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Highway Code changes 29/01/22 - what do you think about it?

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Why do we talk as if a these groups are mutually exclusive.? OK there are some people who only use a bike with no car and horse riders are a relatively small section of the population, but all  drivers / riders  are pedestrians at some point, and most bike riders drive sometime too.

  • Like 3
1 hour ago, mintwth said:

Do you also think pedestrians, horse riders, etc. will be in for a shock? 

I know the government has already told pretty much everybody they have to contribute financially. Income tax, VAT, various duties and other taxes. 

No I dont. However don't count on it - considering we have a tory government that are traditionally low tax ( for the wealthy at least) they are doing a good job of squeezing the pips. We are nearly squeaking.

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Don't know if this belongs here or in the standards of driving thread - today a woman on a bicycle pulled straight out of a side road in front of my son in law, and when he asked her why she said under the new rules she had right of way. There are going to be people getting hurt in the next few months thinking they have carte blanche

  • Sad 3

Most cyclists are also car owners/drivers so are already contributing. The us/them construct is just divisive polarisation. 

  • Like 7
On 1/30/2022 at 8:02 PM, mintwth said:

There is no obligation on cyclists to use cycle lanes, they have as much right to use the majority of roads as any motorised traffic. 

Where cycle lanes are not used it is often because the design and/or (lack of) maintenance of the cycle lane makes it dangerous to use.  In addition, the Department of Transport actually advises cyclists who travel over 15 mph to use roads instead of shared use cycle lanes due to the risks posed to/by pedestrians because of the speed differential. 

First paragraph, just lol.  It’s not about rights it’s about safety and common sense. Who mentioned that taxing and registration is unenforceable?
Then other countries have done it, but failed. 
If the Government were to make it law that these people were forced to take a proficiency test the registration could be enforced at that point. The Insurance and any nominal taxation to maintain the cycle lanes would mean that, with the correct hi-vis clothing and non dazzling lighting both cycles and those electric scooters could all be registered and accountable. Let’s face it, even a 10 year old VW up at 40 mph could kill someone. If cyclists ride on cycle lanes (when there are any) that eliminates the risk. At 15 mph a cyclist is unlikely to kill someone.

1 hour ago, carburettor said:

If cyclists ride on cycle lanes (when there are any) that eliminates the risk.

Just lol. 

How silly of me not to realise that a painted white line on the road entirely eliminates the risk of a cyclist being killed by a car/van/lorry/etc. 

On 1/31/2022 at 6:33 PM, bunglebus said:

Don't know if this belongs here or in the standards of driving thread - today a woman on a bicycle pulled straight out of a side road in front of my son in law, and when he asked her why she said under the new rules she had right of way. There are going to be people getting hurt in the next few months thinking they have carte blanche

There it is right there, this really is a charter for the self entitled and clueless to act with impunity. 

1 minute ago, bigstraight6 said:

There it is right there, this really is a charter for the self entitled and clueless to act with impunity. 

There needs to be a lot of education of all road users here. The new “hierarchy” surely does not override existing road markings and signs.

  • Like 2
On 1/30/2022 at 4:58 PM, Spurious said:

I case anyone believes that cyclists are the problem, I'll just leave this here.... 


In the old days, one would talk shit like that and be reminded and bollocked by mates\friends. 

I feel sorry for this individual as their apparently vacuous points of view have been published for the world to see. 


1 hour ago, Leyland Worldmaster said:

In the old days, one would talk shit like that and be reminded and bollocked by mates\friends. 

I feel sorry for this individual as their apparently vacuous points of view have been published for the world to see. 


you'd agree with her......fuck her ...then disagree with her  ...no problem

  • Haha 1

All the people saying cyclists should stay in cycle lanes have never tried to use them.  Don't get me wrong, if they were well designed, maintained and went everywhere then I'd agree but they are mostly useless.

The only 2 we have here are white lines along pavements.  Fine for letting your 5 year old cycle alongside you while you walk but more dangerous than cycling on the road if you want to make any progress.

