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Reginald Nutsack's K-series Kapers - ROVER 623 MOT GUFF


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I wouldn't go near that interior without wearing rubber gloves over welding gauntlets.


But full marks to the Bo11ox Rover Rescue Sanctuary for pulling in another abandoned case.

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I can't keep up with Mr B and his Rovering skills.. What happened to that lovely little two door which needed a gearbox a couple of weeks back..

Mr B should have a website all of his own I just love reading about his Rovering exploit's.

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The 2-door is still here, the reason you’ve heard nowt, is cos nothing has happened since I fitted a new clutch (achieving nowt). I’ve now got a replacement box for it but I’m going to try to fix the original once I get it out. I’ve also had the passenger seat out and took it down the house to scrub it up, came up a lot better so hopefully the interior is not a total dead loss.

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I think there might be room in my life for a Rover at some point, you keep unearthing some real gems.


From what I see of what he has to to to them to make them work I would only buy one Bo11ox has already owned.

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From what I see of what he has to to to them to make them work I would only buy one Bo11ox has already owned.


Of all the ones that are still around, I reckon Mr_Bo11 has owned about 50% of them

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Lol, collection sounded like a right arse ache. I genuinely lol'd at the description of the family standing around and pointing out the obvious and the sink estate arguement. Genuinely, for some people, watching you struggle on your own is the most entertainment they ever get apart from crap TV.


At least it's now with a sympathetic new owner, look forward to progress on this.

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Nowt has happened so far although eBay have telt the seller that they have read our messages (all done through eBay cos he had 'no phone') so they have seen me saying 'i'll be round at 8pm' and him saying 'i have sent off the V5' and told him to forget trying to recover his selling fees. Unlucky!!!! ðŸ˜Â



Will hopefully get some garage time in on Sunday morning.

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To be honest Bollo all this incredible achievement is getting a bit samey. Can you not just smeg something up in an extraordinarily inept and amateurish fashion just for once? You're turning Autoshite into some kind of terrifying well oiled machine.

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Surely needlessly changing a clutch shows an appropriate level of incompetence??

Nah that's just showing off - you done everything else AND changed a clutch just because you can ;)

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Surely needlessly changing a clutch shows an appropriate level of incompetence??


But.... you did that for fun, didn't you? And to you fitting a clutch is a reflex action, like farting. Almost subconscious. "Pardon me, I've done a clutch".

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I bet he finds a phone the next time, he's almost certainly told you he hasn't got one so you don't ring him to complain about anything you may find wrong.

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Changed the gearbox in the 3-dr t'other night, now it runs & drives like a champ. Updates to follow.....

I assume your too busy driving it to update us...

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Nah I've had a few days holiday catching crabs off Beaumaris pier in Anglesey, so had no chance to update this lot just yet..... Bear with me!!!!

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I went to a seafood themed party dressed as a Lobster on Beaumaris pier in Anglesey.  I danced so well that I ended up pulling a mussel.









Bam. Headshot.

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Upholstered pavements? Well classy.



At this point I stopped - You have my frank admiration - I lived in Newall Green (just down the road and a bit rougher, but not by much) for 6 years.


I saw burned out police cars, stolen & on bricks XR3's and has my own flat broken into five times. Its a fucking shithole. I only lived there cos it was cheap and 5 mins walk to the hospital where I worked.

royal oak always has been the worst bit - cross acres no benchill nope


mad that half a mile on at brooklands roundabout are some of the poshest houses in sale/alty


madness - no way i would rag a million pound tram thru there at 1am


oh and boll


ya nutta like :D

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quick late-night kettle update


So, t'other day I managed to get a few hours in on the 3-dr 214. I had the rare experience of having the current Ms_Bo11ox (known henceforth as Mrs Crab) on hand as an ASSISTANT!!! Hence why I am actually visible in a couple of the shots.


