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What makes you grin? Antidote to grumpy thread


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We got a new neighbour a couple of weeks ago and the cheeky f****r keeps coming into our garden. Not that we actually mind I hasten to add, in fact we love it, how often can you say that about a neighbour?

Meet Geoffrey...



















I think they said he's a cross between a Pug or Pekinese and a small terrier. Apart from our eldest cat we all think he's ace!

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I was meeting my friend for an early lunch near where he works (security detail) in the city.


Getting on the bus at 09:35, I find a wallet on the first vacant seat, opened it to check for ID and hopefully an address, no address, but two European ID documents, a travel pass, library membership card and £40 cash.


I tell the bus driver that I found a guy's wallet, that it has ID and cash inside and that I'll hand it in at Bishopsgate Police Station (on the bus route) as that's where I'm getting off.


I meet my friend, we have lunch then I hand in the wallet at 11:05, the officer running the front counter asks me to leave my name and number in case the owner wants to thank me.


At 11:55 my phone rings, it's the owner, and he's just picked up his wallet and called to thank me, as he's so happy to get his stuff back! He'd called the bus company to report the lost wallet, (the bus driver had immediately reported the find to his controller, and that I'd be handing the wallet in at the City of London Police station at Bishopsgate. The controller put this info onto their system and a few minutes later, the owner called!).


I was delighted that the owner was reunited with his stuff, and impressed at just how fast it all came together, especially as it was found in a different part of town to where I handed it in.


The owner wanted to reward me, I declined that, and we're going to meet in the week for a cup of tea.

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Good on you! When we dug a (new) Rangie out of a landslide that the stupid bugger had driven into, he offered us a cash reward. We declined. Somehow feels wrong, even with a numpty, taking cash in a 'help' situation. The karma-kick is enough. The chap even offered to pay for our clothes to be dry cleaned - which made me feel a bit bad as I wasn't sure they were dirty enough even for a wash...

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When we were car-booting a few weeks ago I found an iPhone next to our car, alongside the car parked in the next row. I picked it up and asked the guy working their stall if he'd lost a phone... "No might, mine's right.... OH!" as he patted his now empty pocket. His reaction was good enough to tell me it was his phone and he thanked me for my honesty :)

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PMSL @ ^^^^^^




















































































































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When I got home (about 9 ish this evening after a long day out) the phone was ringing.... it was Autofive, stranded at the garage with a broken car and starting to look for somewhere to sleep. Of course, I nipped straight round and gave him a lift home. On my way out of his street I spotted a skip with a large potted plant on the top of the rubbish, I stopped and grabbed it because I thought Mrs S would like the pot even if the plant was useless...


She says it's a Madagascar Dragon Tree, and at about 5" tall quite a nice one and in "needs feeding but saveable" condition. She's well happy, so so am I :D

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When I got home (about 9 ish this evening after a long day out) the phone was ringing.... it was Autofive, stranded at the garage with a broken car and starting to look for somewhere to sleep. Of course, I nipped straight round and gave him a lift home. On my way out of his street I spotted a skip with a large potted plant on the top of the rubbish, I stopped and grabbed it because I thought Mrs S would like the pot even if the plant was useless...


She says it's a Madagascar Dragon Tree, and at about 5" tall quite a nice one and in "needs feeding but saveable" condition. She's well happy, so so am I :D


you dipped taylors skip


you dipped taylors skip


you dipped taylors skip


Thanks for the lift home, i was beginning to feel like Scott of the Antartic, no fags, no milk, and only a Granada to sleep in :D

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^ I very nearly fell off my chair laughing at that little lot.


+1 - I do wonder if the white example at the top replaced one of Rover's finest, if so then that plate must qualify for the Great Plates thread...

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Love the Triumph poses!


Anyone bringing a Dolomite or one of its siblings to Shitefest? even an Acclaim would do - We could have a competition on 'moody stance', winner gets to be in the 2013 calendar for December.

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His sidelights are on, does he know his sidelights are on? Maybe the holes in his pants are from acid as he has to keep lugging his battery back to his living room to charge it. Should someone tell him his sidelights are on because he can't keep running back and forth to Asda for jeans.

Are those white fucking moccasins?

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Today I found out that Cillit Bang is actually pretty good at getting old engine grease off and that cleaning 25+ years of dirt off an engine is remarkably satisfying. For the first time since he was new, some of the plastic things under the bonnet of the Polo are now black, rather than grey.

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Today I found out that Cillit Bang is actually pretty good at getting old engine grease off and that cleaning 25+ years of dirt off an engine is remarkably satisfying. For the first time since he was new, some of the plastic things under the bonnet of the Polo are now black, rather than grey.


I wouldn't use cillit bang on anything you want to keep, I hope you washed every last trace off.

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Of course. It's good stuff if used lightly and quickly with plenty of water afterwards, shifts the really stubborn stuff quite nicely.

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no, that guy is just a Grade A tit.


a man with no knowledge or experience giving out bad advice like confetti

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