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What makes you grin? Antidote to grumpy thread


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Because motoring offences have an "Aiding and Abetting" and a "Causing or Permitting" variation where the offence code has 2 or 4 added to it. For example IN10 is driving without insurance, IN14 is Permitting someone to drive without insurance.


I guess they're covering their arse, if your insurance is invalid if you're not taxed.

The "aiding and abetting" wouldn't apply in those circumstances, and the "causing or permitting" only applies if you are actually in a position to (cause or) permit the illegal use of the vehicle - i.e. if it's your car and you lend it to someone who hasn't got cover to drive other vehicles.  If you've sold the vehicle then you no longer have any control over it and are not in a position to cause or permit its use or otherwise.


Besides, despite what insurers may want you to believe, the Road Traffic Act makes it almost impossible to invalidate third party motor insurance, and something as trivial as lack of tax certainly wouldn't do it.

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A well made roll up still smells as good as fresh bread to me, five years on. L1_snr reckons he gets stopped in his tracks any time someone is smoking a pipe nearby, and that's 30 years plus..

I hear that. A good 10 years after quitting the smell of someone sparking up a Marlboro Light got me climbing the walls. I'm closer to 20 years now and its passed thankfully.

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The "aiding and abetting" wouldn't apply in those circumstances, and the "causing or permitting" only applies if you are actually in a position to (cause or) permit the illegal use of the vehicle - i.e. if it's your car and you lend it to someone who hasn't got cover to drive other vehicles. If you've sold the vehicle then you no longer have any control over it and are not in a position to cause or permit its use or otherwise.


Besides, despite what insurers may want you to believe, the Road Traffic Act makes it almost impossible to invalidate third party motor insurance, and something as trivial as lack of tax certainly wouldn't do it.

I dunno then.... Maybe they just had some chancer stopped on the way home in his new, untaxed car and they tried on the "I thought they taxed it" line.


AvailableCar actually send you up to the post office in your new* vehicle to buy tax over the counter. It's about a mile, wonder if the police just turn a blind eye or if it's the low probability of getting caught in a little village.

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Put my old Mondeo up for sale on Monday. Spoke to a guy on Wednesday, and he came today. Deposit left and collecting next week.

He loves the car and can't believe the condition of it. He's happy, and I'm happy.


I do like a nice, easy deal. (Obviously FB mugs sent derisory offers in their droves, tried to swap me E46's, L200's etc) and most amusingly, low specced, small engined, older Mondeo's! - When I already said I had a replacement.

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In other news...


Having visited Dunkerque earlier today (well, yesterday...) I can understand completely why the Wehrmacht set fire to it in 1940.

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Realising that I'm contributing a full 33.3% of Lidl carpark's giffermobile quotient tonight, fifteen minutes from closing - all three of these fine vehicles now entering their third decade. 




Must be something to do with the yellow-stickered lodger loaves at that hour of the night...

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In other news...


Having visited Dunkerque earlier today (well, yesterday...) I can understand completely why the Wehrmacht set fire to it in 1940.


Didn't think it was that bad when we visited last Easter. Bit like a French Aberystwyth in many ways. Ok, that's not necessarily a compliment I'll concede...

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I hear that. A good 10 years after quitting the smell of someone sparking up a Marlboro Light got me climbing the walls. I'm closer to 20 years now and its passed thankfully.

Someone sparking up a MB Light would have me climbing the walls to get out, binds are and always were absolutely disgusting (in my opinion, obviously!)

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Dunkerque is twinned with Middlesbrough. I live near M'bro and have visited Dunkerque and it's pretty apt. :-D


The main difference is their steel plant hasn't shut.

can understand them


better food


its not near boro

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Are these a monthly occurrence or something?

Or do you have many,many companies in your portfolio?


Basically, it's just getting absolutely wankered on as many Saturday nights as possible, sometimes on the proceeds of the many many rubbish cars I get weighed in. 

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