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Didn't ze germins limit those Tatras to 100mph on autobahns due to the amount of officers killed when the car got over excited & tried to overtake itself on the outside?


Quite frankly I think it is disgusting and wholely inadequate that a hose fitted in a perfectly dark and unbothered place under the dash, that is simply cycled between very hot and very cold temperatures, has only lasted 49 years in service.  I am going to write to my local Rootes representative and give them a piece of my mind.




At least Speedy Spares were on hand to send a replacement when needed in a very 'speedy' manner indeed.



Quite frankly I think it is disgusting and wholely inadequate that a hose fitted in a perfectly dark and unbothered place under the dash, that is simply cycled between very hot and very cold temperatures, has only lasted 49 years in service.  I am going to write to my local Rootes representative and give them a piece of my mind.


At least you won't have to bother about replacing it again until 2066.


Drizzle weather stop car fiddling before work..so tidied up the shed..



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You must have created some impressive tailbacks, I can't believe that rig was moving very fast.

The fucker moved faster backwards than it ever did when it was on the road that's for sure. 206 miles in 4 1/4 hours isn't too shabby. 440 miles total yesterday, and with lots of M3 and M25 a 911 won't do it any quicker on Monday morning..
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The fucker moved faster backwards than it ever did when it was on the road that's for sure. 206 miles in 4 1/4 hours isn't too shabby. 440 miles total yesterday, and with lots of M3 and M25 a 911 won't do it any quicker on Monday morning..


Bloody hell, you did do well.


I've decided to part with my Rover 75 for 2 reasons:


1) 1 or 2 others have caught my eye (I'm such a whore)

2) My 7 seater is going to need some love and money thrown at it in the next month, so I'mma need another 7 seater in the meantime.


Don't be surprised if you see it up for sale.


Pics look nice from the "Sierra Storage Depot" !




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Quite frankly I think it is disgusting and wholely inadequate that a hose fitted in a perfectly dark and unbothered place under the dash, that is simply cycled between very hot and very cold temperatures, has only lasted 49 years in service.  I am going to write to my local Rootes representative and give them a piece of my mind.




At least Speedy Spares were on hand to send a replacement when needed in a very 'speedy' manner indeed.

yeah but for those 49 years you were kicking it with yer toe :lol:


I can haz pillar drill!




Already used it to fix a stripped thread in a cam journal on my 14. Now the cam cover shouldn't leak.


I saw those, but couldn't think of a reason to buy one! Did buy Aldi' multi bit and drill set the other week though. £17 for 200 pieces, got it for work and so I can borrow it if needed. Some of the drill bits look like they'd snap if you looked at them harshly though :-)


I couldn't think of a reason not too...


Besides I knew this job needed doing so it's the perfect excuse. £60 drill & £30 thread insert kit, I've saved loads* over getting it done.

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Quick spot of surface-to-surface refuelling




Did you get finished before the fuel's owner came back?


Did you get finished before the fuel's owner came back?


The fast bastard was there.


I bought my old SE Merc in late 2015 when it had sat unused since 2008 and have been slowly picking my through the jobs, as you do. Since it has done 3000 miles and passed 2 MOTs with me it looks like a keeper for the moment, so I replaced the original 1989 197k shock absorbers with a set of Bilsteins yesterday. Aside from a man's clonk on the drivers front suspension it's a fair daily now, so do I sack the very good condition ditchfinders for some rubber I have heard of, like Avon? Purely for my use, it'll never be a show winner or worth owt. If I do I will have spent much the same on tyres and dampers as I did on the car to start with!




That looks lovely, and worth spending money on if it's a keeper I'd say. My Cavalier is worth nowt yet it's had four new tyres and front shocks in the past 12 months.


I can haz pillar drill!




Already used it to fix a stripped thread in a cam journal on my 14. Now the cam cover shouldn't leak.



My dad bought me a pillar drill for my 40th birthday. It's flippin brilliant

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This afternoon I enlisted the help of my neighbour to waggle the steering wheel on the Trafic while I shone a torch at the steering gubbins.  The offside end of the steering rack was moving up and down quite noticeably.  A crawl underneath the van revealed that one of the rack mounting brackets has sheared off.  That'll be why there's so much play in the steering then.  I didn't have too close a poke around as it's quite oily under there ('cos 212,000-mile Douvrin) and I was going out later and didn't want to get too covered in crap, but hopefully it'll be possible to either weld the original bracket back on (although that'll be tight as the subframe's in the way) or make up another bracket, or even a steel strap arrangement, to hold it in place.


