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Lego bath time was cut short by a child wanting a dump. Mood killer.

I'm collating my collection kit essentials now.




Wood chisel, apple, broken pogo stick and a box of luck. I feel like I'm forgetting something . . .

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Pre-flight checks on the girlfriend's sticky kid bus before we set off.





Dog sick - CHECK





Bag of mouldy half eaten MacDonald's - CHECK





Half a bottle of cider - CHECK





Just flipping eurghh - CHECK




Good to go.

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I've tried cleaning it before but I'd need to dedicate myself solely and entirely to that one task 24hrs a day if I wanted to keep up with the amazing rate at which kids can create filth.

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Eurgh, thats a lot like our lasses car TBH. I cleaned it out for her last year and found a pile of dog sick under the passenger seat. Turns out that was from when she picked up her dog as a puppy and it vommed all the way home.

The dog is 7 years old.

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Check it is actually cider. Could be piss, if it’s Crofters Cider, tasting it won’t give a definite answer.


Have a skin full then go out to buy a car. I’ve took someone to buy a car before and they’d had ‘a few’. I had to do the test drive being the only one compos mentis.

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