I'd like to see wide, smooth pavements alongside all roads with cycling allowed on them (with a 10mph speed limit in 30mph zones) as most of the roads around here are lethal to walk or cycle on.

  • Like 6
52 minutes ago, catsinthewelder said:

All the people saying cyclists should stay in cycle lanes have never tried to use them.  Don't get me wrong, if they were well designed, maintained and went everywhere then I'd agree but they are mostly useless.

The only 2 we have here are white lines along pavements.  Fine for letting your 5 year old cycle alongside you while you walk but more dangerous than cycling on the road if you want to make any progress.

I'd like to see wide, smooth pavements alongside all roads with cycling allowed on them (with a 10mph speed limit in 30mph zones) as most of the roads around here are lethal to walk or cycle on.

Good points. I tried to use one of those Lockdown Special Cycle Lanes; the ones that separated the Cycle Lane from useful things like Road- Sweeping Lorries- with millions of red and white bollards. 

It was rather disconcerting avoiding the detritus- see above- found in the gutter and Cycle Lane; whilst avoiding a collision with the fucking bollards. 

I must say that where I live- and I must take into account that I ride only when the weather is perfect- all is well. I ride with lighting on all the time. So I get lots of space... 

I invested in some fucking expensive lighting too:


The reason is that I'm fucking fed with being dazzled by poorly aimed and positioned lamps. These are Road Specific, so cast a flat 'Low Beam' pattern. 🤓🤓🤓


  • Like 1
18 minutes ago, wuvvum said:

HOW fucking much?!?!?!?

That's more than I paid for most of my bikes!  I'll stick with my £15 eBay special I think - that's plenty bright enough, and if angled correctly it doesn't dazzle anyone.

I had a nice work bonus... Got a bit* carried away... 🤓

2 hours ago, catsinthewelder said:

All the people saying cyclists should stay in cycle lanes have never tried to use them.  Don't get me wrong, if they were well designed, maintained and went everywhere then I'd agree but they are mostly useless.

The only 2 we have here are white lines along pavements.  Fine for letting your 5 year old cycle alongside you while you walk but more dangerous than cycling on the road if you want to make any progress.

I'd like to see wide, smooth pavements alongside all roads with cycling allowed on them (with a 10mph speed limit in 30mph zones) as most of the roads around here are lethal to walk or cycle on.

Where I live, we have a cycle lane between two towns ( 6 miles) which is pretty much what you describe. Smooth pavement separated by a grass verge and in places using the old closed road well away from the active road. However,” proper cyclists” still regard it for kids and somehow prefer the main road ( a busy but narrow rural A road) having their shoulders brushed by HGVs and creating a long line of annoyed motorists. I partly suspect that is the aim .

4 hours ago, noseypoke said:

you'd agree with her......fuck her ...then disagree with her  ...no problem

Felt quite sinister when she referred to “little Maisie”, like she actually had an actual little girl in mind .

4 hours ago, Metal Guru said:

Where I live, we have a cycle lane between two towns ( 6 miles) which is pretty much what you describe. Smooth pavement separated by a grass verge and in places using the old closed road well away from the active road. However,” proper cyclists” still regard it for kids and somehow prefer the main road ( a busy but narrow rural A road) having their shoulders brushed by HGVs and creating a long line of annoyed motorists. I partly suspect that is the aim .

Yes LCWs get on my nerves too, especially when out in big groups on unsuitable roads.

The main issue with cycle lanes on the pavement in towns are all the side roads.  One of our local ones is crossed by about 6 in quarter of a mile where cyclists have to give way to turning traffic.  Net result is nobody over the age of 10 uses it and just cycles on the (20mph) road.


Driving in Holland is much more pleasurable where the cyclists have their own lane away from the road. If you approach a junction to a main road you have to stop twice, once to check for cyclists then move forward to check for cars. It’s great. Especially in a country with lots of wide open spaces and properly thought out roads. But over here, we can’t even make some roads wide enough for two cars to pass each other at a decent speed without clipping mirrors. And the LCWs usually pick the narrow roads to cycle on! 

