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CRV puts in a shift - Cookie's adventures in shiteing

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Mmmm nice crispy crunchy bits round the edge. Hope the car isn't like that!


(Dis)astra has landed. Mr Cookie seems pleased with his purchase!

Top customer, would collect chod for again!

25 minutes ago, High Jetter said:

Mmmm nice crispy crunchy bits round the edge. Hope the car isn't like that!

A little bit


1st a huge thank you to @worldofceri for delivering the disastra. Much appreciated and I highly recommend his chod delivering capability.

The Wollard shot


Dealer was a bit off with the description. Rust on two arches, front bumper marked in places and is two different shades of paint. Exhaust has a bit of a blow somewhere. Think it's got the wrong keys (I thought they had remote hood  button on fob). Keys supplied don't. 3 tyres ok, a couple of them are good brands. Interior central dash a bit ropey.

But, I'm still happy with it. Think I overpaid a bit, but then I always think that lol

Mrs CSW reactions were

1. Walk out of house with Shirley Bassey 'Goldfinger' playing loudly on her phone.

2. Reminded me she knew a very very good divorce solicitor.

3. Asked when my Hairdressing course was starting

4. Christened the car 'Shirley', so now it has a name.

Has a folder of history, that I will report on tomorrow along with first drive, cause it's not got enough pez to get to the pez shop.

Then I can decide if I'm very happy or just happy.

Here are some pics of the bad (ish) bits














Mrs CSW must be beginning to wonder what has happened to her husband, he has started taking pictures of his food, started to tell the world about his poo count and asks her to take a picture of him with his foot on his new hairdressers car! 

I bet she can't wait for the lockdown to end??

  • Haha 3

Pez shot (kinda)


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Ok. First drive done, now it's got pez in it :)

First impressions

Like - Steering and gear change. Seats are comfy.

Dislike -

Brakes are awful. Pedal goes halfway before anything happens. Actually missed a turning as I overshot lol

Bit crashy over pot holes.

Some trim is a bit squeaky, sounds like a super angry chipmunk is in the dashboard.

Slight knock when I turned hard right. Only the once though. Will keep an eye on it.

Faults - One binnacle light out. At 5500 rpm car hits a hard flat line. Hunts a little bit on idle. Maybe she has sucked up some crap, as her fuel tank was empty or an Italian tune up, may help.

So in summary, she needs some love, but none of it seems terminal.

Mrs CSW HATES it. It will not be kept long term. Will have a play, do my best to improve her, but ultimately she will be moved on towards end of summer. Possible roffle.


I hate it too.


One please

  • Haha 2

Top work, i do love that colour.

Don't think that bulbs going to function go well, or someone lost a phone lead. 


4 hours ago, Andyrew said:

Top work, i do love that colour.

Don't think that bulbs going to function go well, or someone lost a phone lead. 


Lol hadn't noticed that. It does work though.

11 hours ago, andyberg said:

Mrs CSW must be beginning to wonder what has happened to her husband, he has started taking pictures of his food, started to tell the world about his poo count and asks her to take a picture of him with his foot on his new hairdressers car! 

I bet she can't wait for the lockdown to end??

She did ask last night, if I was alright. Wondered if I was having a mid life crisis. First the burple HRV, which she hated and now a orange disastra (I've told her its Titan Gold Pearl Metallic till I am blue in the face). She REALLY hates it.

  • Haha 3

That is a tremendous colour for an automobile, a shame the interior isn't as cheery to look at. 12.5/10.

  • Thanks 1

Gave the ginger disastra a quick run this morning, to ensure battery gets some juice. An essential activity.

I can report

The brakes are still proper shit. I live in hope and had fingers crossed they would fix themselves overnight :)

A fluid change may be in order or a new brake cylinder, as it sounds wheezy when pushing the pedal.

The car seems to treat the pushing of the brake pedal, as a polite request to slow down. It thinks about it for a bit, then complies if it's in the mood.

The windscreen wipers are shot and need replacing.

On a positive note, it doesn't leak, which is a relief. Nice and dry inside after two days of rain.

In true shite fashion, I've still not opened the bonnet to check her levels. I like to live dangerously.

On 4/29/2020 at 9:39 PM, Cookiesouwest said:


Will have a play, do my best to improve her, but ultimately she will be moved on towards end of summer. Possible roffle.

I'm assuming that you're talking about the car, not your Mrs


When is a cabriolet a coupe? When the roof mechanism wont work.

The first thing I tested when car was delivered on Wednesday, was did the roof work.

It did, happy days. 

Took car to the shops this morning and decided to pull over and put roof down. It was nice and sunny. Nowt, zip, sweet FA, when pushing the button to lower roof.

