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Ford timelord


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I used to love the KLF when I was growing up, but their post KLF antics shown in the documentary, along with the whole painting of Phill’s car, makes me realise what a washed up pair of narcissists they really are.

I don’t think they though that in destroying KLF at the Brits, they’d actually struggle to stay relevant afterwards. I don't buy the whole “tired of fame” thing because they did everything to stay in the public eye with the “edgy” K Foundation awards stuff immediately afterwards and the burning of the money. Was quite refreshing seeing them doing the Q&As after the “burn the million quid” film showings, and be called out as cunts. Trying to control the narrative with the 23 year embargo in the contract on the Bluebird too - they knew then nobody cared anymore anyway.  

The documentary didn’t really show either of them in a great light but Drummond seems to be a monumental asshole in particular.

The whole peoples pyramid thing is a bunch of bollocks too. 

TLDR: Drugs are bad, m’kay

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8 minutes ago, Rod/b said:

I used to love the KLF when I was growing up, but their post KLF antics shown in the documentary, along with the whole painting of Phill’s car, makes me realise what a washed up pair of narcissists they really are.

I don’t think they though that in destroying KLF at the Brits, they’d actually struggle to stay relevant afterwards. I don't buy the whole “tired of fame” thing because they did everything to stay in the public eye with the “edgy” K Foundation awards stuff immediately afterwards and the burning of the money. Was quite refreshing seeing them doing the Q&As after the “burn the million quid” film showings, and be called out as cunts. Trying to control the narrative with the 23 year embargo in the contract on the Bluebird too - they knew then nobody cared anymore anyway.  

The documentary didn’t really show either of them in a great light but Drummond seems to be a monumental asshole in particular.

The whole peoples pyramid thing is a bunch of bollocks too. 

TLDR: Drugs are bad, m’kay

The KLF, for all sorts of reasons, were a product of their time.  1988-1992 wasn't a great period in this country's history: Thatcher's policies really started to bite in working class areas, de-industrialization continued apace, privatization went on, there was a recession, a mortgage crisis, vandalism was cool, Essex-man was found urinating in City gutters, there were new drugs, the ERM collapsed and so it went.  It was grim, back then.  Parts of London started to resemble the Blade Runner set: all decaying concrete, graffiti, run-down shops full of second-hand tellies, clapped out cars belching smoke on the streets and the only respite a cup of tea at a plastic table in a cafe with steamed up windows.  I liked and hated it in equal measure; less safe but more interesting than the plastic fantastic, sensitive and inoffensive vision of town we inhabit now.  But anyway, The KLF provided an ideal soundtrack to those lost, grey days.  What they didn't account for, I suspect, was a desire to escape it all on a magic carpet ride of trashy Dutch disco-pop.  What the people wanted, amongst those serious environs, was to have the fun of high-energy music without the pretentiousness and heavyweight aspirations to serious expression that characterised the late eighties.  Some people still liked it, but they all donned death make-up and went to the Bat Cave.  Thus The KLF served their purpose and became obsolete, in a sense.  

Almost anyone with a creative vision is a narcissist, for the record.  One has to be.  

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1 hour ago, Missy Charm said:

Nah, it's justified.  That car was ancient.  

but do they drive an ice cream van?

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On 7/14/2022 at 9:54 PM, barefoot said:

That's my point; I don't suppose for one minute he did at the time, in fact he was probably a little bit grumpy about it but I suspect that with hindsight, he realises that he's essentially tidied up, washed, ironed, re-made & completely de-valued Tracy Emin's bed.

That’s the arrogance of an some artists.  Why is that more important than what the owner created in a good Timelord?

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14 hours ago, garethj said:

That’s the arrogance of an some artists.  Why is that more important than what the owner created in a good Timelord?

Because it wasn't their creation. See: narcissists 


Heaven forbid anybody take anything from the KLF, as they never ever took any other intellectual property and profited from it. Honest m'lud.

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This thread needs making into a film/documentary  excellent work off al those involved  


I am going to book a day off work so i can read it all properly 

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12 minutes ago, Stixy said:

This thread needs making into a film/documentary  excellent work off al those involved  


I am going to book a day off work so i can read it all properly 

I know a couple of TV production companies who would be willing to do that.

