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Clutch alignment tool in use?



The clutch is aligned. Tool supplied. 


The box however, no, the box is not aligned. 


Because the C15 is front wheel drive and is therefore a cunt to get the box back in. 


Let's go from underneath: HA HA FUCK YOU I'M THE TOWING EYE. 




etc, etc, etc. 

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Here you go. MOAR BEIGE:



They found a dealer demonstrator order somewhere to swap interiors with. You’d never know. They also gave me an extra discount for the hassle, which was decent.

Edit: oh and Rob, no I certainly didn't order a satanroof. How very dare you!

That looks lovely!

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Guest Hooli

The clutch is aligned. Tool supplied.


The box however, no, the box is not aligned.


Because the C15 is front wheel drive and is therefore a cunt to get the box back in.


Let's go from underneath: HA HA FUCK YOU I'M THE TOWING EYE.




etc, etc, etc.

Ahh happy* memories of almost dropping a gearbox on my face (I moved, it landed on my shoulder) with a mitsu colt mirage.
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The last C15 clutch I did was on my sisters driveway with a cheapo toolkit from Argos. 

It took a lot of wrenching, wrestling and swearing, and just as I was about to give up, the box slipped into place in a very anti-climactic way. Well, it would have been anti-climactic if the middle finger of my left hand wasnt still in the gap.


The scar isnt much to look at these days, but at the time you could see the boingy bits moving inside my finger. Im not an expert fingerologist, but I dont think thats a good sign.



Should probably have gone to the hospital to get the grease removed and stuff like that, but who would have put the car back together? so kitchen roll and leccy tape held things together until it healed. eventually.



pro* tip - put the box in gear and stick your hand in where a driveshaft goes and turn the diff slowly as you wrestle the box up, this will turn the input shaft until the splines hopefully line up with the clutch disk.





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Here you go. MOAR BEIGE:



They found a dealer demonstrator order somewhere to swap interiors with. You’d never know. They also gave me an extra discount for the hassle, which was decent.

Edit: oh and Rob, no I certainly didn't order a satanroof. How very dare you!

That does look nice, much like most Skodas. Probably why they seem to hold their value better than most VAG stablemates, I say this as someone that's been looking at 2012/13 Superbs and Passats.

I bet 2018 Kodiaks will be more expensive than 2018 Touraegs in a few years .

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Guest Hooli

Floor scissor jacks - saving gearbox-face interfaces since 1973

But it was so light it was easier* by hand. I've learnt to be slightly more sensible in the 22ish years since then.
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It is a 98 mk4 Fiesta Ghia 1.25, aircon, electric windows, power steering (?) and the engine sounds like a little jewel. Worth saving for definite. Wonder if it will ever be worth more than £300?

The first car I ever drove was a 97 Ghia with all of the goodies you have listed, along with some of the most unconvincing wood trim I have ever seen in a car (which I rather liked). Rather bouncy over bumps and not fast at all, but endearing nonetheless.


It was exported to Ireland and sold a few years ago, but I still see it being driven around Mayo when visiting there. Although I am not really a fan of smaller cars, I probably wouldn't say no to one if I had a space available.

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The box however, no, the box is not aligned. 


Because the C15 is front wheel drive and is therefore a cunt to get the box back in. 


Let's go from underneath: HA HA FUCK YOU I'M THE TOWING EYE. 




etc, etc, etc. 

Ahh happy* memories of almost dropping a gearbox on my face (I moved, it landed on my shoulder) with a mitsu colt mirage.

Floor scissor jacks - saving gearbox-face interfaces since 1973


I wish I had a photo of six of us in/on/under Catsinthewelder's ex-Wobbler Discovery, trying to persuade a VERY HEAVY gearbox back into place.

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I hope you won't be chucking them in the hedge bottom like the veg oilers seem to do after fueling in the lay-bys round here.

Definitely not. Using them as floatation devices for the channel crossing.
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Guest Hooli

I wish I had a photo of six of us in/on/under Catsinthewelder's ex-Wobbler Discovery, trying to persuade a VERY HEAVY gearbox back into place.


Done those several times on my own, the trick is to use two jacks. I always used a trolley jack under the gearbox & the bottle jack that came with the Disco under the Tbox.

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She's really not that bothered, she just asked if that could be her classic!




Thank you!, I think the Deluxe was just the basic model, no frills motoring here!











reminded me of this.....................


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First and last FWD box on end clutch change I did 4 days before wedding. Took a night and a morning and wasn't all that much of a ballache to do on the drive.



Yes, but had the hub nuts been destroyed? 


We couldn't go at it in the most straightforward way. We had to work around everything because the sodding driveshaft wouldn't come out on the offside. 

We'll get it back in. 


