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The Schwifty Shambolic PSA Shite Thread - 104's Arrive!


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Love a 505, i had one identical to this maybe 5 years ago, it was formerly owned by the Venezuelan embassy in london although i bought it from an chap in West Oxfordshire, i drove it around my neck of the woods (Headington) for and ended up getting silly money for it via an african chap on Ebay, i still love these though so look forward to seeing its progress, or even on the mean streets of Oxfordshire!

Whereabouts in Headington are you?  I used to live just off Gladstone Road as a kid.

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Whereabouts in Headington are you?  I used to live just off Gladstone Road as a kid.


small world! i went to gladstone rd nursery, i'm on Shotover Hill now but in those days lived opposite Quarry Rec

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  • 4 weeks later...

Happy new year everyone! Update time.


Right, I've got a load of photos to sort through and pick out the choice ones so I can then do a decent write up on 505 progress. So you'll have to wait!


However, here's some pictures of Lumberbus Minor - my 1986 305 GTX estate. I've had this for about 2 years now, a drunken ebay purchase. It had been owned by the same lady since new and had been used to transport her Airedale Terriers around - so it stunk of fancy dog. She had put just over 100,000 miles on it and had kept it serviced and intended to use it for ever. However, some plum pudding managed to reverse a truck into the front of it, caving in the bumper rather badly and other parts of the front too. It was limped home, then laid up for 9 months......until I came along. I rocked up on the train, with a rucksack full of tools, tape, cable ties, fuel hose, other sundries, Marlboro's and a battery booster along with temporary insurance.

A quick inspection showed, thankfully, my drunken gamble had paid off. It was virtually rust free, except for a crusty tailgate and one door which had gone along the front inside edge. The bumper had taken the worst of the crash, with the little valance panel above it also rather warped. However, chassis and radiator all remained present and correct, with no damage visible elsewhere other than a few bent tabs for grille mounts etc.

So, I stuck a battery booster on it and after some persuasion off she went and presently sprayed fuel all over the engine bay. A quick bit of new fuel hose later all was well, and with a "new" number plate cable tied to the ruined bumper I set off home to Oxford ..... via Portsmouth. Unfortunately, this trip was boring as hell because the car performed faultlessly!


Anyway, that was 2 years ago. Since then, I've sorted, cleaned, tidied, painted, had long and painful conversations with French breaker yards and baffled european couriers and this is how she stands.






The wheels are from a 205 1.9 GTi, I have the original GTX ones it came with but personally I think they look fucking shite.


When I bought it, the lady owner told me proudly that she had fitted a new carburettor some 5 years before. Whilst the right carb, a Weber 32/24 DRTC, it was not jetted correctly and the thing ran rich as hell and returned a miserable 19mpg. So I did what everyone should do, and fitted a Weber 32/36 DGV which is just better in every way. It took a while and a bit of head scratching to work out the throttle linkage and choke system, but eventually I managed it in a completely reversible way. She now goes like a rocket and returns 35mpg all day long. I have added the Mk3 Cortina Airbox mainly to annoy purists - that and anything with a Ford badge on it thats over 20 years old is instantly worth £1 million, right?





Being the GTX, it comes with all the luxuries like electric windows, grey velour upholstery, a rev counter and a really shit sunroof!







That's it for now. I hopefully have more photos from earlier versions, including when I picked it up, somewhere on a hard drive - my laptop shat itself over the festive period, probably due to the Baileys I tried to feed it. Consequently, I'm trying to find various backups of things at the moment.


Anyway, enjoy the 80's wagon win.



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Holy hell. I remember watching this on eBay when it was listed, in Datchet or somewhere near there?


Great to see it like this.


I'd like to extend dibs if you sell but suspect the asking price will be (and probably should be) beyond me.

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Apart from me having a very different view of 305 GTX wheels, that is most excellent in every respect and a great save. Those velour seats are especially glorious.

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Wow! Love the 305, and what a genuine car. My favourite cars are always those which have a decent back story, and yours doesn't fail to disappoint.

Just one thing, as a few others have said - don't bin the GTX alloys - they just look so right on a mid to late 80's Peugeot. Here's one which used to belong to Carlo on here, but appears to be long gone, unfortunately.



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I love the coach line. 


Seeing this has motivated me to go and stick a heater in mine, which seems to have developed a leak behind the glovebox and into the footwells. Is this a common 305 problem?


Extra points for the 205 in the background too!

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Oh that's a lovely thing. I was ignorant of the charms of 305s till I started on here- now I think they are beautiful looking things.

