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S A Barrett's Sussex shite spots: 2022/23 catch-up


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16 minutes ago, keef said:

Odd the way it lists, or doesn't, previous keepers. My A40 bought new by my father's cousin, only seems to show my father's date of purchase. Unless the previous keepers count is the one before the one listed?


Keeper counts from buff logbooks often did not transfer over when the vehicle was V5'ed, so often on historic vehicles the "first" keeper will be whoever V5'ed it (as a side note incase your not aware you can scroll down on the page for a bit more info :)

here you can see how it shows up on my tool if its a bit clearer, I assume your the 2nd keeper and your dad is the first keeper (with your cousin not being recorded as a keeper due to the above)


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49 minutes ago, LightBulbFun said:

Keeper counts from buff logbooks often did not transfer over when the vehicle was V5'ed, so often on historic vehicles the "first" keeper will be whoever V5'ed it (as a side note incase your not aware you can scroll down on the page for a bit more info :)

That makes sense ...... sort of. :)

As your screen dump shows the two previous keepers, one wonders why the two? sets of data in this case?.?

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28 minutes ago, keef said:

That makes sense ...... sort of. :)

As your screen dump shows the two previous keepers, one wonders why the two? sets of data in this case?.?

I see your confusion, my tool shows all the keepers including the current, so its 2 total keepers, theres only 1 previous keeper 

the carbaba tool shows previous keepers so does not include the current keeper


hopefully now it makes more sense? :) 


and the keeper data count is which keeper changes they have dates for because for some reason they dont always have dates for all the keeper changes, for example you could have a car with 7 keepers but only the dates for keepers 3 5 and 6 show up)

take my Invacar for example, for whatever reason 3rd previous keepers date is missing


which on my tool shows up like so


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Ah thanks. Carbaba is kinda helpful but not as good as the tool you use. Never mind, I would only use it for curiosity's sake really. For instance my SLK has a non-transferable reg, so I conclude it once had a private reg on it. Would just be interesting to know what it was, that sort of thing. Just nosiness really!

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7 hours ago, barrett said:


This Traction was on a truck in Asda car park. Reg looks familiar...

That Traction has its own website detailing its history and restoration. It’s just been sold at auction. It’s on the transporter on its way to its new owner.

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58 minutes ago, skoda_fan said:

Ah thanks. Carbaba is kinda helpful but not as good as the tool you use. Never mind, I would only use it for curiosity's sake really. For instance my SLK has a non-transferable reg, so I conclude it once had a private reg on it. Would just be interesting to know what it was, that sort of thing. Just nosiness really!

stick the registration into this tool


then right click the web page, click view page source

then in the view page source page hit control F (or cmd f if your on a mac) to search the web page and search for "new VRM"

you should then find the previous registration mark of your vehicle :) 

do note however I have noticed that sometimes additionally registrations that have never been on a vehicle can show up (especially on more obscure vehicles etc)

I know for example JBY503J (ex LVX250J) never wore the 2 bottom registrations 


(and this does not work for NI vehicles sadly)

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Another great selection there.

Volvo's plate was familiar, the press cars had Suffolk plates on them as the importers had a depot in Ipswich and it's from the same series as this little thing I saw back in the '90s:


1971 Datsun 1200 (B110) + my 1200, 1995 by Spottedlaurel, on Flickr

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Right! I was in the Algarve for about 40 hours and had a fairly unexciting time for spots. I thought the more rural areas would have even more stuff than the Northern cities, but perhaps not. Admittedly I wasn't there for long enough to really explore, and there was a lot fo stuff that went unphotographed in my haste. Here are some lazily uncropped highlights.

Novas definitely the most common older car down here. I saw a couple more van versions as well


A few older 4x4s knocking about, but this was by far the oldest and most interesting


There were several UMMs, too. I don't think I saw any in the North last time. They sound hilariously agricultural on the move. Triple wipers, too!


This was probably the 'best' spot in terms of being just a ropey old banger in daily use, and a few years older than most of the other things I saw.


This was just round the corner. Look at those colours! Look at that blue sky! Portugal is flippin' great btw


Oddly near-identical situation to the Datsun I photographed last time - black plates, extra lamps and non-standard wheels, at night under a streetlamp. The oldest car I saw by a long way.


