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Does AS have a resident Citroen SM? If not, it does now!


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I only saw the car once in my life and almost ended up rolling over the crash barriers. Even if it only sits in a garage and never runs again, it is a thing of a beauty and (to be a fcuking spoilsport) money well invested, because these will only get more and more expensive.


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Flipping 'eck.

I've always thought that buying an SM must be a life-defining decision, like moving to the moon, or opting to have one of your legs refitted the wrong way around. Either way, there's no turning back now. 

I mean, I'm frightened from here, and I'm way clear of the fallout zone. 

Amazing work. Hat doffed.

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This is the only SM I have been in. My mechanic friend has owned it since the mid eighties as a box of bits project. 




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5 hours ago, omegod said:

He's got balls 

They are huge



Richykitchy, spotted earlier today.

Possibly en route to Halfords, to see if they have a Weekend Service Sheet for an SM.

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I had a CX many years ago and one time when I took it into Glasgow's resident Citroeniste Graham Harper, he had an SM in for a new dilithium chamber or something like that and even though it was a customer's car he let me sit in it.

That was a good day.


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16 hours ago, outlaw118 said:

Saw this on Twatter, muchly impressed.


Bloody hell! I felt it was worthy of AS (due to the spec, as much as anything) and only had a few minutes to make a post - didn't except as big a reaction as this! 

I did indeed put it on Twitter. I'm in this awkward situation of being ridiculously excited that I own an SM, but at the same time being super anxious that I keep bleating on and on about it. I can imagine people getting a bit "Alright, yeah...we get it - you've got an SM!"

16 hours ago, tooSavvy said:

You will >> Of Course >> be logging on to ColdWarMotors for 'all the goss' on places you're most likely to punch your fingers through......

*bollocks moved by wheelbarrow award winner here  ;)


I watch the videos on his SM, but I didn't know there was somewhere I could 'log on'? I suspect I'll be able to punch my fingers through most of it!

16 hours ago, Talbot said:

You bought an SM Auto with a Federal front end?!  One assumes LHD as well.

I don't know whether to congratulate you or just laugh.

Maybe both.


Yes. It's the worst kind of SM,though they were all LHD, I should point out. Well, aside from the ones that were converted in Australia, as apparently LHD cars were illegal over there at the time.

16 hours ago, 83C said:

Top darts. 

Large supply of military-grade brave pills in your house I assume?

No, just a big bottle marked 'Acid'.

16 hours ago, Dick Longbridge said:

Wow! I saw the original ebay ad and then saw the 'I've bought an SM' thread on twitter. Didn't realise you were on here though!

Whatever you do, don't change the front end for a UK spec one as someone on social media suggested. That's surely part of the charm of this gorgeous old beast. 

It looks actually quite...solid? 

Yes, I am whoring it out a bit. Don't worry, it'll all die down when I get sidetracked onto something else.

I'm actually in the mind to agree with you. I prefer the Euro spec cars, visually, however I'm already becoming irked by the hatred for the US front end (hatred that I too harboured, back before I got one). Like you say, it's part of the charm, and it's history - why try and change it. If everybody ditches the US spec front end, there won't be any left!

Looks solid...in places. In other places (mostly underneath) it's horrific.

16 hours ago, Talbot said:

Not all of them.  I've seen a few RHD ones in the UK.

They must be conversions then.

16 hours ago, spartacus said:

Wow, please accept a virtual award from me, that is brave purchasing. In the absence of any comparison that front end doesn't look bad to me.

Can we have more pics and details soon please?

Just Google search Citroen SM, and you'll note most SMs have three lights per side, the inner of which swivelled, like a DS. They were also encased in glass.

Yes, I will share the journey of this one. I'm not sure how to do it; Some people have even suggested trying to YouTube it, like coldwarmotors etc.

16 hours ago, Cento16v said:

Where did you find that!

Can't wait to see more pics 😎

eBay. Bought it because I won a mug that I didn't intentionally compete for. Genuinely.

15 hours ago, Skizzer said:


Thankfully just the right sort of madness.  I've wanted an SM since, well, the mid 70s.  I didn't have the stones to bid on this one though, so mucho respecto.

I agree! Except for the 70s bit, as I wasn't here then.

15 hours ago, dome said:

Wooft! You've won Autoshite for the day/week/eternity. Well done!

I don't know, I've got more facilities than the average 'Shiter. I think the heroes are the ones managing to do high-standard repair work at home! But thanks all the same.

