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The grumpy thread


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Bring back Bits N Bobs.


But if you don't know...

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Rainbow - The 70s one

Mr Ben

Pink Panther (the original one)


Johnny Bravo - I used to get called Johnny Bravo by my family and friends.

The Flintstones

Tom and Jerry


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Breakfast Serials
Round The Bend
Pigeon Street (which was several years old and on repeat when I started watching it)
Rocko's Modern Life
Pete & Pete

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Work is pissing me off ffs....


I really thought this was it, this was the chance to make a real change in my life, but oh no, I have to land a fucking job where I'm getting bombarded with e-mails for requests of uniforms, fill out uniforms sheets by hand, pick them myself whilst getting moaned at by the regional admins, being spoken to rudely by regional "managers" and getting no support from my boss who seems to have given up himself, this put an immense amount of pressure on me I've not felt before and it really is getting to me. I've gone from seeing a new adventure to just wanting to tell these arseholes to piss off.


Nothing works in this warehouse, nothing. Everything goes out late, gets lost (or at least we're told that) and everyone just seems to have the arse with it all.


I'm so glad my contract is coming to an end in June. I've requested to see the mangement back in England (during my own time off) to see if we can reach a solution as the current system at work is simply not working. If it doesn't work next year, I'll need to move myself on. No job is worth stressing yourself out for.


One thing I fear though is ending up back on my arse.

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Watched a lot of telly as a kid, was an unsociable little git even then.

Liked Trumpton, Camberwick green and Chigley, still do, ok its hardly high drama but had every day characters in every day situations generally being nice to each other, don't think that's a bad formula for a kid's tv programme, now 30 years on I still think life would be more bearable if we all stopped work now and then to sing the relevant song for our chosen professions.

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When I still lived in Scotland and worked shifts, I remember seeing The Animals of Farthing Wood dubbed into gaelic.  It was quite proposterous!

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Work is pissing me off ffs....


I really thought this was it, this was the chance to make a real change in my life, but oh no, I have to land a fucking job where I'm getting bombarded with e-mails for requests of uniforms, fill out uniforms sheets by hand, pick them myself whilst getting moaned at by the regional admins, being spoken to rudely by regional "managers" and getting no support from my boss who seems to have given up himself, this put an immense amount of pressure on me I've not felt before and it really is getting to me. I've gone from seeing a new adventure to just wanting to tell these arseholes to piss off.


Nothing works in this warehouse, nothing. Everything goes out late, gets lost (or at least we're told that) and everyone just seems to have the arse with it all.


I'm so glad my contract is coming to an end in June. I've requested to see the mangement back in England (during my own time off) to see if we can reach a solution as the current system at work is simply not working. If it doesn't work next year, I'll need to move myself on. No job is worth stressing yourself out for.


One thing I fear though is ending up back on my arse.




It's good that you can be honest with the management, no bad job is worth the long term grief if you can't change it for the better.

However, if you're not careful then you are going to end up with a promotion to the point of being told to sort all the shit out.

This may be a very good thing, or it could be your worst nightmare. Either way I hope something gets sorted to your satisfaction.

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Cheers Julian. They seem keen to listen but whether anything will actually be done is another thing. Hence why I'm looking to give it another go in September if they are willing to renew my contract which I think they might as they seem unlikely to be bothered to train up yet another person for them to find the same as me. They have said that they do agree, my position has never been a successful one.

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This "first world problem" thing pisses me off;  just because there are far worse things occuring in other parts of the world, we are not supposed to moan or complain about things that represent what we see as a preventable slide of values and standards in our own part of the world?


The noise and bustle on children's telly is what seems to be expected of entertainment these days*, full stop.  I can't see a ready return to the days of talent and gentle imagination any time soon, which is a shame.



*Consider the recent film of "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy" - criticised by many as being boring and having no "action" - i.e. car chases, explosions and the like.  For some, this is what maes a film good - not a decent script, excellent story, and fantastic acting..


I completely agree re: TTSP - I had the most frustrating of conversations with someone recently who just didn't get it. Perhaps the story was too complex for them. I recently re-watched the original Alex Guinness TV series and also 'Smiley's People', which is astonishingly good. I am a sucker for Game of Thrones, House of Cards, Sopranos, 24 and all these modern, 'must-watch' series, but they are not a patch on Smiley's People. Also, there is chod galore to enjoy, which is a bonus!

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I was disappointed as buggery with the recent film version of Tinker Tailor etc, then immediately watched the Alec Guiness version and then Smileys People, both of which we have, bliss returned.