Check out this miserable means of transport! An n/a diesel AX van limited (I'm not sure by law or by physics) to 50mph! I'd love to bimble about in something like this if I lived there. Strangely, whilst Renault Extras are common, I have never seen a single C15 in Portugal. I'm not sure how well Citroens sold there, but they don't seem common.


An Ibiza! Not many older Seats still in evidence, but I saw a handful of these


A nice black plate Camry thing looked like a cherished car. I always thought these were pretty nifty looking things


Finally, a rare booted Celica. Pretty typical street furniture in the background (ie, bland) but lots of fairly boring stuff suddenly looks really appealing under a harsh Southern sun. Do I really want a Mk1 Punto 3dr?


Right, things will return to normal for the next update, whenever that may be.

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On 9/3/2020 at 12:08 PM, barrett said:

right, here is a small further selection of motoring delights*

This Traction was on a truck in Asda car park. Reg looks familiar...


Another trailer-bound car. Can't remember ever spotting one of these in the wild before. Not sure what the future holds for this one, but I suspect it may involve a short burst of glory round an oval-shaped circuit


Here's a lesson in why one should always carry a camera. I went out without my phone (no battery, left my charger at home) and saw these three. Photos taken on GF's ancient iphone so a bit grainy. This excellent Sheerline was behind a block of flats and looked to have taken up permanant residence. Is that a later plate, or were these really being built in the 1960s?


This lovely Volvo was outside an antiques shop, appropriately. I genuinely think I'd be happy to sack off all my other old cars and just run one of these as a daily. I've actually found a few reasonably-priced examples in France, so maybe that's an adventure for next year.


The famous Catford Escort. I just happened to be caught in a traffic jam crawling past this, so I can tick it off the list at last


By pure chance, the following day (phone now fully charged) I stumbled on this booted companion in a surprisingly similar situation. The owner saw me out the window and started banging on the glass and shouting at me for taking a photo, which I think is actually the first time I've ever been 'caught' snapping a car in the 11 years I've actively been doing it.


If I don't get quarantined the next batch might hopefully be from more exotic climes. Watch this space!

The Sheerline was sold on Ebay not so long ago, I think it was in either Newport or Caerphilly in South Wales. The AKG suffix A plate I think is a Glamorgan issue, My old A35 had one when I bought it, but I had it changed to LFF178 at the Cardiff DVLA office, when they still had one.

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Back to lyfe, back to reality m8s. I liked this Saab 96 despite the various add-ons. Lose the whitewalls and I'd happily roll in this. Also it's been ages since I saw a proper cla**ic in Brighton town centre


An extremely desirable Alfa in Petworth. No apologies for posting something like this as it was simply stunning, and very nicely restored


At the other end of the spectrum, this clean Panda somewhere in West Sussex last night. The sticker seems like a self-fulfilling prophecy to me


A pleasingly ratty Porsche 924 outside a marvellously overgrown and massive house


Now, I'm sure you'll all echo my thoughts in seeing the above in wondering 'What's on the drive?' Well, it's this. Might be a bit rotten. Something else in front under a tarp and, tantalisingly, a garage beyond... I guess we won't know what's in there until the house gets cleared :(


That's all for now!

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2 hours ago, barrett said:

An extremely desirable Alfa in Petworth. No apologies for posting something like this as it was simply stunning, and very nicely restored




That's a Giulietta Sprint, is it not? I bet you can help me with this question, Mr Barrett... many years ago my Dad had a Giulietta (YUJ94 - long gone, it was very rotten when he had it). Now I can only find pictures of the saloon with four doors on the Interweb:




but I swear I remember it having only two* - could I be right? I'll have to go through the many wallets of prints next time I'm over at Mum's, sadly there are no pictures of it in the multitude of Dad's 35mm slides.


*Disclaimer - it was a very, very long time ago!


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37 minutes ago, barrett said:

There was never a two-door Giulietta 101, so unless it was a Sprint I think it's a clouded childhood memory... ! Nice car to have, though.


Cheers. No, definitely not a Sprint; it'll be me, then. I will try and find a picture of it.


