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The grumpy thread

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Who's defining what or who a regular bloke is?


The shag thread - I posted on it a couple of times but recently found it in poor taste. I just didn't click or tap on it.

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Some here would love to see the back of me. 


Not here Rev, you're an interesting character and would be a loss to this place.   I agree with your first line too :)

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Shag thread gone!


..No it can't be 


.........Please no 


...............Too much work went into it


.....................Years of celebrity fetishes collated into a tame goldmine of loveliness and not a bare titty on show that I recall 


In short I am bereft  :-(

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I come to Autoshite for car stuff, I may be perceiving it wrong but it often seems like the people who are always bitching and moaning about it apparently being a nanny state don't post much if any car content, thus I couldn't care less if they feel the need to flounce off into the sunset.


While I agree with a lot of what RBJ says, I do need to point out that rights are not like cake: just because someone else is getting more doesn't mean that you get less.


Women are considered to be real people these days, but it doesn't follow that men are emasculated. Straight white men are still very much at the top of things, thankyouverymuch.


I'm not sure that that's what you were getting at (while you have a healthy appreciation of the female form I don't recall you saying anything truly misogynistic) so sorry if I've read something that isn't really there - that word emasculated always raises a warning flag to me though.

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I'd go with that, one of RBJ, Jazoli, Hooli or despairs and tires should have a go and try co-operating with the rest of the moderation team.


I've got on with two of them in the real world before....


Set up a committee and start tablelling motions like those films of American town councils!


Shouldn't be an issue, then :)


Trouble is the background issues that aren't allowed to be mentioned. Those stop sensible decisions being made.


I come to Autoshite for car stuff, I may be perceiving it wrong but it often seems like the people who are always bitching and moaning about it apparently being a nanny state don't post much if any car content, thus I couldn't care less if they feel the need to flounce off into the sunset.


Nail. On. Head.

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Moderating? Leave me out. 


Autoshite is, for me, the best car forum out there. It's a community with friends we've never met but episodes like this damage it. And for what?


On the upside, I've just heard a song on Radio 6 where the singer repeatedly used a word that sounded like 'Hydrolastic'. 


Moderating? Leave me out. 



He's the one we want lads.


He's the one we want lads.


To misquote someone - no one who wants to be in a position of power should be allowed to hold that position.


I guess everything's been said about this now. Laterz Bitchez. 8)

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To misquote someone - no one who wants to be in a position of power should be allowed to hold that position.


And most of our MPs are evidence of that.


Just to give some clarity as I can understand why people may be perplexed.


The current affairs thread- the last post started talking about Brexit and the vote that went with it. Clearly crossing over the politics line. I know some people disagree with this rule but it is there to try and keep people in harmony rather than falling out over stuff that isnt trim levels on an Escort.


The ladies thread - we had some complaints about it, it also had moved from a general discussion to a place that people were posting semi nude photos of women. There is a huge amount of that on the internet elsewhere and trying to keep with the ethos of focusing on cars it was discussed and decided that it had run its course. It is also important that the site doesn't get flagged as NSFW - that would make some of us have to do more work!


As mentioned above AS is a very different place from even two years ago. Partly due to new members and partly because the world has moved on.


It is the balance is between trying to be a welcoming open place that is for everyone versus a free for all where anything can be posted.


Of course we don't want to upset people with our actions. We try not to be arsey about things and do take time to discuss things before moving or deleting threads. There are normally reasons things are done and not just to annoy members.


Some members have PMd us to ask about threads etc which is honestly the best way because we can explain things a little more clearly.


I hope it goes some way to explain the decisions. If anyone wants to drop me a PM and ask anything else then that is a good way forward.


No racism, no religion, no politics and no fannies.


Pretty much as it is now.

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We've definitely had politics and fannies in the past.

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Moderating? Leave me out. 


Autoshite is, for me, the best car forum out there. It's a community with friends we've never met but episodes like this damage it. And for what?


On the upside, I've just heard a song on Radio 6 where the singer repeatedly used a word that sounded like 'Hydrolastic'. 

Its not it's spa, hold on can't say that :)

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Just been for a quick-ish drive in the Saab. Covered 450 miles in the last few days with nothing to report save the ABS/TC warnings being on as per usual.


These disappeared when I started her up, got 5 yards down the road to be greeted with EML on limp mode. Bollocks.


TBH I think this is an ECU fault as opposed to individual components playing up. Looks like tomorrow is a day for getting greasy. Neighbour has a scanner so if it's P1530 again I know it's either the Air con or throttle position sensor (different readers say different things).


Maybe this should be in the smart meter thread.