Its probably not right to compare a 1.5 hour film with something like 10 hours of serial, but the film lacked the heavy oppressive atmosphere of the originals, they were good quality productions, which the BBC were so good at in those days.


It wasn't the lack of action, the story line doesn't need action, but it demands complete attention from the viewer, and in the original at least rewards that in spades....maybe i need to watch the modern version again.


Mind you, as David Suchet has done with Poirot, i believe Alec Guiness absolutely stamped himself as THE character.


I also enjoyed The Constant Gardener, both book and film, no one does dialogue quite like Le Carre.

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On the subject of kids tv, we have cbeebies on at times for ours aa well as £3 B&M bargains dvds of Hong Kong Phooey, Top Cat and Roadrunner.


Massive +1s for Bits and Bobs and Old Jacks Boat. Also Abney and Teal and Grandpa in my Pocket. To me, these are just modern takes on classic formats.


Also been to Staithes to see Old Jacks cottage etc and it is a beautiful place.

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The XM has been suffering with air being sucked into the fuel, I traced this today to the SHIT jubilee clips I bought from Halfords. They get to approx 50% of the tightness needed to prevent air leaks and then just slip. I raided the Multipla i'm breaking up and found they don't use jubilee clips at all, instead they use crimped fastener things. 


In the end I had to pinch a couple of clips from the cooling system and substitute the awful Halfords items for them. The bubbles have gone from the fuel system... lets see if I explode in a cloud of steam on the way to work tomorrow,





On the subject of kids TV programs, My daughter loves Grandpa in my pocket, but why do his clothes shrink with him? Surely he would end up running round naked in Jason Mason's bed room or something.


Also, have you noticed that since Jason Mason's voice broke his Grandpa doesn't give him a second look, he seems much more interested in his pre-pubescent cousins. Very suspicious of you ask me.  

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When I still lived in Scotland and worked shifts, I remember seeing The Animals of Farthing Wood dubbed into gaelic.  It was quite proposterous!

Not as preposterous as seeing the cartoon sport billy in welsh - it was on s4c as I flicked through the channels. I assumed he had ingested something highly illegal.

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Stolen from Pistonheads, but WTF? Is this genuine? And if so is there a shitty car thats leaking a bit of oil parking area too?



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WT actual F? I'd be parking my Prairie in one of those spaces IMMEDIATELY if I saw one. Fucking cheek of it. What next. Wealthy people only parking spaces?

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These Eco spaces are bollocks, I managed to convince the doorman at Eurodisney hotel that the missuses Gaylander was electric ,left it for 3 days in one of their empty charging spaces. When quizzed as to where the lead was,I told him it was an experimental microwave charging system,then pointed out the special electric blue colour. Every time someone even the kids went to the car to get something,one of the staff would ask about how it worked. We just said it was a secret.


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I was disappointed as buggery with the recent film version of Tinker Tailor etc, then immediately watched the Alec Guiness version and then Smileys People, both of which we have, bliss returned.


Its probably not right to compare a 1.5 hour film with something like 10 hours of serial, but the film lacked the heavy oppressive atmosphere of the originals, they were good quality productions, which the BBC were so good at in those days.


It wasn't the lack of action, the story line doesn't need action, but it demands complete attention from the viewer, and in the original at least rewards that in spades....maybe i need to watch the modern version again.


Mind you, as David Suchet has done with Poirot, i believe Alec Guiness absolutely stamped himself as THE character.


I also enjoyed The Constant Gardener, both book and film, no one does dialogue quite like Le Carre.


The Alec Guinness version is unbeatable.  Amazing.

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Right, there is nothing worse than getting the hump just because you read a thread about things that give other people the hump....So, this weekend I vow to find one of these fuckwitted Eco parking spaces and dump the Minor in it complete with its colossal incontinence from the A Series multigrade sprayer.   Nothing irks me more than pseudo-green-frippery.   Fuck it I am going to get all the aerosols out as well....

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Asked SWMBO if I could bid on something on ebay, she said yes, so I bid and won then she went into a rant about how skint we are and bollocked me ffs.




And breathe...

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Rainbow - The 70s one

Mr Ben

Pink Panther (the original one)


Johnny Bravo - I used to get called Johnny Bravo by my family and friends.

The Flintstones

Tom and Jerry




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Yes but when you purchased it did you not notice the box to choose how many you wanted?

80 bar is still pretty reasonable for four wheels anyway

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Only wanted them cos they were cheap enough to put on car while originals were being refurbished,was going to bin them when i had finished with them.

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