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Thanks for the kind words people! I'm currently sat watching the MOT tester go over it.....eek!


Heater matrixes on these old Peugeots always go, they rot out and then fill your foot Wells! A classic sign is if the air out the vents has a faint damp whiff of antifreeze. Luckily mine seems ok, at the moment!


I have been torn about the wheels, the ones I have are in poor condition and need a good refurb but seeing that saloon has swayed me somewhat!



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Lots of nostalgia right there. My stepmum had a beige 305 estate when I as a teenager, absolutely brilliant cars. Really spacious. Thanks for sharing :)

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I love the coach line. 


Seeing this has motivated me to go and stick a heater in mine, which seems to have developed a leak behind the glovebox and into the footwells. Is this a common 305 problem?


Extra points for the 205 in the background too!


It's usually the drainage pipes that come from the scuttle area (where the wiper motor/linkage sits) that rot out and cause leakage into the footwells. It's a stupid design where the drainage hoses come through the inside of the car and out into the inner wing. 


29745476215_059879e175_c.jpgDSC_0836 by srblythe, on Flickr

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  • 2 weeks later...

Right, it's sodding freezing in the shed so it's about time I wrote an update. So.... errr, update on fings wot i has dun.


Last time on LumberBus, I cleaned it and removed the crusty front wiper mechanism, plus some other shit.

So, the wiper mechanism was suffering from a chronic case of metal exfoliation, specifically the pressed steel bracket which held the motor and spindles. Tracking down a good one of these proved, unsurprisingly, to be a complete and total Michael Gove.




Further inspection of the bracket showed it was salvageable if I could remove the rotten mounting lug and replace it, either with one from a bracket that had rot elsewhere or by making a new one. A call to Dean Hunter of Peugeot Parts Spares Classic Bits Yorkshire French Car Wombles limited resulted in another wiper bracket with elsewhere rot being posted to me. I then set about removing the rotten lug from the bracket to use, and the good lug from the bracket to not use - or vice versa, I got confused several times doing this. Anyway, drill out spot welds, smack with cold chisel and clean up the leftover mess resulted in this:




And this




Then it was just a case of shot blast, spot weld, prime, paint and waxoyl. I have no pictures of this as it was dull as fuck and I forgot due to the mind numbing tedium. I do however have a picture of the wiper motor in bits, it was very sluggish and closer inspection revealed solid old grease in the gearbox, and dry spindle/motor bearings.




There was also a bit of gunk around the motor brushes.


I was quite surprised that it could be easily disassembled - just some M4 bolts, normally anything electrical with Valeo written on it is held together with a lethal combination of spit, Kleenex and one-hit plastic tangs there to break off and/or lacerate the unsuspecting "enthusiast". Anyway, a bit of panel wipe cleaned things nicely.




After that, I chucked it all in a tub of clean engine oil and left it on the radiator for 2 weeks to let the phosphor bronze bushes have a good soak. Then christmas happened and I got soaked in booze, so there are no photos of anything else to do with the motor! Anyway, it went back together and is now smooth as silk.


The complete linkage was then re-assembled and installed back in the car. I think you'll agree it looks way less shit now.




Next, the freshly repainted scuttle cover along with new washer lines etc. Again, stripping and painting this was more tedious than the time the girlfriend tried to talk to me about Lino colour choices for the kitchen floor, so there are no photos. The plastic trim cover also got re-dyed, which was tedious but very rewarding - I'm going to cry when I run out of Plasti-Care.





Then, I decided, rather unusually for me, that this dent in the passenger front door was annoying.






So, off with the door card and some careful persuading with a complete panel beating kit and a craftsmen's eye (rubber mallet with smeggy old duvet taped around it wielded by a bearded cretin) resulted in this.






Fuck off Boyd Coddington, I has skills too.


And now for something completely different......no, its not a larch - its the rattly tappets. There had been a horrendous oil leak from the rocker cover, so with new seals to hand (one for the cover, and one for each spark plug tube) I decided to whip it off to clean and replace and to adjust the tappet clearances as well as the poor thing was very clattery.





No real horror stories were found, just a bit of grime here and there. The tappets were WAY out, the exhausts in particular. The thickest feeler gauge I had was 20 tho, and that slopped about in there like a Cornichon in Paris Hilton. As Arnie will tell you, its all about the lift, and now I definitely have more! The rocker cover and surrounding area were all cleaned up, then it all went back together. This XN1 engine is a real treat to work on, everything is easy to access and well laid out and has been liberally sprayed in oil by all the various leaks - so nothing was seized.




