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What makes you grin? Antidote to grumpy thread

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That owl thing is funny shit. I LOL'd fo reel at it..


Two reasons for grinnage yesterday to make up for the NON STOP RAIN...


On my journey home I spotted an parked A reg Austin Ambassador, light metallic green, A*** GFX ... my BX is LFX so registered in the same area (Bournemouth/Poole). I couldn't stop to get a photo...


Then, minutes from my house, I met a Hillman Super Minx coming the other way, with an A-suffix registration. Nice to see something like that being driven on such a wet day.


On the down side today I've discovered the BX has a very soggy boot carpet :(




This kind of made me grin but also annoyed me a little.


Sat looking out the window at my Dad's place in London which is pretty good for 'spots' of various kinds. Anyway, I need confirmation or information of sorts.



...A Mk3 Astra Estate was parked in a traffic jam, and noticed that the last 1/2 or so of the roof was raised very slightly, maybe an inch at the most. Are they all like this? I've not exactly studied their roof skin much in the past, but never noticed this before.


Made me grin 'cos it's one of those things you've possibly seen a thousand times but never noticed..



Are they all like this?



Cheers. I are spazmo.


My shit excuse is that they usually have roofbars obscuring the view.






Mrs Cohen calls the classified line of the Jewish Chronicle as she wants to place an announcement, She says "Morris Cohen's dead." That's it? asks the classified manager. "Yes," says Mrs Cohen, "that's it." But, urges the JC man, "You're entitled to six words. You get three more. And they're free." Mrs Cohen says she will think about it. Finally she rings back. After due consideration she has found her three missing words: "Morris Cohen's dead; Volvo for sale"

Lesbians who look like the chuckle brothers.

That is all.


I'm sure there's a monumental joke to be made around "to me, to you" and dildos, but I'm way too tired to think about it now...


^Plenty of them in Basingstoke, trust me. Always fun working out which one is Barry and which one is Paul.

I went on the tube for the first time since that massive panic attack I had on the Northern Line a few months ago and I was fine. Thats it, thats the last 'hurdle' I had to overcome. Such a relief!


I saw two pairs in the supermarket last week. It's true that one takes the role of the man, I even worked with one who said she was 'the man' in the relationship (ie. short hair, men's clothing, etc). I've also found one is attractive, while the other isn't, in some cases. Those lesbians, eh?


I wonder if there is such a thing as a "lesbian car"?


A quick search of Google images for 'lesbian car' throws up a number of interesting results. That's with safe search off though...

I wonder if there is such a thing as a "lesbian car"?


In my experience (I've worked with a few) whatever it is will be small, Japanese and bought new or nearly-new. Even the hefty Phil-Mitchell-a-like who drove trucks with me had a Micra!


My friend Danny has a lesbian housemate.

I told him I didn't understand, she was fit.

I wonder if there is such a thing as a "lesbian car"?


In my experience (I've worked with a few) whatever it is will be small, Japanese and bought new or nearly-new. Even the hefty Phil-Mitchell-a-like who drove trucks with me had a Micra!


Oddly enough I was taught to drive an a truck by a woman and I also had a woman examiner. Neither munched carpet though (I asked).

I wonder if there is such a thing as a "lesbian car"?


In my experience (I've worked with a few) whatever it is will be small, Japanese and bought new or nearly-new. Even the hefty Phil-Mitchell-a-like who drove trucks with me had a Micra!


Two I know drive a Corvette and a Firebird :)


Lesbians hey, you can't lick it.


What's the difference between a woman saying no to sex and a woman saying 'Mmm, mmmm, mmm mmmmmmmm'?

















Duct tape.



*I'll get me coat.


Sebastian Loeb. Crikey that boy can drive!


Also amusing - one of the WRC rally stages was called Bitche Camp!


This evening I have scored my second best eBay bargain ever. A fully working 123GT pod revcounter for £16.50 posted.

These normally go for £100 + if they're listed correctly, which this wasn't. Had this been in the right section, he'd have been beating off rabid mongs from the VOC forum. It wasn't in the Volvo section at all. Hence 3 bids. Irritatingly, the damn thing looks in better condition than mine as well. :shock:


When I bought my other (non working) counter, there was a lot of 'OMG GENUINE 123GT' going on, and this meant muggins here paid £113 for a buggered counter that squeals whenever the ignition is on. Scene tax exists in every car movement. The daft thing is that you can make any other Amazon as quick as a 123GT for not a lot of pennies. They're just rare, and that's why people go gaga over them.


There was another variation on the rev counter, which very rarely come up. The face listed the revs in 10 x RPM rather than single digits and the bezel was chromed rather than plastic. They go for even stupider coin.


So kudos to MM5 for spotting it (whilst hunting down a meter for his Rebel) and telling me.


I've got an awesome little list going on here now:

Wat's top eBay wins


1. Isuzu Piazza HBL wheels with brand new 195 \ 60 R14 tyres. (Won for £1 after the vendor spent £250 on new tyres. No Reserve FAIL).


2. Volvo Amazon 123GT Revcounter (Won for £16.50 because it was wrongly listed).


3. Modest Mouse's Interstate 8 EP (Won for £2.78 because there was an error in the listing and only my bid went through, was worth about £40 at the time and rising).


I'm going to actively search the 'Not specified' section for any category I'm interested in on eBay now. I've made some pretty stupid mistakes on there myself, so perhaps this is just what goes around, er, coming back around.


If it does work, it'll go back on my car and I'll get mine fixed up and on the 'Bay. And believe me, mine will be properly listed. :D


The Chuckle Brothers buy cars where I work............... As does "Marina" from Last of the Summer Wine, also the mother of that dancer that won "Pop factor" or whatever it's called, thing years back.. Johnny Shentall. Do they count as "Shite Celebrity Spotting"?


I turned this royally fucked mx5 hardtop



Into this



Bought for next to nowt from a scrappers it in the expectation that I'd not be able to fix it. 2 weekends later, £10 for a fibreglass kit from frauds, a bit of filler and the usual primer and paint and it's good as new. Never really done fibreglass repair on this scale before, and the picture of "pre repair" really flatters it. It was cracked all over the place, the frame was smashed in two and the skin was coming away from it all along the front.


It's nice to be able to see out of a glass window rather than the cracked, creased, shitty 10 inch wide bit of plastic that was the excuse for the back window before!


M'coli. :D Thanks for the help and advice regarding some problems I'm having.

I wonder if there is such a thing as a "lesbian car"?


Daewoo Nexia. Seriously.

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