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The grumpy thread


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That's grim news about the vandalism. We recently had a warning to stay indoors as some youths had set fire to a pontoon in the middle of a nature reserve lake in town causing enough plastic to burn it was a health hazard. I'd hang the parents before birching the kids. 




My grump for today is that my Focus is pissing power steering fluid. My friendly mechanic has always liked it so won't entertain me scrapping it until he's put it up on ramps (I've crawled under it and it looks like the rack.) but I very much expect the worst tomorrow, unless I'm wrong about what is leaking it's over the bridge.


Cars being knackered is obviously what is done here, but what hacks me off is that I need a car for work as it's shift work, we'd only have one car if I worked 'normal' hours as it wouldn't leave my other half stranded without being able to go anywhere when I was at work. However the only reason I'm currently sticking my job rather than jacking it in and temping locally, is it pays enough that I can get my bike licence and put aside a little to then buy a big bike. Having to instead use this money to replace the car means I'm working somewhere I don't like to pay to get to work somewhere I don't like. 


In reality it's a minor grump, although I'd rather not spend the money, I won't have to borrow anything so am in a much better position than some so should be grateful for that, and I'm sure something suitable will turn up for sale on here soon, get your Beige Metros tagged for sale here from tomorrow!

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Look North reported that the railway staff found 5 of the little darlings asleep in one of the coaches on the NYMR this morning after they had a smashing time last night.


i personally hope that the staff kicked the living shit out of each and every one of them.


but i am a humanitarian.....

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As someone who spent five years of weekends restoring one carriage on a narrow gauge railway in North Wales, I would cheerfully douse those responsible for this in unleaded and put a match to their worthless Facetard scrote carcasses. Without even a second's thought.

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My fucking neighbour who, around 9 every morning, starts his fucking old Mazda 3 heap up and leaves the bastard thing running for ten minutes before driving off.



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Probably the same reason that about 4 or 5 stupid woman leave their engine running and sit in the area when they come to pick their kids up from school, they're fucking thick.

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Check this monumental bellend out.


This junction has crap visibility looking down through the left of frame at the best of times and this guy parked here to chat with his mate for MORE than ten minutes. Normally I would just think he's a twat and leave it at that but I'm pissed off because once they finished their chat the driver turned around and fucking parked no more than 10 feet away. The potential for a collision to occur between a vehicle turning right out of the junction and another travelling from left to right was genuinely really high. Thankfully it was unusually quiet.



Am familiar with the haulage company and have had a couple of incidents over the last few years. The company is based just outside a tiny village (we have a static caravan there) and runs a fleet of trucks/vans/tankers. Incidents have usually been almost being forced off the road by a tanker hurtling round a blind bend (trees, walls, no visibility) on a narrow road close to the village. One tractor unit sans trailer hit my door mirror as he was going too fast and didn't quite make the bend on the correct side of the road. Was frightening as it could have been much worse. T.P.Niven am looking at you here.
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Am familiar with the haulage company and have had a couple of incidents over the last few years. The company is based just outside a tiny village and runs a fleet of trucks/vans/tankers. Incidents have usually been almost being forced off the road by a tanker hurtling round a bend on a narrow road close to the village. One tractor unit sans trailer hit my door mirror as he was going too fast and didn't quite make the bend on the correct side of the road. Was frightening as it could have been much worse. T.P.Niven am looking at you here.


My mother made similar comments. I wouldn't be too surprised if they were being given slightly iffy deadlines. The only other local company I've had issues with was John Miller Haulage as their trucks would pull out on people at the same junction on the A711 (just before Dalbeattie on the left) all the time. Emailed John himself a year or so ago basically saying 'this is shit, stahp' and I haven't seen it since.

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Guest Hooli

Alleged Eastern European chap in a van tried getting 2 young kids in his van last night, mattreses in the back. Locals from the pub caught up with him somehow and beat the shite out of him and are now being done for assault  


Liking that for the community spirit, disliking the typical attitude of the justice system to not punish the correct people.

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You probably need to delete the device in Device Manager so it reinstalls.




BTW external HDDs are shite, they do break & fail without warning so I wouldn't use one as my only copy of anything important. Nine times out of ten it's the USB bit that fails, so you can open them & put the HDD in a caddy to get everything back.

this is the same for internal and external drives, they can and do just fail without warning. 


Best thing to do Eddy is create a dropbox account and store important stuff on that. 




Or use Google Drive


If you've only got small files it'll be ideal. 

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Guest Hooli

I've found USB drives much worse, as I said the USB bit seems prone to failure.


The ideal answer is a NAS with RAID that automatically backs up to something like google drive.

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Well after defending teachers holidays the other week it shows you what time can do as this week I've had enough of them.


I love volunteering at school and helping out in class 7 (ages 7/8) just about my stupid mentality.


Tomorrow will be my last day. I can't do with the school politics and arse covering. Got 'in trouble' last week as I said "don't out you gob on the tap" to a girl hanging over the sink. Apparently accents aren't allowed, wankers.