I had had big plans to try and repair my existing gearbox. But in fact, due to constantly struggling for time, i decided to just chuck in the replacement box from KruJoe's 'sawn-off'. It was a lovely evening and I decided to do the job outdoors, so started by sweeping all the gravel out the way:





To be honest despite there being two of us we were a bit lax on the photos. Heres Mrs crab giving the garage creeper a test drive:




Removing the box was pretty straightforward as I'd only done it a week or two beforehand.


Undoing balljoints:



Heres Mrs Crab separating the 'new' box from the engine it came attached to:




It was a bit grotty so I gave it a wash in some thinners:




Which interestingly lifted a coat of grey paint off the gearbox casing. Why its been painted I dont know, could be a sign of a bodged-up 'recon' gearbox, who knows? The clutch arm bushes were a bit tired on the new box so I swapped the ones over from the old box and put a bit of LM grease on for a nice smooth clutch action. Lovely job.




Anyway after about 5 hours of yarking on, the new gearbox was installed and seemed to be working perfectly as I took it for a spin round the yard. All gears present and correct, no funny noises and a nice smooth gearchange. Result!!! I chucked in some fresh oil and refitted the splach guards and that.


That allowed me to finally drive the bloody thing across the yard to the hosepipe so i could give it a wash and inspection.









Looks pretty sweet eh? The bodywork on this is pretty amazing to tell the truth, it seems to be completely unmolested!!! No rust or repairs. Check out these sills and arches!!!












It had one owner from new till about 6 years ago. I've got plenty of bills from that 6-yr period but very little from previously except the Rover book with a few stamps in. I'm pretty sure the 55k on the clock is genuine. I suspect it was a sid & doris special for much of its life rounf the Leyland area where i scooped it up.


As it was now running and driving OK, there didn't seem to be a lot stopping it getting an MOT. The flexi joint on the front pipe was not too clever so i got a new one offf eBay... Unfortunately the new pipe had a boss for a lambda sensor (this Rover is pre-cat) which needed to be blanked off with a welded-in bolt head:






I fitted a replacement rear light (also provided by KruJoe) to replace the broken one and fitted all new split pins in the front suspension where I'd had it to pieces previously.


IN other news I did manage to clean up the passenger seat reasonably well, by scrubbing it with a nail brush, hot water and '1001' upholstery cleaner spray stuff and blasting it with a steam cleaner:




Its actually not as smart as that in real life, but it does look 1000 times better than it did. I've now removed the drivers seat and rear seat to give them a similar treatment.


Anyway theres not a lot stopping this thing getting a test now. Hopefully I'll get these seats cleaned and refitted sometime this week after which it can go in for a test. The roof and bonnet need to be machine-polished and I'll chuck a cambelt on it then it will probably find itself up for sale. Its a lovely thing, dead sparky to drive and I would have thought someone will take a shine to it? Cheap tax as well. The inetrior has a couple of issues (hole in the drivers 'elbow rest' thing on the door card, sliglty droopy headlining) but on the whole its a real sweetie.


News on the green 214 SEi coming up soon.

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Aye, that looks well tidy! (ATCNBE)

Are you still gonna lob the old gearbox apart to see what made it give up on life? I've got to say, I know how most parts of a car work - eventually, I even understand differentials - but gearboxes are like wizardry to me. I can just imagine opening it up and amongst all the springs, washers and other important bits you definitely shouldn't lose, there'll be a little green cloud of magic dust escape.

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I suppose that fixing Rovers isn't much of a business model, even if you cost your time at 5p an hour and Mrs_Crab at 3p (sexism on salary exists even at this level).  But if you class it as a hobby it's still probably cheaper than most.


I wonder if you can get it reclassified as care in the community and then you'd qualify for some kind of charity tax relief?

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A fit gurly in overalls. And under a car!


Boll, you've def scored there!


LEYLAND overalls no less. That's winning right there. Having a Leyland Lynx watching proceedings is just the icing on the cake.

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There's nothing not to like here.  Top work as always, proper tidy little thing too.  How well done the 1.4 shift?  Never tried a 1.4 kettle, used to drive a '99 416Si which went very well and would assume it's got at least enough guts to get out of its own way.  

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