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Wafty Yank Barge of Dreams Collection Right Said Fred


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So as you’re all aware, I was (un)lucky enough to have my Bonus Ball come up last night and am now the slightly nervous new owner of a Buick Park Avenue with about 3 days MoT left.




I live on a rock in the middle of the North Sea so getting anywhere to collect anything is a mission.

True to form, the good people of the forum have come to my rescue, as they did when I won the 205 and it was relayed all the way to Aberdeen and put on the ferry for me.

Step forward RobT - a true gentleman (who I purchased my Mk3 Granada from and he not only picked me up from the train station at gone midnight but then made me cups of tea and blethered about cars) he is heading North tomorrow to collect the latest addition to my fleet and take it back to SE London whereupon it’ll be presented to an MoT tester to have a laugh at. Being an optimist I envisage a fresh ticket with not much outlay then it can begin its journey North, hopefully via as many Shiters who want a shot of it as possible.

I’ll let Rob take it from here and post progress (or lack of) so you can all breathe a sigh of relief that you didn’t win it



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I'll gladly drive it from Newcastle all the way to the lake district and back to Newcastle again. Alternative routes available upon request.

Is that just so I can have a shot at it in a handy car park?  If so, thank you kindly!

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Sadly nowhere near a sensible route north so I'm out, but as mentioned earlier will chip in a tenner for fuel, RobT as you're the first please pm your PayPal.

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First stage of this collection has commenced. Destination: Norwich.


I've made the error of not booking the quiet coach. So there's a family of Americans behind me eating sack loads of 'potato chips', and a pair of middle-class giffers drivelling on about nonsense. This will be a long 1hr 50...Seems like Norwich is a popular place to go on a Monday as it's busy in here.




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I'll come along for the handover depending on the day!

I still remember that afternoon with the Mercedes bus!

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Meanwhile I've had my last drive in the Buick, bringing it into Norwich this morning.  I haven't been this upset at selling a car in a long while. :?

Soz to hear that wuv. Does it mean I'll have to wrestle the keys off you?


The Americans are eating doughnuts now. It's as if they're preparing me for later.

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I'll gladly drive it from Newcastle all the way to the lake district and back to Newcastle again. Alternative routes available upon request.

I could do Leeds to Newcastle... My work is based in Leeds so I could get them to pay for my ticket down, go to the office for a bit, then drive this thing back.


.. If not, I would definitely like to come see it when it's in Newcastle.


Otherwise I'm happy to do Newcastle to anywhere that's on the East Coast Main Line and within a 90 minute train home - Berwick, Dunbar, Edinburgh.

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I might salute if SatNav malfuntion/scenic option highlighted... and it *speeds serenely across the Tyne Bridge.


SatNav usually via Metro Centre/Western By-Pass $hite route :/

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Happy to give the interior a bit of a wipe down if it passes close to Enfield. Just because I really want to rather than it needing it lol.

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Ideal Bulgaria car, surely?  Fly to London from Skye, then bang it on the Chunnel and drive off the other end serenely, sitting in the right place for the roads.  Yes it'll be a bit of a trek, but do it in manageable chunks with overnight stops and it'll be as good as a holiday.  Then simply register it in Bulg!

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Ideal Bulgaria car, surely? Fly to London from Skye, then bang it on the Chunnel and drive off the other end serenely, sitting in the right place for the roads. Yes it'll be a bit of a trek, but do it in manageable chunks with overnight stops and it'll be as good as a holiday. Then simply register it in Bulg!

This is my thinking tbh, I need to own it for 6 months before I can register it over there so an excuse to waft around Shetland (after I buy a Stetson and nail some cow horns to the bonnet)



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You could probably own it for six months without ever seeing it, given the number of people who want a dirty sixsome weekend in it.

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Where is it now?

Can we get a big table map, a model of the car and some of those pushy things, like they did for showing aircraft deployment then get screenshots put up to show it's travel across the country?

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Just to let you all know, I’ve just had a message from Rob to say he’s made it home. I’ll let him update you on his adventures in “An Amusing Old Boat” as he put it



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OK not a 1974 dodge Monaco but a little bit of me is hoping rob has shades and a suit on.

Sorry, I've let you down. I had needle cord trousers, a fleece, and comfortable shoes on today.


Made it home to south London no problem. Must admit I was smiling at the ridiculous nature of it sometimes, such as the vagueness of the steering and the way it lollops over bumps!


The MoT is booked for Wednesday at 4.30pm, and I'll try and fix the battery tray tomorrow after work. I also had to meddle didn't I...I tried the hazards earlier but now they won't turn off. The switch on the steering column is sticking, so I've taken the fuse out for now (better I find out than the MoT man). I also tried removing the fuse for the ABS light, but that'd be too easy and hasn't extinguished the light, so that probably needs a professional to look at rather than an idiot amateur such as myself.

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A model of a 1991 Buick? Good luck with that! You might have to settle for an old Corgi Kojak Buick.

Seems you can but only if you’ve got nearly £70 to drop on one




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