I have (what is for me) a very clear memory of it on the drive at the back of my Gran's house; a blazing hot day and Dad was shirtless, welding the thing up, using something that looked very mysterious to me at the time; a rod that spat fire on the end of a long piece of thick wire going into a massive drum of oil. Every time he'd go to fire it up, he'd turn round and tell me to shut my eyes. Is it any wonder I've turned out as I have ?


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On 9/7/2020 at 11:48 AM, barrett said:



Although perhaps boring in terms of classic chod, that photo does show the longevity of cars in Portugal.

The newest any of those models could possibly be is 11 years old (Picasso). I’m not sure what the blue thing behind the Picasso is, but it doesn’t look 2010s to me.

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  • 3 weeks later...

A further selection. nothing special:


This R5 was quite good. I got back to my car just as the owner set off. Lots of choke to start it, a bit of fruitless revving and then it died, so he rolled gently forward and it spluttered into life at the bottom of the slight slope, just in time for him to drive off. All as if it was the most natural thing in the world when in fact, I suspect, a casual bump-start is something of a dying art



Triple whammy of faintly dull cars


And another one in Brighton the other day, which I actually rather liked


And finally, the second Saab in as many updates. I like this more than the 96 due to its general shabiness.


And that really is it. I obviously haven't been getting out much recently. Will try harder in future!


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38 minutes ago, Angrydicky said:

Those later Renault 5s are getting more and more appealing as they get older. One of only a few cars that silver doesn't look terrible on, either.

It would be good to get one of the very last registered, when they soldiered on as the Campus only edition after the introduction of the Clio.

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I found this dead Mazda the other day, outside what I assume is quite an expensive house


Then I saw this classy battered Yoda at the services, at night in the rain


Three generations of Volvo in SE - not sure if the 144 is one I spotted ages ago in Forest Hill, but it was far enough away for me to think it was a different one (and looked pretty permanently moored to its current spot)




This was on full zoom, which for some reason made my camera turn on the HDR function so it looks like some sort of shit oil painting. Sorry.


These were at the same place


And, possible spot of the year contender: a pair of Gilberns!


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On 10/14/2020 at 10:23 PM, barrett said:

I found this dead Mazda the other day, outside what I assume is quite an expensive house


Then I saw this classy battered Yoda at the services, at night in the rain


Three generations of Volvo in SE - not sure if the 144 is one I spotted ages ago in Forest Hill, but it was far enough away for me to think it was a different one (and looked pretty permanently moored to its current spot)




This was on full zoom, which for some reason made my camera turn on the HDR function so it looks like some sort of shit oil painting. Sorry.


These were at the same place


And, possible spot of the year contender: a pair of Gilberns!


That amazon is on eBay at the mo https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/124380594762https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/124380594762

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Those Gilbii are an amazing find. 

SE London is rich in chod - or at least it was when I lived there 6/7 years ago. Especially around Loughborough Junction. There’s even a proper old-school scrappy under the arches next to the station!

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1 minute ago, timolloyd said:

Those Gilbii are an amazing find. 

SE London is rich in chod - or at least it was when I lived there 6/7 years ago. Especially around Loughborough Junction. There’s even a proper old-school scrappy under the arches next to the station!

There was/is something about London that does habour some quite amazing stuff and I am not talking about walking about Kensington either. You'd get mega interesting cars parked in the side roads of places like Lewisham. 

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  • 1 month later...

It's the most miserable time of the year (for spotting), but here is a small handful of recent-ish finds.

You don't see a Mk2 Cavalier for ages, then two turn up at once (well, almost)... Another good WITG?


I took this solely for the benefit of @egg. Not mega early, but hopefully early enough to be interesting?


Something a little more glamorous


And, er, something not. There are still lots of Mk2 Golfs in daily use so I don't often bother snapping them, but this one looked particularly grim


And this An Classic was parked nearby, looking highly appealing on a crisp autumn afternoon. this is the best time of year to drive old cars I reckon, but typically all of mine are currently hors d'combat


I reall, really like these, and I think this is only the second one I've seen in the wild. They are properly tiny.


Aaaaaaaaand finally (drum roll) - perhaps my Spot of the Year, or at least a conetender...


That's all!

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8 minutes ago, barrett said:

I took this solely for the benefit of @egg. Not mega early, but hopefully early enough to be interesting

Thanks, it has a black top bumper, so I'm in! Would be so much nicer with OEM trims.

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