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Mercedes roffle **collected**

Jim Bell

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Hmm. I'm not sure I really want to see other people's shite. No need to take the name of this place that literally.


I hope you escape Glasgow safely. I've heard the locals are rough, and have been known to force people to buy dreadful Daimlers against their will. 

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Hmm. I'm not sure I really want to see other people's shite. No need to take the name of this place that literally.


I hope you escape Glasgow safely. I've heard the locals are rough, and have been known to force people to buy dreadful Daimlers against their will. 


You didn't bring a Volvo with you to appease the Weegie God of Flatpack Furniture, you only have yourself to blame.

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Are they still charging you money to take a dump in Queen st? Regarding the perpetuabuilding site status, the closure of the 'people watching lounge' sponsored by BK vexes me greatly.

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Sorry Ian. No more Shitadvisor then.



Heres something completely different:









Sad ariel.





Happy ariel.







Top seller even included Scotch snacks. Winner!



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First impressions:


Why do it idol all over tha plaice?


Specially in P and N?


Also seems to not want to drop revs, so if you let go of the gas pedal at speed, you just carry on at the seem speed forever. Or if you rev in N they go up and come down very slowly.


Will try a vid.

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I'm in the shitty centre the noo if you fancy a brew?

Cheers for the offer dude, the battery was churning very slow when cranking so I wanted to get straight on the road and get some currants in it.

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Yes.  There's a doofryfurkin you can adjust under the bonnet.  To the right hand side of the engine - at the end of the throttle cable.  Give it a twist (i think) clockwise and that should drop it down.


There was about 2" of travel on the throttle pedal before it would respond - and thus wouldn't always kick down willingly.  Garage adjusted it but I reckon a bit too far.  I left it as, where it was before, it could be an arse to get it to kick down.  I got very used to dropping it manually using the shifter.


Maybe the cable has stretched?  Dunnolol.

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Maybe man. It gets worse the longer you leave it idling in P or N so i wasguessing a split hose or summat (!!?). Ill deffo investigate.

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This is certainly my favorite side!







The runs give you character (sorry Ian). Love the character on this car. Really love it.



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Surprised we’ve not had another reference to the ed sheeran indicators (!)

You’ve also not referenced the brass screws in the door card or my dodgy leather patch on the seat!!  THAT'S CHARACTER.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Give it a boot.








Dunno how many pairs of old underpants are in there but Im pretty sure itd be a commonwealth record.



Original etchings.







The business end:






Look at the size of that fluid reservoir?!!!

No wonder the battery had to go in the boot.





Right, I really am hitting the road this time.


Will update later.







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Surprised we’ve not had another reference to the ed sheeran indicators (!)

You’ve also not referenced the brass screws in the door card or my dodgy leather patch on the seat!!  THAT'S CHARACTER.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Those brass screws ALMOST hold the door card on. Theyre trying their best and I wont hear negatives said about them.


Great bunch of lads. Real grafters.




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Oh I do love these collection crappers!

FTFY (given that's how I read it following the preceding posts...)


Car looks great! Etched windows... There's a throwback to a time almost forgotten!

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Had a couple of hours to kill above the border while I awaited the decent of Loser1 and the Scoob.


Stopped at a village called Haddington for a bit of spotting and bait.


Countryside Car





Rural Japanese Car:




Village Frenchman:






Just in case you were wondering, the Oxfam shop in this village, DO do requests on the PA sound system:




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After a bit of local culinary mediocrity and a quick look around each others cars, we hit the road and pointed southways.












Everyone needs a wee stop once in a while, but only Pro's demand a WOOLARD STOP.
















Canny charriats.







The Merc kept up with the MODERN MONSTER well enough.  I really like this green machine.  Its got its faults and the throttle cable/idling issues want looked at but its just got so much character. 


Thouroughly enjoyed collecting it and running it down the hill.  Cant knock the levels of comfort and the spec. The sound system/tape player sounds remarkably good, far better than I had any right to expect. Even the coathanger puts an excellent shift in as a radio ariel. Visibility is cracking, and its a nice simple, easy car to enjoy.





Many thanks to SRi05 and LoserOne for helping to put together a great day out.








Just made it home.  Only 11 hours and 344 miles for this collection.  I must be getting auld.

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