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How about plastic nut and bolt?


I'm wondering about that, or stainless steel.


Conventional trim clip behind the panel, dab of suitable glue to keep it in place, then small enough self tapper to go through the hole?


Don't imagine this is something that will need to come out too often.

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Was wondering about adding a spire clip behind the panel, just so the screw has something to bite into. Doesn't need to be massively tight after all, just tight enough not to rattle undone.


Stainless steel fixings would at least hold in, plastic ones tend to chew up in my experience but are also much easier to drill out.




Edit: or regular steel screws but get Phillips ones because once they round out that's the perfect countersink to put the drill bit in

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Wood screw (stainless/plated) into a little block of wood positioned behind the hole?

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Gorilla glue the wood in place and it wont ever move.

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Gorilla glue the wood in place and it wont ever move.


Would probably add some strength to the rear apron too!

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Swap the bungee for a ratchet strap and it’ll pass an MOT as long as it doesn’t rock around....

This.  I've been using Poundland ratchet straps to retain batteries for years, never had one fail a test.  Although the one on the Rover of Doom needs changing every year as its battery leaks slightly, and cheap ratchet straps and battery acid don't really mix.

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Would probably add some strength to the rear apron too!

  Gorilla glue is your friend, It has hell my shed roof together for years.


Only slight concern with wood is that I've just remembered it's directly above the exhaust...

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Or, glue a bit of aluminium there instead of the wood and use self tappers.

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But just don't use plated screws. Simply the very act of tightening is usually enough to locally remove the plating, followed by swift rusting. Stainless, no question!

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Problem is, the holes in the light fitting are exactly the same size as the ones in the body. Original solution was machine thread screws with tiny nuts.


Is there enough room around the holes in the fitting to drill them out to clearance size for suitable self tappers? Probably only need to be a millimetre or so bigger to clear the thread.


Is there enough room around the holes in the fitting to drill them out to clearance size for suitable self tappers? Probably only need to be a millimetre or so bigger to clear the thread.


Nope. They're right next to the lamp, so can't be enlarged. 


All this chat about what kind of screws to use is RIVETING stuff.

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Carry a fire extinguisher, it would make for a hilarious YT video ;) (a simple metal heatshield though?)


It does have a fire extinguisher holder! In fact, it even came with a fire extinguisher.

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It does have a fire extinguisher holder! In fact, it even came with a fire extinguisher.

Meant to ask - where does that live in the car actually?


DHSS regs,all fitted with one as standard

Often the distinctive green BCF Halon variety and whilst it was the most efficient extinguishant ever made, it would kill you if inhaled, hence it was outlawed years ago, due also to it destroying the ozone apparently.


Meant to ask - where does that live in the car actually?

On my driveway in deepest Wales. Hence offering delivery options...


A delivery service I reckon I will take you up on too.


...my question of where in the car the extinguisher should live remains valid though. I've got one in a box here, but not the foggiest idea where it should be in the car.


At least my former former manager won't be anywhere near it. He managed to snag his tie on the extinguisher in one of the works vans while digging in the back (it was on the bulkhead between the seats) and set it off. Powder extinguishers make a heck of a mess. All I heard was a hell of surprise followed by frantic swearing, then he emerged from the van (rapidly) looking like a snowman.


When that can moved on a couple of years later we were still finding extinguisher powder.

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Sorry. Too early. Misread your post. On mine, there's a clamp rivetted to the body side, just behind the offside door.


A pleasant day in paradise, so out she comes. I'm flat out with work, but hope to crack on with some bits later.



I did wonder about just leaving the doors off. Not sure it's actually any more dangerous than it already is (very).

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Sorry. Too early. Misread your post. On mine, there's a clamp rivetted to the body side, just behind the offside door.


Been there many times!  Learned never to respond to anything at work until I'd had at least a couple of coffees!

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I did wonder about just leaving the doors off. Not sure it's actually any more dangerous than it already is (very).


Hey, if it's good enough for Renault...



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