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No photo spotted thread

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So some people have their own spotted threads, and there's also the lazy spotters thread for badly papped pics whilst out and about.


What we don't have (and possibly don't need) is a thread for people who have spotted some chod, but didn't get a picture for whatever reason.




I'll start: today while cycling near Catterick Garrison I was overtaken by a L reg Carina E in a well sexual metallic gold/beige colour.


Looked pretty well looked after, these things were every 3rd taxi a few years ago but seem to be near enough all gone.



Anyone else?

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I like this idea, I'd been thinking of making a similar thread. Now it's illegal to use a phone while driving a lot of quality chod goes unphotographed.


I'll get the ball rolling seeing as I've just been out for a Sunday drive to sell some bike wheels. 


  • Nissan Skyline R34 - quite possibly a GT-R, in Midnight Purple
  • 1973 Dodge Challenger
  • Baja Beetle
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Good idea for a tread as I'm always seeing stuff and don't get chance to take a pic.


Today a Triumph 1300 estate in Morley and a Rover P4 in Huddersfield


I recently saw a MK1 Cavalier and a very early Discovery with the graphics down the side. Will be gone from Dashcam memory now sadly.


Things I would have papped this week, all on Thursday as it was my day off. 


Suzuki SC100  

Rover 75 Tourer with gaffer-taped rear number plate forming a structural part of the panel 

Sunbeam Alpine 1725 


And on my return to work on Friday- a MkIV Zodiac Farnham and a Herald Coupe.


Good idea for a tread as I'm always seeing stuff and don't get chance to take a pic.

Today a Triumph 1300 estate in Morley and a Rover P4 in Huddersfield

Now, this could be the problem with this thread. I'm afraid there never was a 1300 estate, unless you saw the only prototype. More likely a 2000 Estate or maybe a Herald 13/60 .

If you did in fact see this


Then by all means tell me to fuck off and stop being a pedantic anorak.

Which of course I am.


Driving down the m40 this evening dans Le deucheveau I slowed to let a 1920s vintage Bentley on in front of me at Oxford. He wasn't hanging about though and lost me at the stockenchurch cutting. In the words of the late sir Roger " I'm afraid we're being out horse-powered".


I then passed him at junction 4 in the queue as I came off at the handy cross junction to come down to the m4.


Other than that there was an L ? Reg gold Capri with black everflex roof on the m6 junction 9 ish with two white haired bods on board.

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I saw an allegro estate in a London car park the other day, I did try to get pictures on my phone.


It had no glass and was either yellow or white,  I then went into a hospital to see a specialist about mental health issues which was when I realised I was dreaming.


Oh and in Chester yesterday I parked my Mercedes in the castle car park next to a w124 260e saloon in almandine red.

It was gone when I got back though - and I had to point out to my mum ( who asked what the differences were) that it had four doors and mine has two!!


I very nearly got a picture of a Lotus Carlton in Shepherds Bush yesterday (and it definitely was a Lotus). But I was too slow with the phone and so annoyed with myself I didn't take any other pictures all day. I haven't seen a Lotus Carlton in about twenty years, I was so annoyed I missed it.


I thought about mentioning it in Lazy Spotters but without the evidence it seemed a bit desparate so I kept it all bottled up. And then you started this thread giving me an outlet to vent my frustration so thanks for that, perfect timing.



+1 on the Triumph 1300 estate by the way. Possibly a mk1 2000 slightly further away than you think it is?

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Now, this could be the problem with this thread. I'm afraid there never was a 1300 estate, unless you saw the only prototype. More likely a 2000 Estate or maybe a Herald 13/60 .

If you did in fact see this


Then by all means tell me to fuck off and stop being a pedantic anorak.

Which of course I am.

Tbh fucked if I know as I'm shite on Triumphs and it was some way away. All I know is it was an estate, white and it wasn't a Dolomite or Acclaim :-)


I saw a Renault 4 yesterday. C-reg, blue. 


If photographic evidence is required, I think stuboy may have papped it in his thread, albeit stationary rather than in action like it was yesterday. 


I saw a Renault 4 yesterday. C-reg, blue.

That's funny, so did I!  I think we were in the Skipton/Settle part of the trip at the time, and it was in the traffic coming towards us.  I pointed it out as MrsR had one many years ago, so long ago it was before we met.


2-3 weeks ago I saw a K-reg Lancia Dedra that was a new one to me locally. Had a registration which seems to come from a series of cars used by Lancia on press/pre-registered cars (PLX or RLX from memory).