17 minutes ago, catsinthewelder said:

Yes LCWs get on my nerves too, especially when out in big groups on unsuitable roads.

The main issue with cycle lanes on the pavement in towns are all the side roads.  One of our local ones is crossed by about 6 in quarter of a mile where cyclists have to give way to turning traffic.  Net result is nobody over the age of 10 uses it and just cycles on the (20mph) road.

Surely the new rules now require the turning cars to give way , so cyclist should be able to cross side roads without stopping.

Our town roads now have a 20 limit which is worse for cyclists. Cars now travel at the same speed instead of passing , so tend to stick to your back wheel, which I find more disconcerting than passing ( properly) at 30. Also on down hill sections, cyclists can do more than 20 and try to overtake cars, equally stupid.


It's probably worth remembering that whilst some minor adjustments to the highway code may be a bit annoying or have strange logic behind them, the UK rivals Sweden for the top spot of the world's safest roads (as measured by the easiest metrics of fatalities per head etc). Considering we all have such negative perceptions of driving safety, this is a remarkable achievement. For me much of this is due to a culture of courtesy - I have driven or cycled in probably 30 countries worldwide and the UK is overhelemingly the easiest, in part because road user communication is brilliant - the only place where, joking aside, we generally put others before ourselves and volunteer to give way to other as the general priority.

Regarding cyclists - the haters just need to realise that VED will never, ever be charged for bicycles. For practical purposes it is impossible to achieve and if it did occur the UK would be unique in the world, especially when enforcement of VED, licensing and insurance for motor vehicles is tough enough. The UK's VED system is already a mess - for 15 years most cars on sale were cheaper to tax than a motorbike, despite fundamentally contributing more pollution, road wear and congestion. Personally I am happy that the HWC changes are further encouraging the most sustainable form of transport for most journeys with a sensible 21st century update.

  • Like 4
19 hours ago, mintwth said:

Just lol. 

How silly of me not to realise that a painted white line on the road entirely eliminates the risk of a cyclist being killed by a car/van/lorry/etc. 

Hey I once had an amazing idea about those painted cycle lanes. 

Whilst appreciating a particularly close pass as a rode along one I suddenly realised the the solution - as the white paint is like a magical force field barrier stopping any risk of the cyclist being damaged by the car, why on earth is it just painted on the road in a few places?

Paint the line paint on the bike and rider - BOOM! instant mobile force field


Quite a few people seem fixated on the Lycra element (specifically cladding of it? Not sure I've ever clad meself but anyway) - what's the deal with that?

Can I cycle in the middle of lane 1 of the A1 if I wear a sensible wooly jumper and say some nice corderoy slacks?

  • Like 2
21 hours ago, mintwth said:

Just lol. 

How silly of me not to realise that a painted white line on the road entirely eliminates the risk of a cyclist being killed by a car/van/lorry/etc. 

How condescending of. Where I live on the vast majority of roads we have cycle lanes on pavements. There are lots of cyclists who don’t use them. The attitude of some righteous people, cyclists is quite alarming. I was on one occasion verbally abused and my diesel motor vehicle kicked by some cyclist from Team Banesto, I think it was Miguel Indurain because it said so on his protective yellow jersey. Apparently it was because I didn’t leave him enough room to pass me on the left as I was waiting at some  temporary traffic lights.

1 hour ago, Dave_Q said:

Quite a few people seem fixated on the Lycra element (specifically cladding of it? Not sure I've ever clad meself but anyway) - what's the deal with that?

Can I cycle in the middle of lane 1 of the A1 if I wear a sensible wooly jumper and say some nice corderoy slacks?

Mainly because if you’re Jan Ullrich, Marco Pantani or Lance Armstrong (😆) it’s absolutely fine to wear Lycra and in some cases the bright colours are probably actually beneficial. Especially when you’re cycling up and down mountains on roads which are closed off. Your attitude seems quite typical of some of these cyclists, they are still a class apart because they have “every right” Condescending.

