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Father Ted

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Anyone got a waterpump for a Mercedes E280? Mahmoud has hit a dead end, all the parts suppliers are supplying him with the wrong one. Mercedes want something like £170 + VAT.

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Are you using threaded rod for spring mounts ? Most thread rod is only 4.8 low tensile so I would be a bit wary of using it tbh .

Agreed. High tensile threaded rod is available but the standard stuff is made from shiny cheese.

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Bit of a mild / blind panic here in the last few days.

Checked the brake fluid on the Singer and most of it had vanished !!!

BUMHATS Its got its MOT Saturday .

Any i tore the fecker apart brake wise looking for said leak only to find no issues anywhere.

Twas at this point i remember id bled the brakes  a month or so back and being as it has feck off GR8 reservoirs of a Jagwar i dont need to top it up whilst doing this , twas also the point i remember not filling it up afterwards.


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Is that "the camping and caravan club" from The Simpsons?


Forgot about that! Two birds... 


Friend found it in a box and said it was mine if I promised to fit it there and then, but refused to show me what it was until i'd agreed to it. 

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Anyone got a waterpump for a Mercedes E280? Mahmoud has hit a dead end, all the parts suppliers are supplying him with the wrong one. Mercedes want something like £170 + VAT.


Tried the bloke in Stoke?  I'm up that way tomorrow afternoon if you'd like me to call in.

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Have you tried rob Parker?


Not tried but will, cheers!


Tried the bloke in Stoke? I'm up that way tomorrow afternoon if you'd like me to call in.

If you could that would be great, I'll get his number and text it to Mahmoud.

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Omnomnomnom all the furniture :)  


I've been at the Newark antiques fair today, and have bought something enormous - but it STILL goes into a Volvobrick :)  The dealers who didn't have a van had a Volvo, and 740s / 940s were as numerous as V70s.  I'm surprised the SVM didn't mount a south-of-the-border raid ;)  





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At least when you replace them with stronger stuff you can take one rod out at a time and fit the new bit, saving having the whole thing off to put back on!

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Spent another day working on the rebel van interior and this time I've got a few photos,


I started off by touching up the remaining bits that needed a second coat of speckled paint, overspray areas get hidden behind either the headlining, side pannels or rubber matting to go on boot floor.


















Anti vibration pads,




I then started to cut and fit the insulation,






I then moved onto the carpet, This is a really time consuming job as each piece has to be cut to suit before gluing in. The bulkhead section has all been glued in, the gearbox tunnel is only dry fitted as it needs some edge trim sewing on before it can be stuck down. All the pedals had to be removed the old air vent covers drilled off etc. Sorry about the state of these pics the light was fading as I took them.










Unfortunately I've now run out of tufted carpet.... I've got some more but its a different style much shorter and less traditional. I still need to do two more big panels in the footwells and a small section around the doors, as well as leave enough to create to overcarpets. I'm in two minds as to wether to order some more matching carpet or just say sot it an fit the stuff I've got....


Heres a comparison photo:




Tomorrow I'm expecting the rubber matting for the boot to arrive and I might try to get the headlining fitted!




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At least when you replace them with stronger stuff you can take one rod out at a time and fit the new bit, saving having the whole thing off to put back on!

I was thinking that. Shant take long. Will get some more.

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But..but how did you do that?


I'd uploaded it directly from the computer using the 'select file' and 'attach file' options on the full reply page. Aargh.

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But..but how did you do that?


I'd uploaded it directly from the computer using the 'select file' and 'attach file' options on the full reply page. Aargh.


Shirley t'is obvious, you were in Newark which is an anagram of wanker

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Daughters Civic failed the MOT on airbag...what she didn't tell me was that the bloody thing failed last year and after waggling a few wires which extinguished the light,it passed, but came back on the next day...364 days ago that is...and she just ignored it...bloody females i'm surrounded by the sods and they're all bloody bonkers and sending me the same way.

