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OMG SNO KAOS - pics or stories?

John F

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Started snowing here (South Staffs) last night, then as the morning progressed we got about 3-4 inches up until midday.  Rain since then on and off has got rid of much of it, and the roads aren't bad - I was fully expecting to have to drive my sister to and from work as she's neurotic about driving at the best of times, but she managed it alone.

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snow is coming down well here too - and guess which tit just sold his only car with winter tyres on ? 

i was highly impressed by them on the way home from work late last night, i took a detour round the un-gritted back roads and the little bini performed brilliantly - even braking hard wasn’t a problem, not a hint of locking up or the abs cutting in and it handled corners like the snow didn’t exist :) 

i’ll be seeking out a set for the slk if they all of a sudden haven’t shut up in price !


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This was the scene that I awoke to weds morning 


Road had cleared a bit by the time I left


Back roads a bit compacted and dodgy though ok if no braking, acceleration or movements of any kind were applied with any vigor.

Was chuffing cold though so stopped for a coffee and sausage roll. 

Made it to work no drama and hung up my kit to dry. Discovered the apprentice had assembled the taps sans rubber washer which of course now lost so just nipped down the plumbing shop in my joggers and trainers which was horrible. Should of taped the seat up when it was dry!


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Ermehgerd, sner.


In the next valley over from @Spurious here. Normally we don't get any unless it's bad as we are very near the bottom of the valley.

Actually drove to Huddersfield last night to go swimming, at that point there was 0.5" of slush on our road and the main roads were mostly clear except for people being completely unable to drive up or down hills and just stopping in random places with their hazard lights on?

The van has AT tyres on which must help, the car behind is 4WD but on rubbish summer tyres and currently going nowhere due to a blocked oil pickup.

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Tried to get to work this morning, my van can handle the snow but predictably the dozens of other people who went before me in cars and lorries got stuck and blocked the roads. I've sacked it off as a bad job.

Dog is not happy



This is the main baslow/chesterfield road:



bakewell is looking nice:



There's a tree down blocking the a6 though


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19 minutes ago, cobblers said:

Tried to get to work this morning, my van can handle the snow but predictably the dozens of other people who went before me in cars and lorries got stuck and blocked the roads. I've sacked it off as a bad job.

Pretty much my case. Went out as far as Marsden, road was shut beyond. 

That and the other cross pennine routes are shut and the M62 is doing it's best impression of a cold car park right now. 


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1 minute ago, Spurious said:

Pretty much my case. Went out as far as Marsden, road was shut beyond. 

That and the other cross pennine routes are shut and the M62 is doing it's best impression of a cold car park right now. 


Spoke to the neighbours who was walking the dog, apparently they had a friend who left MEN Arena in Manchester last night and they only got to Leeds at 0730. 

I'm glad I left early yesterday from work, the Renault is on summer Nexens which are getting a bit sketch in the weather now. 

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Yeah, I'm not trying to drive anywhere today. 


Gonna go sledging though. This was yesterday afternoon, will be loads more today. 


The field we normally slege in has been sold recently. The new owner came up telling us to leave as we were 'worrying his sheep' (there were no sheep). 

I started arguing with him and was making a few good well thought out points, as to why he should fuck off and leave us to it, when I suddenly slipped and fell about 6ft down the hill.


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2 minutes ago, Wgl2019 said:

Never seen snow or a traffic jam.......

 Life is full of excitement and wonder 😳


“Police issued a statement telling everyone to just chill the fuck out”

if only 

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Took the kids up the woods sledging yesterday, we were the only people up there. It was properly slippery up there, made me appreciate just how fantastic these are off road, I'd have struggled to walk up some of the steeper bits. 

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About to go and pull the ABS fuse before I go out into the path of the bus again thanks* to anti-lock brakes.


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1 hour ago, cobblers said:

Tried to get to work this morning, my van can handle the snow but predictably the dozens of other people who went before me in cars and lorries got stuck and blocked the roads. I've sacked it off as a bad job.

Dog is not happy



This is the main baslow/chesterfield road:



bakewell is looking nice:



There's a tree down blocking the a6 though


Our greyhound used to give me that look in bad weather "really? In this?"

Learn to use the bloody toilet then and save us both the bother 🙄 

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While I’m currently packing our bags to leave skegvegas and head back to north Staffordshire, our West Midlands response folk have headed out over night to get help West Midlands police and search and rescue retrieve people from stranded cars on the leek to Buxton road and the cat and fiddle road. The desperate phone call I got at 1am was left with “sorry I’m 4 hours away, you’ll have to manage without me this time”




but they’ve had it bad up there. 

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8 minutes ago, Spurious said:

Yea Oldham and Holme Valley MRT have been busy too up here. Predictably it was a knob in an Audi probably thinking "quattro yo" and ran out of talent. 


You joke but a friend of mine who lives near Huddersfield is a tree surgeon, had to leave his company Isuzu D Max as it wouldn’t get out of his road, took his Mk7 Golf GTI instead…

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Fairly white round our way.


Swept about four inches of snow off the Corolla


The only car in the car park... clearly everyone else just decided to sack it off for the day.


Hey ho.

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