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Dollywobbler's Invacar - Ongoing


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.... I've got some M8 all-thread somewhere, so could just use that at some nuts I imagine....


Best not, if you can avoid it. allthread is useful for loads of things but it is incredibly soft compared to even the lowest spec of proper bolt.

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I should be out in the garage fitting the new transmission mount and getting ready to drop the engine back in, but the wood burner is looking lovely right now, and I have some deliciously dark dubstep occurring. Can't say I'm much inclined to move...

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I should be out in the garage fitting the new transmission mount and getting ready to drop the engine back in, but the wood burner is looking lovely right now, and I have some deliciously dark dubstep occurring. Can't say I'm much inclined to move...

Buchan move it!

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Don't know...I usually find that ordering things from eBay doesn't result in me actually getting the part any faster than driving to the far end of the country to get it.  Especially after our postie returns it to the delivery office because he can't be bothered to take it out the van, or Yodel have gone and posted it to the wrong person...

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I also want to know more about the dark dubstep?


Just random playlists on YouTube. I don't know much about all the different musical styles - I couldn't tell you someone who makes dark dubstep, so I just listen to playlists and discover new genres as a result. Love it.


Anyway, I rejected the bass and warmth and got brave. Here's the second new transmission mount.



Also discovered that it was in gear on the transmission (lever is disconnected so I could pull the unit out), so the clutch 'drum' was rotating. Quite why this made it almost impossible to push, I've no idea, but now it's properly in neutral, it's merely slightly harder than you expect (due to turning the belts the wrong way I guess). 


Still, the transmission is now bolted in much more robustly on the new mounts, the driveshafts are once more connected and the next stage is to drop the engine back in. Maybe tomorrow, maybe not. Away for a few days, so won't be much more progress before the weekend.


Oh, and fingerless gloves in the garage - just say no.


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They need to be about 60mm long.

If you can give me exact numbers, I have a nut and bolt supplier 1/4 mile from my office and we have an account with them buying thousands of nuts and bolts, so odd 1's and 2's tend to be "free to you mate".


Apologies if you know all this, but bolts are properly dimensioned from the back of the bolt head (IE not the crown) to the tip of the threads.  Make sure you allow enough length for washers, nut and at least 1/2D thread stickout (4mm in this case) from the nut.


If you can get the length you want, I can shove a couple in the post to you.

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Thanks, but having worked on the originals with a file and some sandpaper last night, a 13mm socket should get me out of jail this time. Hoping to get the engine in today.

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It's in!



Two things made this a lot easier than our last, failed attempt. Firstly, I'd removed the studs from the bottom of the engine. Secondly, I braced the transmission with a block of wood so it was pretty much held solid. Was a piece of cake for us to lift the engine in and onto some wood blocks, and cosy it up to the transmission. Bolts in, job's a good'un.


Have spent some hours refitting the inlet manifold, exhaust downpipes and ignition system. Once I get the Dynastart refitted, she'll be good to go!


Well, she would have been if I hadn't decided to drain the oil and change the (really rather rusty) oil filter. Sadly, it turns out 2CV ones don't fit at all, so I'll have to wait for another to arrive. Means I won't be attempting a run until the weekend now, as I'm off on my travels again.

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Thanks, but having worked on the originals with a file and some sandpaper last night, a 13mm socket should get me out of jail this time. Hoping to get the engine in today.

My SAAB 9k had a mullered sump drain bolt >> the tyre guys got it up in the air ©hammered a smaller socket over it & cracked it started >> I drove home and did oil + filter.


I ground & filed a good tight 13mm pair of Flatt's to get it retightened... And not 'hanging off it' :)



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I couldn't resist in the end...



Couldn't run it for long, as it's blocked in by the 2CV. Encouraging though! This isn't the first fire, that'll be in the full video. Annoyingly, it was coughing, spluttering and backfiring much as it had with the old engine - to the point that I re-checked the ignition timing (absolutely spot on). Well, actually, at first, it wouldn't run at all, but then I realised I'd put the crap condenser back on. Couldn't find the other one, so, given it's on points-assisted ignition, I decided to just run a straight wire from the ignition unit to the points. Job done! Sort of.


I then started recording the above video to prove how badly it was running, but it cleared up and sounded pretty sweet! It's on 30 grade oil, as that's what was the original spec and I happened to have some sitting around. A bit gloopy for cold starting but I'm not complaining!


Still need to connect up the gearlever and perhaps refit a few more things before having the first drive, hopefully this weekend.

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The only thing standing between me and my first drive now is a small cotter pin to refit the gearlever, and the weather. I'm hoping to get back home late Friday or early Saturday - it's going to pour down. Sunday, there will be sunshine, but also snow. GR8 4 DRIFTIN.

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DRIFTIN a 3 wheeler is class. I love mine in the snow. Was better last year with 20 year old kingpin tyres, but you can still get it sideways in show with the new Marshalls on.

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Cannot get this engine to run properly. Took the top off the carb again. Wonder if this could be the issue?



That's one manky gasket. I knew it was torn, but it's a right mess now. Not going to get hold of one today. What else could be done?



Quick pause for the rugby, but I'll fit it and see if it makes a difference later. Will get hold of a proper gasket too, as I can't see untreated card lasting too long in this situation.

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I've had surprising success with home brew card gaskets when I make them carefully. Even one I did for a flange fitment back box out-lasted the rest of the exhaust system!

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Hopefully it will help!


Worth checking the jets again if it keeps giving trouble, it's entirely possible that more crud has been washed out of the system or other bits of the carb itself now it's had fuel in for a while.

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