Friday last week I got an estimated electric bill through the post. Very over estimated on daytime use but the night use was spot-on.I phoned the meter line and gave the correct readings.Pleasant lady on the phone " yes,okay that's all updated and you will receive an amended bill"

Today when I get home there is a card through the door from some meter reading service I've never heard of.The card has no reference number, no date and they called today to read your meter on behalf of ....... blank.No supplier is mentioned.

I find this strange as previously the meter reader came round twice a year but not this time of year.If the meter reading service is real why would the electric company send a bill before the meter was about to be read.Maybe the pleasant lady from SSE didn't believe my reading and sent them out.Or there are travellers camped the other end of the village and these cards are just a ruse for them to snoop around peoples property.

Whatever, if you don't know who the supplier is and can't be arsed to put a date on your card then I'm not phoning your 0845 number or going on your .net website.

Edit : Lowri beck services install smart meters.It was a ruse to inspect the meter and try to force you to have one of their meters.


Oh FFS Bavarian retro said people still got on after the referendum in Scotland and said compare and contrast, I asked how the campaigning differed from project fear because I had no clue and if they had had positive campaigning for a different relation between the 2 sides.

That's not politics it's asking a sodding question.

Why not just delete the 2 flaming posts?


Apparently I can't get a phoneline set up at the new house because "the exchange is full", whatever the actual fuck that means. Odd, because there's a fairly recent openreach master socket on the wall, and the area's not exactly a heaving metropolis. FOR FUCKS SAKE.


Difficult to know what you're moaning about, tbh. My neighbour says he can communicate with his dog. I think he's talking pants. 

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I feel like I'm going insane. I keep getting buyer's remorse about two weeks after I buy a car. Now it's the turn of the Buick. The blinders I had on when I bought it have fully worn off and now I keep seeing things that are wrong with it. I'm pretty sure running old cars is beginning to seriously effect my mental health and it's making me a dick to people close to me.


I don't know what to do. If I sell, I'll buy again, without a doubt. If I keep...will I ever be happy?

I wasted so much time and money, on old cars and at the end of the day I was still stressing as didn’t have a reliable car I needed to get to work.. I’d suggests you lease something small and cheap for 2 years so you have something reliable , efficient and doesn’t need constant maintenance . You can then buy and sell cool stuff like the Buick without worrying about if it’ll start in the morning


FFS. One day back at work after Boxing day..... 


Thought I would take the Minor to work as there doesn't appear to be any salt around and it hasn't been out much for a while.   In fact the last fuel receipt is dated June.  Walking past two known 100pc reliable motors I got in it at 4:45AM after opening the gates and emptying the crap out of the front footwell to be greeted with an apologetic cough from the starter motor.   I was about to get the handle out when I thought I would try a scoot down the sloping driveway.   It worked, luckily but I only narrowly avoided a reversing milk float coming round the blind corner in our close.   Nine houses, only one has milk delivered and the chooses the precise moment I am coasting round a corner with the lights off...


At 08:45 Mrs Rocker phones to say TV is dead and won't play.   I file this under "meh....don't give a shit" but made the appropriate conciliatory noises. 


Get home at 3pm absolutely fucked after a hard day back at work and she has towels all round the washing machine which is now at a jaunty angle under the worktop.   Seems to be a leak somewhere behind it.... 


They wonder why men are always fucking grumpy....

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Board games.


My memory.


My ability to decipher rules.



I can't even start the damn things let alone get to board flipping tantrum stage.


FFS. One day back at work after Boxing day..... 


Thought I would take the Minor to work as there doesn't appear to be any salt around and it hasn't been out much for a while.   In fact the last fuel receipt is dated June.  Walking past two known 100pc reliable motors I got in it at 4:45AM after opening the gates and emptying the crap out of the front footwell to be greeted with an apologetic cough from the starter motor.   I was about to get the handle out when I thought I would try a scoot down the sloping driveway.   It worked, luckily but I only narrowly avoided a reversing milk float coming round the blind corner in our close.   Nine houses, only one has milk delivered and the chooses the precise moment I am coasting round a corner with the lights off...


At 08:45 Mrs Rocker phones to say TV is dead and won't play.   I file this under "meh....don't give a shit" but made the appropriate conciliatory noises. 


Get home at 3pm absolutely fucked after a hard day back at work and she has towels all round the washing machine which is now at a jaunty angle under the worktop.   Seems to be a leak somewhere behind it.... 


They wonder why men are always fucking grumpy....



I saw two Minors in Sheffield today. A 1965 C plate Trafalgar blue 2 door parped past me whilst walking into town, and I saw an Almond green one parked outside a shop. They're great to see on the road.

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