15 hours ago, Crackers said:

It's as if, 48 years ago, someone predicted that Autoshite would exist, and immediately went to a Citroen dealer and ordered that.

That is absolute weapons-grade shite.


IMO one of the most beautiful cars ever built - MuricaSpec front end excepted. Top purchase.

I might pinch this and make a sticker of it, to put in the rear window. I need an AS dealer sticker too, if there are any. Any ideas where they come from?

15 hours ago, dave j said:

Great picture with a BX and a C6 in the background! 

Cheers. There's a Xantia Activa there, too (albeit a smashed up one).

The C6 has a thread on here, and the BX has major threads elsewhere (I just haven't copied them onto here yet). The SM's arrival pretty much kicked the BX out of the workshop, so I'm now prioritising getting that one on the road.

14 hours ago, MiniMort said:

Very nice indeed! That is about as Autoshite as a sporty car gets: 

It was a bit of a flop

It was made by a company mostly known for the 2CV - the anti sports car

It combines all the best* engineering and electrical prowess of the French and the Italians

It is, quite simply, ideal! 

Part of the reason I love it, though I'd argue the engineering elements are genuinely impressive. The French and Italians can blow most other countries out of the water, when they weren't hampered by budget.

Actually, maybe you're right about the electrics...

13 hours ago, jonathan_dyane said:

You win! I saw it on ebay, I’m very jealous.

Although it would be very tempting to try and start it, it’s a big risk. As you may already know the heads like to fall off the sodium filled valves which is pretty much game over.

Best pull heads, and replace valves, deal with any ancillary work and check/adjust timing chains before you attempt first start up. Boring I know, sorry.

Yeah, I know about the engine. Anxiety is my middle name, so I probably won't try to run it until I've rebuilt it.

12 hours ago, somewhatfoolish said:

Given the very high levels of Frenchness converting to RHD seems fraught with eyebleeding expense and wallet-swallowing chasms of unfathomable hydropneumatic doom.

Definitely. In fact, the statement makes sense if you take away the RHD conversion bit, too!

12 hours ago, Bitzer said:

I only saw the car once in my life and almost ended up rolling over the crash barriers. Even if it only sits in a garage and never runs again, it is a thing of a beauty and (to be a fcuking spoilsport) money well invested, because these will only get more and more expensive.


This car? Or the SM in general?!

You're not far off in your assessment, though. My logic was that if it was too fucked, it would become a piece of art to enjoy instead!

9 hours ago, Tadhg Tiogar said:

That's useful, thanks.

8 hours ago, Datsuncog said:


Richykitchy, spotted earlier today.

Possibly en route to Halfords, to see if they have a Weekend Service Sheet for an SM.

They wanted a reg number, so I'm going back today. Wish me luck!

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1 minute ago, richykitchy said:

This car? Or the SM in general?!

SM in general. It was a jaw-dropping sight, the car looked like it left showroom yesterday. IIRC, it was honey-colored metallic with much brownness inside, driven by a white-haired gentleman sporting pipe and tweed jacket. Midsomer Murders stuff.

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16 minutes ago, richykitchy said:

I need an AS dealer sticker too, if there are any. Any ideas where they come from?


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That looks amazing and, as discussed, you must clang when you walk.

I wouldn't worry about any negative reactions to the front end, it's still cooler than 99.9% of cars out there.  Is it only the headlights and central panel that are different?  I'm sure it would be easy* to have a European spec front end that you could install when heading off to the Cote d'Azur with the mistress in the approved French style.

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If anyone can DIY an SM resto, I reckon it's you @richykitchy. I assume you're well aware that you'll be taking the screen out and repairing the a-pillars, and that all the valves will need replacing if you want any kind of mechanical longevity. I know a man who might have some parts, so shout if you need anything in particular. Annoyingly, I know somebody else who put all his SM spares in a skip a few years ago because nobody wanted to buy them (just prior to the prices going insane, natch).

What interior does it have? I'm guessing because unsophisticated Americans it has leather, but if you can find a cloth interior for it it'll transform the car

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Re: 'logging on' @coldwarmotors.

Scott has an Email..... 

He will be genuinely (stout fellow, he is) interested in your car..... and would follow it - either here or as a 'serious self harming' youtube ;)

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This picture* has been on my wall since it was published in Motor Sport magazine in the early '70s. Started a bit of a thing for wanting a gold car...