Then, some different wheels got fitted. I have been "lent" these by a mate, who has got them for his utterly bollocks Subaru Brat (I really don't get it) so annoyingly I have to give them back. But that means the steelies are off and are being shot blast and then powder coated, I have a full set of Maxxis Van tyres to go on them which I got off of the bay for a steal. Its all about keeping that deep profile tyre to maintain the waft!




I really do like these GTi alloys, if anyone has a set up for grabs please let me know.


Steelies in the boot of the 305 and ready to go off for blasting (yes the plastic caps will be removed).




And that's where we are up to now.



Next time on Lumberbus: I try to fix the rear washer, an MOT station "inspects" the underside for "structural integrity", I try to get my head around the vacuum operated heater controls, I try to swap the speedo for one with definitely the same amount of miles AND I finally fulfil my lifelong ambition to get Peugeot Connect 4.....



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Ok, it's long overdue and this is going to be long.....



Well, the long and short of it is that the 505 is roadworthy and in near daily use. @dollywobbler has even given it the HubNut treatment over on pootube!  Not much further work was done since the last update with the exception of some carb fettling, getting the original steel wheels powder coated and shod with new (van) tyres. Plus some welding......quite a lot if it. I caved in and got a garage to do the welding to get it through an MOT for now, I plan to strip the thing and do it properly myself once spring pops up once again. 

Anyway, its proven to be quite simply fucking awesome. It has been on a camping trip: 


It was excellent, you can do all your cooking and food prep in the boot, then sit on the tailgate and get trashed with a fire in front of you. It is extremely comfortable to drive long distance,  and as Mr HubNut says its a rather soft and relaxing experience. 

Then it went to France for the annual getaway, This time we went to the Loire, I thought I had taken a stupid large car and would not be beaten......until my mate rocked up in a tatty Bentley Eight he paid < 3k for: 


There was no doubt the Bentley had a smoother,  quieter ride. But the 505 could take all six of us out to the Chateaux and Caves each day - and it got absolutely rammed full of wine a cheese for the trip home. It covered just under 2000 miles in a week, used no oil or coolant, didnt miss a beat and returned 30 MPG. What's not to like? 

Since then, it has been used to move a fridge/freezer combo - it fitted in the back no trouble. Plus shift all sorts of crap, and has generally been an epic workhorse. I am completely smitten with this car!  Next on the to do list: Find another carb with less throttle spindle wear and rebuild it, the Solex Z1 on it currently is worn out to buggery and as such I just can't get it to idle as smoothly as it should. Longer term, there is bodywork to do and paintwork to tidy - the key thing though is to keep it on the road, keeping it rolling and keep using it. 

End of post 1. 


Here's a pic of it dumped in a vineyard for good measure: 


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Is this late on an H? I think the last I saw was an “87 on a D” - and I think there was a slightly later one in an episode of Keeping Up Appearances! (Funny the stuff you remember)

Anyway, please keep documenting stuff - there’s some great shite on here atm. 

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Great to hear that this is in daily use! Keep up the great work. 

Why did you go for van tyres? Cheaper in the size you needed? Aren’t they meant to ride a bit harsher or is that a myth? 

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41 minutes ago, BorniteIdentity said:

Is this late on an H? 

Its very late indeed, pretty sure this is one of the last. 

33 minutes ago, Fabergé Greggs said:

Why did you go for van tyres? Cheaper in the size you needed? Aren’t they meant to ride a bit harsher or is that a myth? 

It's supposed to have them! The correct aspect ratio is only available as a commercial style tyre - they are chunky but very squidgy when run at 28 psi front and 32 rear. There is some comedy squeal on harsh cornering, but other than that there is barely any tyre noise at all.  I think this was only on the steel wheel option, the alloys on higher model 505's were more conventional sizes. 

23 minutes ago, bezzabsa said:

love to know how much fuel he put in that Bentley...LOL

It was more than twice the amount I used over the week. Think it worked out at 17mpg average, and that was on a long long run through France! 

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Update 2. 

Now, this is now the thread for all of my PSA shite. So, some of you may recall that this happened: 


A 1986 205 1.6 automatic, in moredoor flavour. 

This was picked up off ebay for sum of £410 to replace Mrs Schwifty's Lupo, which had developed some toss fault with its gearbox which I had no interest in fixing.  

The basics: 

Its Blue

Its automatic

Its a Phase 1, so has the much better (in my opinion) dashboard and interior layout

Its done 52,000 miles and since 2015 it has covered 227 miles......yeap, that's all. Last year it did 3. 

