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What makes you grin? Antidote to grumpy thread

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That magazine should go into production.What makes me grin ...Today :D As i met afew wonderful "shiters", had a great time with lots of laughs.Ooh and the sight of Pete's monster in the Amazon mirrors ! :shock:


Ooh and the sight of Pete's monster in the Amazon mirrors ! :shock:

How close was he standing :P

Issue number 1 of a new, home-printed retro car magazine entitled "DeathTrap"

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In all honesty, I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard at anything. That is just awesome, beyond words. :shock::D


Twas a good (short) day. Good balance of normal old cars and AA/RAC badged classics (and about a million MGFs).

I'm still hearing that compeer's endless nattering about MG's and that Cresta in my head.

How did the Pug do in the little contest?

I'm knackered and am off to bed. :)


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Compere was usual cuntish self. I was watching the bikes go in to the 'show' bit and was waiting to chat the owner of one but MC Gobshite assaulted my ear drums so much I had to walk away.


Didn't get talking to half the people I wanted to unfortunately but had a good laugh with the 'usual suspects'.


More pictures on my daughter's camera when I figure out how to upload them, meanwhile here's the ones I took...


One for Nick, followed these two maxis in on the way to the show...

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Shite holiday anyone?

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And my two favourites of the show, for some reason the picture I took of the car itself didn't come out but this Sprint engined Toledo was absolute class and was one of our numbers...

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This might not interest anyone else but I fucking loved it. Owner had had another he sold recently for fifteen grand and they're rarer than rocking horse shit. He got second in show but it really should have own it, it was spanking..

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Massive thanks to Jon and Chris for organising it, hats off to you lads and apologies for not getting round to talk to everybody there.


Id like to say thanks to all the members on here who have been helpful regarding my panic attacks, they are slowly subsiding and its been largely pinned down to a likely allergy to penicillin, making it difficult for me to breathe. Havent had any issues bar a few symptoms since Friday, and your messages and posts have helped a huge amount.Also Basingstoke Festival of Transport was so good, I shall share the pictures on my next spotted update, which has somehow totalled over 200 photos since April, whoops.


Hey, flitting round the tat sellers at Miles Chumley Warner castle car show today I found this for a five spot...



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So being bored and all that crap I thought I'd create something suitably shite...





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LOLZ @ CAV.If you take some shite to a classic car show, bung that on the bonnet and park next to a shiny Stag.


Shit :shock: I have another interview with a different company ....I know they are only interviews, but things seem to be looking up..As atleast my name is on the paper they own.Have not heard back from the Interview on friday, but i assume i will hear from them tomorrow (Which has been confirmed from the nice lady who phoned me just now.)HAPPY :D Ooh yeah my face hurts from sunburn - :lol:


Been in Pete-M's-ville today and will be most of the week. Have to say I was pleasantly surprised by the driving standards in Liverpool. Expected to be harrassed every five yards by angry motorists as is the norm in big cities when you're doing 10mph because you're lost, but people were actually really chilled and din't mind me doing 387 point turns in the rush hour on busy roads.


Had the 'attendance hearing' at work today. Guess what! Due to something called 'mitigating circumstances' I'm not going to be progressed. Wouldn't have had anything to do with my employment lawyer friend from Uni giving our HR rep a call would it?I celebrated by reading my 1988 issue of CAR at my desk and calling my colleague an arsecake.


Yeah, nice one Wat.


nice one Wat 8)


Stick it to the man!


Made the last ever payment on the morgage today , Rusty towers is officially ours :D:D


Made the last ever payment on the morgage today , Rusty towers is officially ours :D:D

!!! :D

Well done Wat! :D Nicely done Rusty! 8) Finally got myself back into some sort of employment. Nothing spectacular but at least it keeps me away from the Job Centre.


Well done to you Rusty, that is truly an incredible achievement. Are you going to re-mortgage in order to pay for the Red Arrows to do a celebratory fly past? I bloody would!And as for you Wat, nice work! And a 1988 Car as well - is it full of Tipo's and Renault 19's??I have a second interview tomorrow for a fantastic job I have wanted for ages. Unbelievably I discovered it was supposed to be for today but some seriously quick thinking not only rearranged for tomorrow but earned a sympathy vote too. Something else that makes me smile is buying a share that goes up for a bloody change!


I have a second interview tomorrow for a fantastic job I have wanted for ages. Unbelievably I discovered it was supposed to be for today but some seriously quick thinking not only rearranged for tomorrow but earned a sympathy vote too. Something else that makes me smile is buying a share that goes up for a bloody change!

Best of luck with that !

Cheers Poly. Odds seem to be favourable as I know the interviewer really well and get on well with her. She knows I can do the job so I am quietly confident. Bet theres a third interview with some right ars*hole though!


Nice on WAT, they dont like it up 'em


Well done to you Rusty, that is truly an incredible achievement. Are you going to re-mortgage in order to pay for the Red Arrows to do a celebratory fly past? I bloody would!!

Taking my parents for a meal if that counts , its pops birthday soon and they have helped a bit on this last little push, Both the wifes parents died within the last year and the small inheritance did help although she took the deaths really badly . We both worked really hard doing this , me on 12 hour days and the wife doing specialist nursing which she has since had to give up through stress , We are both going to slow down a fair bit now , I for one plan to retire at 55 :D

Best of luck to you sir, sounds like you both thoroughly deserve a more relaxed pace of life.


Been in Pete-M's-ville today and will be most of the week. Have to say I was pleasantly surprised by the driving standards in Liverpool. Expected to be harrassed every five yards by angry motorists as is the norm in big cities when you're doing 10mph because you're lost, but people were actually really chilled and din't mind me doing 387 point turns in the rush hour on busy roads.

I notice that regularly. Been doing a lot of driving in the Midlands lately and the driving in Birmingham especially is just rude. Nobody gives way, nobody says thanks, everybody gets irate and tries to squeeze past when there's no need to. Yet drive up Stratford Road and the driver in front will happily slam on the brakes and chat to pedestrians / other drivers for 5 minutes at a time without giving a toss about all the horns and shotguns going off behind them. I have never driven anywhere where the driving is less courteous, every time I go there I'm astounded at how badly they drive.Manchester is a piece of piss compared to Brum, London at rush hour is a positively chilled out experience.

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