Headteacher is a complete arse hole. I'll stop for now and go back when she inevitabley leave like all the others did.

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Liking that for the community spirit, disliking the typical attitude of the justice system to not punish the correct people.

He could have been looking for the kids who put those carriage windows through?

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Got 'in trouble' last week as I said "don't out you gob on the tap" to a girl hanging over the sink.

Genuinely curious...what does "don't out you gob on the tap" mean?



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Auto correct error.its meant to be 'put'.


We were doing some cooking (chocolate corn flake buns) and as they were washing their hands she decided that when I'd said it was OK to get a drink she'd do that.


Turns out the teaching assistant in the other half of the room ran off sulking to the head, says I was 'too informal' and that the children were 'loud', at the end of term doing a fun activity while she was only reading a book to a special needs child who didn't give a shit.


In other words the teaching assistant is a biter old bitch and instead of asking us to use another room, like she did the week before, or ask us to be quieter she ran off like a two year old and told the teacher (head) who then backed her up, it's mad.


Talk to the children like people and how they understand and it's wrong. Talk to them like shit and always want them to shut up is fine. Seems backwards to me. Anyway outcome was no year 3 again for me (incase I corrupt them with my accent) but I can have year 6.


Not happy but went in this afternoon all positive (only 2 days left) and thought I'd carry on next year but it was shit and ignored again so they can stick it. I wouldn't mind but I do it for free. I don't want them bowing down but a thank you and some prospective would be nice.

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Alleged Eastern European chap in a van tried getting 2 young kids in his van last night, mattreses in the back. Locals from the pub caught up with him somehow and beat the shite out of him and are now being done for assault  


Can't like this.... "alleged". 

Clearly they were face to face with him so could have held onto him and got the cops in. What if they beat the shit out of the wrong guy?

Even worse, the police now have to deal with an assault which can delay or affect him being investigated for the first crime. "Someone hit me in the head and I've forgotten where I was for the past few weeks" or something. 


Cannot agree with vigilantism. Sorry. I appreciate what they were trying to do and the severity of the crime but we have judge and jury for a reason and the police DO take the alleged incident very seriously. 

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FFS! Thanks work. Tomorrow I've got to travel no less than 71 miles on public transport from Dumfries to Holytown, 3 busses. Gah! :angry:

Then, just wait till you see Holytown!

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messages on eBay saying I'll give you (insert derogatory offer) cash .

You're offering cash as an alternative to what ?

Ducks? Cattle? Vintage Betamax video recorders ?

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messages on eBay saying I'll give you (insert derogatory offer) cash .

You're offering cash as an alternative to what ?

Ducks? Cattle? Vintage Betamax video recorders ?


I usually reply: two camels, your daughter if she's still a virgin and not a penny less m9.

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primary schools



They're strange places, and the staff don't often seem to understand kids (generation gap probably doesn't help either). I had some right issues towards the end of primary school (2006/7) because the head and my teacher (deputy head) didn't like me, and intentionally let me be bullied etc. My mum was a volunteer and a good friend of hers was a dinner lady and they both knew something was up too.

My mum and the dinner lady both packed it in for similar reasons to you, not agreeing with the staff, politics etc.


Mum bumped into aforementioned teacher last year. Teacher always acted friendly with my mum but my mum knew it was out of spite, and thought she was a twat as well (overworked the kids as well). Teacher asked how I was, the mother replied 'oh, he was diagnosed Asperger's' (this is true but only very mildly so). Teacher bricked it, mum just buggered off, that was her basically saying 'fuck you'.

If I'd have got my mum to listen to me a lot sooner (had concerns something was up even when I was a kid), then that teacher (and the head?) would probably have lost their jobs.

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They're strange places, and the staff don't often seem to understand kids (generation gap probably doesn't help either). I had some right issues towards the end of primary school (2006/7) because the head and my teacher (deputy head) didn't like me, and intentionally let me be bullied etc. My mum was a volunteer and a good friend of hers was a dinner lady and they both knew something was up too.

My mum and the dinner lady both packed it in for similar reasons to you, not agreeing with the staff, politics etc.


Mum bumped into aforementioned teacher last year. Teacher always acted friendly with my mum but my mum knew it was out of spite, and thought she was a twat as well (overworked the kids as well). Teacher asked how I was, the mother replied 'oh, he was diagnosed Asperger's' (this is true but only very mildly so). Teacher bricked it, mum just buggered off, that was her basically saying 'fuck you'.

If I'd have got my mum to listen to me a lot sooner (had concerns something was up even when I was a kid), then that teacher (and the head?) would probably have lost their jobs.

You genuinely believe that a teacher and head teacher conspired to allow your bullying to continue?


It was only ten years ago. You should do something about that.

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Little fucking bastards. Just turning into haffords car park yesterday evening. Little pricks on bikes in middle of road on a busy street decided to pelt car with eggs. Made a bloody mess,grateful if had ac on though and the window shut. Scarpered when I spun car round though except for one who stopped and said

"sorry mate,it wasn't me".

Took some bloody cleaning though too.







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