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Think that Dedra above would be the ex Mick Travis (as he's known on Flickr) one?


I saw a Saab 99 from the window of the assessment centre I was sat in today.


Saw a nice Sierra reg H11 SUP today in Rushden. Driving so couldn't pap it.


On Sunday we went to the south coast to take my Dad fishing for Fathers day, all 3 of my phones died throughout the course of the day + the USB charger wasnt working, on our way back I saw a very loud Dolomite Sprint in dark blue, a Herald Vitesse & a red 80`s Audi GT Coupe all going southbound towards Brighton on the M23. This was roughly 8pm.

Also saw a Bedford Bambi motorhome down there & got no pic.


What is this madness?


Surely no photo means it didn't happen?


Anyway I saw a Champagne Gold Mk 1 Metro on the motorway in Copenhagen about three months ago. Also seen a Danish registered MG Montego over here. Silver..an early one, quite deficient in the wheelarch department.


Driving both times so no photos.




I saw what would have qualified as top shelf chod in the 1950s on Sunday afternoon; southbound on the A82 were a pair of W.O.-era Bentleys with open tourer bodywork. The occupants were windswept, probably deaf and no doubt had a few fly corpses about their person as it was this year's sunny day in Scotland.


Followed a black A reg BMW 525 for a while on the way home today. Cool as Fuck.


I saw a rusty Fiat 132 in someones front garden on the bus back to Thessaloniki airport. And an S2 XJ6 Coupe with a notice of removal....


And a Corolla 4WD wagon in 80s flavour. And a ropey MK3 Escort. And etc


Driving down the m40 this evening dans Le deucheveau I slowed to let a 1920s vintage Bentley on in front of me at Oxford. He wasn't hanging about though and lost me at the stockenchurch cutting. In the words of the late sir Roger " I'm afraid we're being out horse-powered".

I then passed him at junction 4 in the queue as I came off at the handy cross junction to come down to the m4.

Other than that there was an L ? Reg gold Capri with black everflex roof on the m6 junction 9 ish with two white haired bods on board.

I know it's the wrong variety of lemon, but your tale reminded me of this famous Brockbank cartoon.post-17414-0-17632900-1497993864_thumb.jpeg
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Out and about today:


  • beige C reg Maestro with brown and orange coachline
  • X reg phase one CX Safari
  • Skyline R33 GTST
  • Passat W8

One month ago I saw 2.0 GL Sierra MNH970Y on the back of a beavertail.


SORN'd then, now tax'd and MOT'd.

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Yesterday I tried to take a photo of two fine examples of shite that have been living in a front garden near me for a good few years, but it came out all blurry. A Saab 9000 and a Rover 800, L-reg or thereabouts. They look like they haven't moved or been washed since last century but last time I checked both were MoT'd. Rover is currently semi-wheelless and up on axle stands.


Yeah, on bloody jaunt to Norwich there is the A11 London Road - the Elevedon bypass bit. I spotted 2 very early Bedford pick ups, one of 1950s vintage and the other, a Green one which I have previously spotted, of 1960s vintage. The Green one looks mint. They are on the same side and now just located before the large monument on the side of the A11 bypass.


Spotted, surprisingly a couple of Mk2 Rover Sterlings in Birmingham on a mates and fellow colleagues road. One in "Lord Sterling" condition, off the road, flat tyres etc.. the other, a later model possibly used everyday in nicer, cleaner condition.


Spotted a very nice 1979 Opel Kadett in Heathrow today and slightly further up the road a J-reg Mk5 Escort.


On the train journey from Ipswich to Saxmundham I spotted a mid 90s Honda CRX Del Sol in a field, windows were missing and it looked fit for scrap. Earlier in the journey I spotted a 1959s Ford 103e partly under a tarp in a much more used field, possibly on the same land as the CRX.

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Peugeot J9 camper


I got talking to the owner. I mentioned it looked shorter than the French ones I had seen and he told me he had cut in in half and removed several feet from the middle!


R reg Saab 9000 half in a hedge opposite a cottage on the Bridgewater Canal. About the bottom three inches of the doors had rotted out on the side that wasn't in the hedge...

also a caravan storage yard I pass on the train every day seems to have an HC Viva saloon and a Magnum in the corner, both covered in moss and flat tyres. They seemed to have notes on the windows too... same yard had a Manta in the opposite corner a while ago in similar condition too so maybe someone related to the place is a Vauxhall licker.

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