So now I have a Coupe. On the plus side the Astra G coupe was also on my wish list.

Mrs CSW hates the car even more now.

  • Like 1
  • Haha 2
On 4/30/2020 at 11:26 AM, Rod/b said:

Get her to choose the next one from the selection on our For Sale page


  • Like 1
5 minutes ago, Tickman said:

I'm loving the Mrs CSW updates.

To make it worse. When I got home, Mrs CSW said 'I may have been a bit harsh about the car. Perhaps we should take it for a spin, with the roof down, because it's nice and sunny'

Me - Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


Did you have the hand brake on when you tried to lower it? A few I've had in the past needed it before they would lower.

  • Thanks 1

Is it hydraulic or purely electric?

In either case, start with the fuses. 

If they’re ok, make sure the handbrake warning light on the dash goes on/off with the handbrake as expected. 

  • Thanks 1
9 minutes ago, paulplom said:

Did you have the hand brake on when you tried to lower it? A few I've had in the past needed it before they would lower.

The 306 needed the engine off. 

  • Like 1
  • Thanks 1

Ok. As punishment for buying a Ginger disastra cabriolet that turned into a coupe over night, Mrs CSW made me build the fence I have been thinking about for the last year. Mrs CSW says its procrastination, but I prefer thinking.

Anyway, the bloody thing is built now. None of the posts are straight, but the rails are and the gate in the middle only rubs slightly when being closed. 

It's not fallen over yet, so I am taking that as a win. Pic of fence.


I then went out to Shirley, as she has been christened by Mrs CSW, to check a few things, after the comments on here and a bit of internet research.

Seems as though the boot lock and interior light are linked to the roof ECU. If either is non functioning, it's a sign of knackered ECU or blown fuses.

Interior light ok and boot opened.

So I had very strong words with Shirley, a few of them were of the sweary variety. Told the Ginger bitch she would be going to the bridge if she didn't start behaving.

Then got in, fired her up and pressed the roof button. 

The roof then worked fine. 


I'm taking the win, the second of the day. Clearly swearing at your car can fix it!

I think Shirley may be possessed. 

Then I opened the bonnet. I've had her 4 days, so figured I should have a look.

Yes she does have an engine - it doesn't run quite right above 3000 rpm, as its suffering from hesitation as she goes up through the revs. But driving at sub 3k rpm is underrated, so I will do that till I figure out what is wrong.

Proof of engine


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Hmmm - is it fully electric or is it electro-hydraulic?

My Boxster roof went intermittent when the relay was failing. That included getting stuck open as well as closed....

7 minutes ago, Kiltox said:

Hmmm - is it fully electric or is it electro-hydraulic?

My Boxster roof went intermittent when the relay was failing. That included getting stuck open as well as closed....

Its electro-hydraulic. Making me uneasy using it, in case it gets stuck in the open position. Will try it again tomorrow, to see if it works or not.


Hmm. The electronics are doing less of the heavy lifting in that case. I would check any electrical connections for corrosion etc and clean them up if they look dodgy. 

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Vectra Headlight restoration part two.

Following the dismal failure of first attempt, I've had another go, using a Sealey kit.

All masked up and ready to go. Headlight has old lacquer on it, making it unsightly.



First up P800 wet and dry. I used a drill and kit came with two p800 discs, one for each light. As I suspected, I ended up using both.


Then the p1200. Only used one disc.


Then one p2000 disc and a polish. Forgot to take pics :(

This is the result, which I was not happy with.


Still quite cloudy. So I went back over the light with p2000 and p3000, by hand. Then another polish. Much better


After lunch, will wash it down and UV seal it.

Then see if I have enough left over from previous autoglym kit, to cobble enough together to do the OSF light.

I have learnt, that for me, I got a better result sanding by hand. So will only use the drill for the polishing.


Applied the UV protection and very happy with result.



Then I set about the other light. Because I'm stupid and dumb.

I learnt that I should have waited till both headlights had been polished before applying the UV protection.

Some polish got flicked onto the light. I wiped it off and FML


I have knackered the UV. At least I know what I'm doing next weekend now. The headlight all over again.


Vectra had some love this morning. Popped out between meetings and fitted a replacement cooling fan control module. Unobtainium new and it took months to find a breaker who was willing to post one.

No pics of procedure, as I was bent over double, with no light to see with and swearing a lot. 

Not a huge amount of room in a modern engine bay. Job would have been easier if I removed the battery and the unnecessarily large battery box that GM fitted.

When I'm on my lunch break, will give it a blast round the block, to see it it actually works.

Pic is of old part.




Vectra  passed MOT. Just needs couple of tyres soon. Pretty happy. Shirley the Astra has also been in garage today.



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