Fine, let them carry on. It’s not me that’s going to get hurt.


33 minutes ago, carburettor said:

How condescending of. Where I live on the vast majority of roads we have space for safe overtaking. There are lots of drivers who don’t use them. The attitude of some righteous people, drivers is quite alarming. 


21 minutes ago, carburettor said:

Your attitude seems quite typical of some of these drivers they are still a class apart because they have “every right” Condescending.

Innit m8, agreed

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, carburettor said:

Mainly because if you’re Jan Ullrich, Marco Pantani or Lance Armstrong (😆) it’s absolutely fine to wear Lycra and in some cases the bright colours are probably actually beneficial.


I would avoid watching any sport if I were you if you struggle with the kit required to perform in and enjoy it. Footballers and rugby players all wearing the same colour and shorts in mid winter? How daft of them! Cricket players wearing all white jumping around in a field trying to catch balls? Imagine their washing bills! Boxers wearing just shorts and gloves? How obscene. Cyclists wearing tight fitting clothing to improve aerodynamic performance whilst allowing the body to moderate temperature? Apparently this offends you. 

2 hours ago, carburettor said:

Fine, let them carry on. It’s not me that’s going to get hurt.

It's a good job then that a new highway code has therefore been released to encourage improved driving behaviours and therefore protect those who are inherently vulnerable whilst sharing exactly the same entitlement to use public highways as you are.


Is this what LCW stands for? Lycra Clad Wanker?

I had only just got used to the concept of a MAMIL. I blame the brief prominence of Team Sky, before it collapsed in the usual allegations of drug taking & so-called ‘essential’ medications etc.

Maybe if you have severe asthma a career in cycle road racing is not for you? Just a thought like.  

None of the LCWs or MAMILs I ever see seem to be ‘enjoying’ their exercise…lots of grimacing mostly. 

5 hours ago, Dave_Q said:

Quite a few people seem fixated on the Lycra element (specifically cladding of it? Not sure I've ever clad meself but anyway) - what's the deal with that?

Can I cycle in the middle of lane 1 of the A1 if I wear a sensible wooly jumper and say some nice corderoy slacks?

Picked up my bike from the shop today after it’s free annual service.  wearing some nice royal blue corduroy trousers . ( @willswitchengageHad a pop on strava, but as he is presumably skiing Lycra clad in gstad I have ignored him :-) ). Despite wearing cords the amarok truck driver to my left on the mini roundabout drove straight through forcing me to stop on the roundabout.

Posted (edited)
On 2/2/2022 at 7:17 PM, willswitchengage said:

I would avoid watching any sport if I were you if you struggle with the kit required to perform in and enjoy it. Footballers and rugby players all wearing the same colour and shorts in mid winter? How daft of them! Cricket players wearing all white jumping around in a field trying to catch balls? Imagine their washing bills! Boxers wearing just shorts and gloves? How obscene. Cyclists wearing tight fitting clothing to improve aerodynamic performance whilst allowing the body to moderate temperature? Apparently this offends you. 

It's a good job then that a new highway code has therefore been released to encourage improved driving behaviours and therefore protect those who are inherently vulnerable whilst sharing exactly the same entitlement to use public highways as you are.

You’re not me, thankfully.

You don’t get to tell me what to do or even suggest what I take part in or watch. Cricket, football and rugby players playing on a specifically designed pitch is as far away from pavements and roads as you can get.

Daft? Not at all, your opinion or just more condescending sarcasm?

obscene? 😂touch a nerve?

For the record I’ve never seen anyone wearing boxing shorts and gloves in everyday life, but if that’s your normal it’s fine.

people wear football shirts to show their support for a particular club. It’s not really the same.

Cyclists wearing clothing to assist with aerodynamic performance? And moderate temperature?
That’s fine probably 😂


Edited by carburettor
Part club, I meant particular and edited it to show that.
  • Confused 1

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