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What makes you grin? Antidote to grumpy thread

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Possibly write to the DVLA with the story and ask if it would be possible for them to forward a cheque to the registered keeper.


Aww Ronnie Pickering doesn't have a Wikipedia page. Might have to edit the section on the Picasso to say he's it's most famous driver


I can't. Mainly as I'm absolutely useless and lazy so will likely forget and you know that it'll be deleted nearly straight away by one of their editors*


Someone I know had their identity hacked and loads of stuff was bought on ebay.


It all turned up at his own address!

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Someone I know had their identity hacked and loads of stuff was bought on ebay.


It all turned up at his own address!


How good is his security?


Bought a BX tailgate for 99p on eBay the other day, because I need the boot catch. That, and a wiper motor that doesn't smell of fire when I try to use it. The seller turns out to be a genuinely ace chap who, despite a clearly busy life, is trying to get a bright red TZD back on the road. I'll be heading back over that way to get a nice NSR door he has to replace the bent one on mine.


I have advised him of the existence of this place, here's hoping he turns up at some point.

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A mate telling me about a online spat,he had on a 1 make site about how a EGR valve works.

This spat started to get a little warm.With the other person shouting in SHOUTY text DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM??

Said mate starts to think maybe i'm wrong and maybe this bloke knows something so googles him.No google doesn't know who he is either.A little bit more do yo know who I am goes by,it turns out he runs a modding company for these cars.

Last i heard still arguing.

How could anyone disagree about that? All it does is R's the EG's.


SItting on a bus heading towards the West End today and I saw only one interesting car. But it was a Studebaker Avanti driving the other way near Swiss Cottage.  A bloody STUDEBAKER AVANTI!


It's been taken off already!

Removed because its Unencyclopedic gossip



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So I applied for a couple of PPI jobbies a couple of years ago. One paid out, the other bounced because something something. I dunno, but I was happy to cash a cheque for £75 or whatever from one of them.


The one that didn't pay out wrote to me last month, apparently something has changed in the rules and they have to look at cases again. Would I like them to look at mine? Single tick box on a bit of paper, pre-paid envelope. Sat around for a couple of weeks but I finally posted it just before Christmas.


They sent me a pack today, opened it when I got the chance. Looks like just a load of leaflets and generic response stuff. Thank you for your complaint, yada yada blah blah, investigated blah blah we're gonna send you a cheque for £fourfigures blah blah blah. Hang on, read that last bit again.....


WTaF? Even better, because the lender wrote to me directly we skipped the third party I used last time, so they don't get a cut. NICE.


Last year I found a house to buy, the mrs didn't like it and we had mega arguments about it and I nearly ended up single because of it. Both of us have our heads screwed on a lot better as a result of that and it forced us to sit down and have a good word with ourselves, we're loads better for it.

Anyway, this house was one in a row of about 12 houses, with nice fields all around them. Since last year I've watched 6 or 7 of them come up for sale. Seems a lot, so I got more suspicious, turns out there's a flipping triple whammy that we've avoided.

To start, fracking is on the cards, but on top of that there's a travellers site planned about 500 yards away, and those nice fields? 650 houses to be built on them.

We still want to move and everything that comes on the market gets sold 25 minutes after we view it, but bloody hell we've dodged a right bullet with that one!


Isn't it weird what you have dreams about, dreamt last night I'd gone to a police impound auction and there was a Cortina GXL and a Simca Alpine. Where does random shit like that come from?

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