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What makes you grin? Antidote to grumpy thread

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Those adverts are brilliant, the music as well. Our local amateur tv station still does these great surinam/ghanese/indian adverts, always good for a laugh.


Whist we are on the suject of funny video's how about this classic for the Honda Jazz, Do all Autoshiters walk like this?.



found out from Uni that I have officially passed my course so I can now add Ba (Hons) to my name if I ever want a table in a restaurant. Also, 2 months tomorrow will be my last day at work before my round the world jaunt. Good times!


I find it deeply amusing when I get Emails off people at work who put all their qualifications after their name, usually results in me amending my signature to something along the lines of "The Rt Hon. D Hirst, BSc, SSc, BBC, ITV, CID, MI5" in subsequent replies.


D Hirst, BSc, SSc,

Bronze Swimming Certificate, Silver Swimming Certificate, one assumes....


Posted Image


found out from Uni that I have officially passed my course so I can now add Ba (Hons) to my name if I ever want a table in a restaurant. Also, 2 months tomorrow will be my last day at work before my round the world jaunt. Good times!

Congratulations!You have also just inadvertantly put yourself forward for the role of Autoshite worldwide roving reporter.

I find it deeply amusing when I get Emails off people at work who put all their qualifications after their name, usually results in me amending my signature to something along the lines of "The Rt Hon. D Hirst, BSc, SSc, BBC, ITV, CID, MI5" in subsequent replies.

:lol::lol: Classic Honda City (Jazz) adverts from Madness:
Love the 'Hyper Turbo' model in this one:

I find it deeply amusing when I get Emails off people at work who put all their qualifications after their name, usually results in me amending my signature to something along the lines of "The Rt Hon. D Hirst, BSc, SSc, BBC, ITV, CID, MI5" in subsequent replies.

Saying that, I remember my sister telling me that (before the days of emails), the company she worked for at the time made her put BA(Hons) after her name on any letters. Much to her embarrassment.But I'm sure many folk do actually choose to add them.

I have a diploma from being a Member of the Life Assurance Association....I never really thought having MLIA(dip) after my name was that impressive TBH.


Dr. Ing. HC F Porsche. Sounds very impressive. Impressive enough to be the official company name.Until you find out it was a giveaway degree. Much in the same vein as that awarded to Dr Jeremy Clarkson or Dr Fanny The Wonder Dog.


Could be a clever lad, it could be a Damian.


Seeing this tart in Eastenders yesterday cheered me up mildly.

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Sorry, I've had some Polish lager from the shop.


Find eight minutes of your time and check this vid out. I hate reality TV, but they do it properly in Ukraine...



Now that actually is a talent. And she's got. What's not to love?


Find eight minutes of your time and check this vid out. I hate reality TV, but they do it properly in Ukraine...

Now that actually is a talent. And she's got. What's not to love?
Wow, thats incredible. Beats the hell outta the dumb bints over here trying to be the next Mariah Carey or whatever.Wonder if this lass is after a British passport via the traditional Eastern European route of marriage?? I'd get her to do her sand animation about the decline of the British motor industry, with particular reference to socio-economic conditions in post 1960 Britain.

I'd get her to do her sand animation about the decline of the British motor industry, with particular reference to socio-economic conditions in post 1960 Britain.

She's done other sand animations, check her youtube vids. My favourite is the one of Frank Spencer rollerskating under the lorry.

I'd get her to do her sand animation about the decline of the British motor industry, with particular reference to socio-economic conditions in post 1960 Britain.

She's done other sand animations, check her youtube vids. My favourite is the one of Frank Spencer rollerskating under the lorry.
Got the link to the Frank Spencer one?

Cheers everyone! :D It's even a proper degree (History) to boot! Now I can officially start moaning about how students are a bunch of wasters again. Oh and I'm sure there will be many pages of NZ, Australian and Thai shite seeing as the mate I'm going with is a member here as well


Wow she is amazing, Never seen anything like that!.

I assume you don't mean Stacey Slater?

Got the link to the Frank Spencer one?

Sorry, it was just a silly joke.

Got the link to the Frank Spencer one?

Sorry, it was just a silly joke.
I'll get my coat...... :oops:

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