. No way you're having it while you mull over a refund, matey - I've been scammed that way before by a buyer in Italy who claimed I never sent the amp he paid for (and got refunded on). I don't send stuff to Italy any more as a result. 

Companies like Amazon have made next day delivery an expectation even when people are dealing with private sellers. I'm pissed off with his sense of entitlement. If he can't be arsed to read the terms of postage then I really don't know what to say. 

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On the flipside I just got the confirmation that the HT leads I ordered for the Acclaim on the 1st of July have been shipped, just in time for me to miss the delivery as I'll be in Poland the rest of the week,...

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Old cars are neat.  Get in car, normal start proceedure, churny-churny-churny-flooded.  Er, what?  Let it pull itself together again and churny-churny-churny-flooded.  Very odd.  I'm not sure what was causing the issue, after I'd cleaned everything that might be stopping spark - and everything was pretty clean to begin with anyway - it very grudgingly started.  Then did the 2 hours of driving about doing errands without any bother at all.  I suspect something spark related is breaking down, possibly the condenser, because I can't see what else it might be causing this issue.  I'm not even sure it's oil on the points now because when I had a look at those, they were nice and oil-free on the sparky bit, and look in good health.  I'll keep an eye on it, look for any Triumph badges appearing or worse, Honda badges.

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On the flipside I just got the confirmation that the HT leads I ordered for the Acclaim on the 1st of July have been shipped, just in time for me to miss the delivery as I'll be in Poland the rest of the week,...


Too much talk of shopping here, I read that as you'd be in Poundland all week!

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eBay is being a delight, as ever. 


I listed a double DIN head unit ('as new'; it didn't fit in the SVX or the Impreza) on a three day auction with a very long dispatch lead time listed because of my working hours. 


I list postage at £15 because it's a medium parcel over 2kg. 


Buyer complains as he pays that the postage is too expensive. I explain why the postage is what it is and if there's any difference I'll refund him. There wasn't.


Two days later he asks for an update; I respond that day while I'm working over the weekend that it'll be Monday or Tuesday before I can send it out. 

I receive nothing over the weekend, then on Monday night I get an angry message saying that I'm taking the piss and that he's: 'had stuff posted quicker from China.'


Er, no, my postage terms were clear; by posting it then, which I informed him of in advance, I was still well within my stated dispatch terms. 


He then went on to demand a refund, which I read as I'd just happened to post it. 

Scrambled to get the parcel back, sent him another message explaining that I'm not a Chinese sweatshop, I wasn't picking my dispatch terms out of my arse and that he can either have it sent tomorrow or have a full refund. He likes responding in the evening, which is nice. Working, eh? Funny, I do that too. No way you're having it while you mull over a refund, matey - I've been scammed that way before by a buyer in Italy who claimed I never sent the amp he paid for (and got refunded on). I don't send stuff to Italy any more as a result. 


Companies like Amazon have made next day delivery an expectation even when people are dealing with private sellers. I'm pissed off with his sense of entitlement. If he can't be arsed to read the terms of postage then I really don't know what to say. 

Folk don't read stuff. The number of stupid questions we had selling the caravan when it was all there was madness.

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Folk don't read stuff. The number of stupid questions we has selling the caravan when it was all there was madness.

"Is it a caravan?"


Someone on eBay once asked if a bass guitar I was selling 'was a bass guitar' - then had the brass neck to tell me off for being rude.


To be fair, my response was 'use your eyes and look at the images.'

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Ebayer has responded saying that I should shut up and try harder because he works more hours than me and owns a boat.


Ah well, I was going to be nice and refund your postage. Unfortunately now you can cram it, buddy boy.

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He had stuff ordered for his boat from the States and it arrived WITHIN SIX DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!1


All those hours spent at work must be doing a number on his comprehension skills. It clearly stated a long lead time for dispatch and postage.


He suggested I used DPD or Yodel and have them collect from my place of work, and that I might as well send the item because I'd be 'too busy to process the refund.'


Having dealt with Yodel's third party subbed carrier service (as HDN) for three years working for Marks and Spencer, you're better off setting your package on fire and posting what's left through the customer's door.


I realise that must be hard to see sat on your boat but us peons just have to go that extra mile.


I wouldn't understand, I'm not a business.

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He had stuff ordered for his boat from the States and it arrived WITHIN SIX DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!1

Even so, I don't get why he needs a head unit so quickly, as if it's some weird do or die situation.

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