Then I'll take it to a wedding, top suggestion. 



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As a heads up, I've discussed it with the missis and following the successful revival of the Disco, the E36 touring may be coming up for sale if this new work project pulls off in the next week or so. It'll be surplus to requirements and it needs to be used. If anyone fancies a good, reliable, daily, classic* work horse. Price estimated at around £1200 tbc. It's not for sale at this time (unless you turn up with a truckload of monies).

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I wish I had a photo of six of us in/on/under Catsinthewelder's ex-Wobbler Discovery, trying to persuade a VERY HEAVY gearbox back into place.



Your wish, my dear boy, is granted.





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Here you go. MOAR BEIGE:






They found a dealer demonstrator order somewhere to swap interiors with. You’d never know. They also gave me an extra discount for the hassle, which was decent.


Edit: oh and Rob, no I certainly didn't order a satanroof. How very dare you!

That looks nice, but does having a camera dangling 20' above the car not screw up the drag coefficient?

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Went to Kings Lynn auction yesterday.  Once again I was terrified at the prices some cars are now making and how out of touch I am.  Case in point: this admittedly rather lovely early 900 T16S.  Guide price: £12,000 - £15,000.  No, I haven't typed too many zeros.  Twelve thousand to fifteen thousand pounds.  In my mind it's still worth about a fifth of that, tops.




More sensibly priced was this, the last Cavalier of EVAR, which could have been yours for under a grand, even with ACA's hefty commission added on.






I quite liked this 5hp Citroën - charming little thing, so basic that it didn't even have a speedo (ammeter was the only instrument), or a driver's door.  Decent lock on it for a '20s car though.




This 103-year-old Hudson was magnificent.  The engineering was something else - the gear shift was like a rifle bolt.  Bastard heavy steering mind.  Amazingly original - Junkman's "do not paint" mantra was made for this car.  [bonus photobomb by the bizarre 1980s Lea Francis.]




Not sure what these little taps were for on the cylinder head though?




And if that's too old fashioned for you, the dealership over the road would have been happy to sell you this magnificent* beast for just* 16 bags.




The trip to KL and back was done in the freshly MOT'd 205, which behaved magnificently and managed 130 fairly enthusiastically-driven miles on less than 15 quid of diesel.  I had a bash at the tracking on Friday evening - wasn't very scientific, I just wound the offside track rod in by about 3mm, but it seems to have improved things as the steering wheel is now straight and the steering feels more precise, plus it's less squealy around tight corners.  Staking in the rear hub nut was a twat of a job, as the drum sticks out well beyond the nut which means you can't get a punch straight on the nut, you have to approach it from about a 45o angle, which makes it rather awkward.


I've also fitted a dual lighter socket to the 205, ready to run the sat nav on its run down to Surrey next weekend.  The original lighter socket was knackered, and the feed to it was fluctuating between about 3.5 and 8 volts, which I couldn't figure out but which rendered the whole thing useless anyway.  So I took a live feed straight from my retro-fit horn button, threaded it past the heater box, which was fun*, and over the stereo into the back of the dual socket thingy.  It all works OK, although I couldn't find a drill bit small enough for the screws to hold the socket onto the dash, so for the moment it's held on with one of those sticky number plate holding strips.


That was about it for fettling this weekend - I decided I deserved a weekend off after spending the last two months' worth of weekends crawling around under either the C4 or the 205.  Normal service will doubtless be resumed shortly - I need to have a bash at the trailing arm bush on the 45 for one thing.

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I went along yesterday too and agree about some of the lots being rather pricey, such as the low mileage X-Type which went for just under £6k before the fees were added on. Or the Sierra estate for £2400


However some of the things that went through were very cheap, the MG Midget for £1250, S500 for £420 and Bentley Mulsanne S for £1700 had me rather surprised.


Do you know what the red 214i got to when it came through? I was curious to see what it sold for, but had to leave after the Cavalier went through in order to get to work on time.

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Bentley Mulsanne S for £1700 had me rather surprised.

That car was a pile of shit, with a fist-sized hole in one of the sills, rust bubbles everywhere and peeling veneer inside..  Me and the mate I'd gone along with were poking around it at the same time as a RR / Bentley enthusiast - I mentioned xtriple's head gasket woes to my mate which caused the other chap to engage us in conversation about the joys of owning aging Bentleys, and he reckoned it was worth £2K tops, so 1700 was about right.


Missed the R8 going through, but the results should be online in a few days.

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That car was a pile of shit, with a fist-sized hole in one of the sills, rust bubbles everywhere and peeling veneer inside..

You won't believe how much better that makes me feel, I was shocked after the hammer fell at that price. I was thinking that was the missed opportunity of the day.
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