Didn't get much else done on the cars - I briefly investigated the non-functioning reversing lights on the Mondeo and ascertained that the issue was neither the bulbs nor the fuse, so most likely culprit is the switch on the gearbox.  I also swapped the two front wheels on the 200 VI (with utterly shagged tyres) for two with legal tyres from the other Rover.  Or rather I swapped one, then remembered that the other has a puncture, so the spare went on.  At least it now has legal front tyres, although it still won't pass an MOT as they are different sizes.  I actually have a pair of tyres to go on, I just haven't got round to taking them to be fitted yet.


Didn't get much else done on the cars - I briefly investigated the non-functioning reversing lights on the Mondeo and ascertained that the issue was neither the bulbs nor the fuse, so most likely culprit is the switch on the gearbox.

Very common fault on Mondeos. Fortunately also cheap to fix!


I put the Bentley back in the garage today. Does that count as news?





I wanted to put it away on Friday but my mate Mark wanted it for some pictures for a magazine again so I had to keep it available... of course, it pissed down all weekend and the shoot was 'blown out' so the car just sat there getting wet. I HATE the BGD getting wet... I expect it to disolve like the wicked witch in any rain so I panic. Putting it away, had to dry it as much as possible with the leather and the dogs in the back were going so flaming nuts I could just hold the leather still and the car rocking about from manic mutts did all the work for me!


In fairness to them, they were expecting to be going for a walk not sitting in the back of a damp old heap while stupid owner/daddy messes about with bits of cloth.


There were two guys across the road repairing a dry stone wall that had washed out in the rain and they thought I was killing Chester the noise he was making!


After its hose replacement on Thursday the Hillman performed perfectly for a 430ish mile round trip to Manchester yesterday.  Obviously I spent the first 20 miles continually checking the floor by my feet for signs of water but there were none so I stopped worrying.  Saw little of interest other than a ropey looking Princess on the back of a truck and then an Acclaim and a Minor pick-up that seemed to be in convoy once in Manchester.

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I can't believe they are making the discount rate negative, that makes no sense.


I presume they are just using the formula they have always used, aren't they, presumably linking to the rate on British government bonds? The yields on some UK Government bonds turned negative in 2016. The reasons why are probably too controversial for Autoshite, given it involves the 'B' word...

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Just sent the big green dollop (my Brooklands 'R' - 66221)back up to Specialist cars to have the front ride height adjusted. It had all the suspension renewed last year (and I mean ALL the suspension - struts, springs, bushes, everything) but I didn't want the front to sit high like they do when they are correct.


However, the roads round here are atrocious, pot holes, subsidence, terrible over banded repairs the works, and I must admit, though I tried hard to ignore the truth, it did hit the bump stops a fair few times. Also, while I really liked the lowered look, it did make the car look tired... The final straw was getting it out of the garage the other day and turning the opposite direction to the way I normally go and I thought I was going to rip the front bumper clean off!


So, back it went on Wednesday morning (collected) and it was returned this afternoon (my choice, couldn't accept delivery before) and while it now looks a bit too high at the front for my tastes, it does, I must admit, drive MUCH better!


Apparently, to get the low ride height I wanted last year, no shims at all were used and now she has just the one thin one but it is so much higher. But, the steering is lighter by far, and the camber has gone which can't have been good for the new tyres, also, I took it down the poshest area in Torquay, which, just by chance happens to have the worst roads in the entire 'bay and the car was transformed! No crashing or banging as the suspension bottomed out and over all these potholes and depressions in the road, she glided in a most serene way.


I will get used to the looks... in time... and if I don't look!


And the price for this work?


Nothing! Paul (the boss there) did say when I had it done that he would have it corrected for me free of charge but after a year, I was impressed. The chap who delivered her back was the chief mechanic (on his way to look at/pick up another of our cars in the area) and I felt so guilty that I had nothing more than £2 to give him as a tip. I am ashamed.



I think they look more regal when they're high at the front.



After a bit of a fight I got the manky old EGR valve off of the Golf.


In it's place a nice shiny bit of machined aluminium has gone in:


This has made an unbelievable amount of difference, the engine is much smoother and more responsive now. Next job is to clean out the similarly manky intake. EGR is a hideous piece of technology and should never have been fitted in the first place.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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