**Don't you get some odd results when searching for "SM images"?

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3 hours ago, cort1977 said:

That looks amazing and, as discussed, you must clang when you walk.

I wouldn't worry about any negative reactions to the front end, it's still cooler than 99.9% of cars out there.  Is it only the headlights and central panel that are different?  I'm sure it would be easy* to have a European spec front end that you could install when heading off to the Cote d'Azur with the mistress in the approved French style.

Headlamps & central panel, yes. The US spec also has those funny little marker lights on the front and rear wings. I did discover recently that the US spec also has a reinforcement behind the front bumper, and additional strengthening in the side members and doors. Presumably the latter are the reason for the car not currently folding in on itself.

3 hours ago, barrett said:

If anyone can DIY an SM resto, I reckon it's you @richykitchy. I assume you're well aware that you'll be taking the screen out and repairing the a-pillars, and that all the valves will need replacing if you want any kind of mechanical longevity. I know a man who might have some parts, so shout if you need anything in particular. Annoyingly, I know somebody else who put all his SM spares in a skip a few years ago because nobody wanted to buy them (just prior to the prices going insane, natch).

What interior does it have? I'm guessing because unsophisticated Americans it has leather, but if you can find a cloth interior for it it'll transform the car

I don't want to remove the screen, but assumed I would be. I knew about the valves.

Interior is/was black leather. Cloth would be lovely, but beggars can't be choosers.

3 hours ago, tooSavvy said:

Re: 'logging on' @coldwarmotors.

Scott has an Email..... 

He will be genuinely (stout fellow, he is) interested in your car..... and would follow it - either here or as a 'serious self harming' youtube ;)

Oh cool, I'll see if I can find him!

3 hours ago, barrett said:

Oh, and this is well worth having: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/223915739738

Got that already. One of my favourite books.

2 hours ago, Tadhg Tiogar said:

Written by the man who runs Brodie Engineering, SM & Maser repairers to the gentry.

I own a Xantia V6 that used to belong to Andrew Brodie. True story!

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Just now, richykitchy said:

....I own a Xantia V6 that used to belong to Andrew Brodie. True story!

I hear very mixed stories about Stewart Ager. I think he only likes to take work on SMs, DSs, and other Masers.

I only had one encounter with him at the Neasden workshop, and he wasn't very keen on taking on my CX for repairs so I took my business elsewhere. This was at a time when he had at least two CXs on the workshop ramps.

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I remember there was a drama series in the mid 1990s where someone drove an SM, with at least one joke about the name.

At the same time the Observer had a feature on owning one, mentioning it's a real labour of love even with deep pockets.

I did wonder what the parts situation was, as when Peugeot took over everything was on production line was scrapped, supposedly the bodyshells were crushed & engines were thrown out of a window!

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1 hour ago, Richard_FM said:

....I did wonder what the parts situation was, as when Peugeot took over everything was on production line was scrapped, supposedly the bodyshells were crushed & engines were thrown out of a window!

Brodie's has accumulated countless shelves full of parts reclaimed from SMs they have dismantled over the decades. They could probably build most of one from what they have. I had to walk past those shelves to get to the office on my one and only visit there.

There are other parts sources over the Channel. Here's one.

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Thought it would be rude to only leave the one pic at the beginning!

I'm in a bit of a quandry about how to attack this, from a 'sharing the journey' POV. Normally I'd just write 'blog' posts on here, or RR, or PH, or whatever. I tend to do them because, being selfish for a minute, other enthusiasts can give you that shot of confidence or morale to keep plodding on when the chips are down. I've got a terrible memory, so they also serve to remind me what I did, almost like I'd written a diary.

With this car, however, I'm almost tempted to try the YouTube approach, like coldwarmotors, or Ian's HubNut. I would imagine I'm very not-watchable, but I know I'd watch an SM-on-a-budget resto video, and I think others would too. I'm a complete novice at all that stuff, however. I also don't have enough time (but then who does?) And I've got tonnes of other project cars I'm supposed to be doing....and customer cars, which pay for mine (and the roof over the family's head etc.)

But yeah, apologies for the lack of 'content', I'm just trying to figure out how I go about doing it.





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Matt Green, with the Subaru/6R4clone, mixes chatty man with recipe tips, lots of 'err..um.. well, lets get on..' & some epic shakey camera action ....

They Lap It Up ;) [... including me]

Get it sorted, man = WCPGW

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