Also the bloody MOT had run out three weeks ago....where's the double facepalm smiley.


How i've still got hair i have no bloody idea.


Anyway, i don't go anywhere near airbags cos i value me empty head, so she took it to the Honda dealer for diagnosis...are you sitting comfortably...needs new NS airbag madam, that'll be £1200 please...fuck off.


So, i'm at work and my scatty but brilliant mrs has a chat with the little auto electrical place round the corner that i never knew existed (be using him again)...he's cleaned up the contacts and reconnected and it's working OK, well for the time being, the bill was £36, that's more like it, and what passes for my brains arn't splattered up the rear hatch so that's even better.


MOT passed today, and the car being on our drive i was able to give the poor thrashed bloody Honda a quick service.


To be fair, these up to 05 plate Honda S types (slighty derated type R but with springs and proper tyres) are damn good cars, this is her second, she thrashes the thing mercilessly and her mileage is huge, but the engines and boxes are virtually unbreakable, Christ knows where i'm gunna find another bugger when she wrecks this one, a modern piece of crap would last about a month in her hands..

Couldnt agree more about the Civic Type S they are cracking little cars, still quite a few about but good ones really hold their value as I've spent tonight looking at them to replace my Accord. The next gen Civic Type S just felt cheap and badly screwed together in comparison, plus it was a gutless 1.8 instead of the perky 2.0.


Any chance of the name and number of the auto spark, I always used to use Burwell and Ward down by the old tip but they have both retired now and it's run by someone else.

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After months of doing nothing to any of my vehicles, I've decided to try and fix them all simultaneously.

The 109 (Land Rover not Messerschmitt) has had a borked starter motor all winter. Yesterday I took it to the local auto leccy place who replaced the solenoid, turned down the armature on the lathe and replaced the brushes etc. It's a Lucas job but doesn't belong to the perkins 4203 lump. A PO has bodged it on with clamps. The refurb cost an eye watering £150 but it's good to get the use of the LWB's towing and crap shifting capacity again.


I shuffled some of the chod. The 88" has gone into the shed and the allegro has taken up its place on the drive. The shed is five miles away so it was a pain in the arse when the allegro wouldn't start and I didn't have the jump leads. It had started the other day after some fettling but the battery was too flat to fire it up today. I took the battery of the Land Rover, sat it on the inner wing and started it with that. I wasn't sure if it would keep running with the battery disconnected but sure enough it did, so I put the leads back on its own battery and let it charge away. Try that on a modern.


I had to move the maestro to get the 88 in the shed and it roared into life after months sat idle. After a wee spin up the road and back, I was reminded how much I like it. It's probably my favourite car so I need to get on with sorting out the rear wheel arches and get it back on the road.


I've also been spending some time on the 1964 88" LR. I'll not bore with the details here until I've got some pics to show.


The td5 has been sulking on the drive for months with a severe steering fluid leak so it will get some attention in the next few days.


The shed with the 109 poking out



The lovely maestro



The '64 88"

17066519616_f1291688fd_o.jpgDSC_0253 by jboath1, on Flickr

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Hilmanimp , would those spring bolts have been unf originally ?


I have no idea.


The fact that I did not use them would probably explain that ;)


I was going to order some more today but forgot to being in details of what I needed like a douche.

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Just sold my st170 for a tiny little profit which means three cars in a row have netted me some cash. Still down £645,342 overall.


Hope it don't break down or ote as the guy who bought it was a bouncer and not one of them little fellas, he was old school massive.

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cms - Sorry to hear that, nowt is worth doing that for it has to be said. Mahmoud told me about a similar thing that happened to a nieghbour of his. A very quiet old lady who was very nice natured, she lived on her own as her husband had died years before. She didn't seem to have any troubles but one day just jumped in front of a train.

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I posted a 'Happy Birthday' post to an acquaintance on Facebook the other day, got a message from a mutual friend that he had hung himself a few months ago!


I deleted the post bloody quick sharp!

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