Maybe if the missing Timelord is found and the puzzle is completed, I'll set some wheels in motion.

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On 17/08/2022 at 16:47, Missy Charm said:

The KLF provided an ideal soundtrack to those lost, grey days. 

Nice post all round. I agree. I'd argue that Suede and the art school drop out bands that followed along with the Young British Artists (including aforementioned Emin) chronicled the next phase.

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39 minutes ago, Pieman said:

Maybe if the missing Timelord is found and the puzzle is completed, I'll set some wheels in motion.

Will be fine   , i have watched 3 seasons of Twin Peaks !  



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1 hour ago, Pieman said:

I know a couple of TV production companies who would be willing to do that.

Maybe if the missing Timelord is found and the puzzle is completed, I'll set some wheels in motion.

My opinion now is that the car is long gone - sadly.

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  • 2 months later...
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/13/2022 at 5:21 PM, barefoot said:

How do I get to watch the documentary?

I've just signed up to prime & first it wanted £2.50 for me to rent it, which rapidly increased to £3.49!



On 7/13/2022 at 5:48 PM, sierraman said:

It’s available just to download on Sky Q, it was ok but it did just come across as a self indulgent biopic of the time they were active so to speak, I get they were fairly popular at the time but it was hardly fucking Abbey Road by the Beatles. Some good footage of the Timelord though.

My philosophy on it is that it’s probably still surviving albeit beyond restoration under a tarp somewhere in Bickers yard.


For anyone that doesn't have prime/sky/etc, it's on sky arts (Freeview ch 11) this Friday night at 10.10pm;



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The KLF documentary was on the telly the other day, pretty good viewing. I came away having formed the view that they were damaged people further damaged from all the drugs rather than out and out dickheads 

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I watched (& recorded) the Sky Arts thing as well, some great new (to me) period footage of the Timelord, and, there also seemed to be new-new (as in current) footage of "A" Timelord driving around in it.. 🤔

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15 hours ago, uk_senator said:

I watched (& recorded) the Sky Arts thing as well, some great new (to me) period footage of the Timelord, and, there also seemed to be new-new (as in current) footage of "A" Timelord driving around in it.. 🤔

There was. It was @Philmanns car. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

smoll post but I happened to come across a picture of The Timelord WGU18G that I dont think I have seen before

from here https://hunttimelord.wordpress.com/2020/12/19/ford-timelord-has-again-returned-to-work-to-demonstrate-the-unorthodox-methodology-and-theories-of-tc-lethbridge-are-justifiedin-the-never-ending-quest-to-unearth-everything-and-anything-ford/

is this photo, which interestingly shows the Timelord, still with its (originial?) white on black number plates, I notice in most if not all pictures of it during KLF ownership it had retroreflective plates


perhaps everyone else has already seen this photo but I figured it cant hurt to share just incase :) 


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  • 2 weeks later...

I got James Brown's (journo not king of soul) new book "animal house" for Christmas. Some good KLF encounters and photos of Ford Timelord in Sweden.

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  • 1 month later...

So... once the timelord mystery is solved, which shitter has the renault 5 from the "It's grim up north" video?


E792XGT, on sorn

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  • 4 weeks later...

well this is interesting! twas checking in on the Ford Timelord and me being me, thinking back to this recent system change that I discovered

On 31/12/2022 at 04:07, LightBulbFun said:

following on from this it seems like at long last Northern Ireland vehicle MOT history* is now viewable online! only goes back to 2017 but still very neat to see!


its a little rough and ready, seems to be taking pages out of the HGV/PSV MOT checker in how if there is no MOT history available it just assumes it expired/is due 1/3 years after date of first registration



or just assuming the vehicle is equipped with a flux capacitor and thus is due an MOT 49 years before it existed...




*although sadly detailed info is not available, it seems it can only give you the history of passes and fails no actual details on what the vehicle failed on or what any advisories might be


still might be somewhat useful for @Datsuncogand the such like :) 

I thought lets run it through the MOT checker and well would you look at that! it seems like keeper change last year was to someone/or at least an address in Northern Ireland...



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11 minutes ago, sierraman said:

What’s the NI significance? 

I'm still trying to fathom out how to tell the v5 was issued to Northern Ireland by looking at the  mot 

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