The autochoke is FUBAR 

There is no appreciable rust 

I collected in from the dealer selling it on behalf of the old lady owner, and promptly put 120 miles on it in 2 days and came to the conclusion that it needed a very very full and thorough service. 

Here's a few more shots of it: 


So, shit important jobs first - nice jobs afterwards. 

1. Cambelt and water pump - this was a complete arse and was not helped by me being a world class plum pudding and trying to start it while still having the cam and crank locked (I have no idea how I managed this, I was furious) which resulted in needing a new crank pulley but luckily no other damage. I also changed the cam cover gasket and cleaned the rocker cover up whilst at it. 




Now, I have been accused by my friends before of being somewhat of a womble and tight arse. They are correct. I refuse to pay full price for anything and delight in finding things for as little as possible. This extends to sourcing parts. The PSA group cars have an awful lot of commonality and as such careful cross referencing of part numbers from various manufacturers followed by some eBay delving can return some excellent results. Further rummaging on the websites of the usual scumbags (GSF, Euros) always results in excellent bargains for consumables too. Anyway, in this instance, it resulted in this: 


About £400 worth of service parts for the sum of about £200. It would have been less had I not had to have forked out for a new autochoke wax-stat from Webcon (who charge 4.99 for postage, CUNTS) but I could not find a new one anywhere else. 

Anyway. Rotor arm, dizzy cap and plug leads were also changed - the ones I took off were not too bad and were almost certainly the originals, all have been cleaned up and kept as spares. 


I also flushed out the coolant system, and after fighting with removing the housing for HOURS I managed to get at the thermostat to change it - 


This was royally buggered, I can only hope that the low mileage has meant there is no damage to the engine from running too cool for extended periods. 

Then, it was on to the Carb - a Weber 36 TLC. I have seen far worse, but it was certainly in need of a clean and new gaskets. 


As its quite easy to get lost/mixed up/confused as hell with these things, I tackled one section of the carb at a time. Which is easy to do on the 36 TLC as it is composed of a couple of sub-assemblies. First off, throttle butterfly. 


Degrease, clean, check for wear and then reassemble with a bit of light oil on all moving parts. 



Not bad! 

Then, onto the float chamber and related gubbins. Followed by the autochoke assembly (an utter disaster of springs, linkages, wax stats and vacuum diaphragms) - much swearing later resulted in this. 


Shiny! Which then lead to another problem. This mess...


I couldn't put a nice new clean carb back on that, so out with the meths and wire brush....


The carb was then refitted and, after some messing about with vacuum leaks, it fired right up and THE AUTOCHOKE WORKS! That was a real win. Further engine tidying is ongoing, more pictures to follow. 

I decided with this car to do something I hadn't done before, for the sake of a £7 genuine Bendix kit off ebay - rebuild the master cylinder. The brake fluid in it was horrendous, black and brown and hazy. Furthermore, the two rubber bungs that seal the brake fluid reservoir to the cylinder were shot and being pushed out by rust. So, dismantle and clean up to inspect the bore for wear. 



Luckily, the internals were in good shape and there was no rust lip on the bore - so a good candidate for a rebuild. I stripped the casting back to bare metal, sprayed it black and then reassembled it with new piston, seals etc - the Bendix kit contained everything, including a new circlip! 


This is now fitted back to the car, and I am in the process of going through the braking system - so it's untested as yet. It may well leak and I have to resort to a new one, who knows!


That's pretty much it for now. I can only do work on the car in the evenings and at (some) weekends - so the above has been done over many weeks. Everything takes time and a lot of effort to do well, but it is very rewarding when it all comes together. 


End of post 2. 

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Post 3 and final, for now. 

Errr, this happened: 


Yeap, I have joined the Autoshite BX Club! 

This is a BX 14 E "Preview". Which basically means base as base can be, but with funk decals and jazzy seat cloth. 

This little nugget was found on car and classic and acquired for £300. It is a one owner from new car and has been garaged all it's life. So, it is very very very rust free. It does however, have many faults. But for now, as my fingers are sore from typing, here are many photos of it pretty much as I got it. I have yet to crunch through this one as I'm still working on the 205 - work to commence in the new year hopefully. 











So there you go. I HAS CITROEN! Can't wait to get stuck into this. 






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7 hours ago, BorniteIdentity said:

Is this late on an H? I think the last I saw was an “87 on a D” - and I think there was a slightly later one in an episode of Keeping Up Appearances! (Funny the stuff you remember) 

The Vicar’s 505 Estate? I think it was on an A reg.

You really have a glorious fleet MrSchwifty, the 205 badermatic is really tickling my fancy.

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