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Bought a SD1 at last! Collection page 6!


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Haha! I like your style! I think I'll be happier once I've got the car home and gone over it myself.


It's the BL/BMC rally on Sunday which has a great autojumble so the plan is to make a list of bits it needs and buy what i can whilst there.

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Rust is the thing that matters with any car of this age and the initial signs from your wheel well photo are very encouraging - I suspect it's a good'un, though naturally not perfect - yet..


People seem to delight in stories of British cars which fall apart for some reason - yet the same people will often gloss over problems they have with a Mercedes, for example. To believe every story about my XJ40, you would think they are an absolute liability for unreliability and electrical problems, but mine has been superbly reliable over all the years I have had it. I suspect the SD1 is similar: treat it well and it will reward you. A major plus with the SD1 is that they are becoming much more sought after. I genuinely believe they will rise in value over the next years - not many cars can say that.

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I collect it Saturday! I was really excited but I've now started to worry about it, people keep telling me how rubbish they are and reading shit online isn't helping at all with people running them down all the time, I'm now getting paranoid about the camshaft breaking or the head gasket blowing and that's before all the electrical problems!

Someone tell me to stop being a tit and that I'm talking shit please!

SD1s are all shit and the 2.6 is the worse of the lot, tell you what, I'll give you £500 for it before it bankrupts you.

You're welcome.

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Fantastic looking car the SD1.


Your interior is exactly the same as the one my Dad had in the 80s, although his was the V8 flavour in the slightly darker metallic Oporto red. 


Enjoy collection on Saturday and stop panicking!

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Fantastic buy! I've liked these ever since Clarkson drowned one during the BL challenge about 10 years ago, it had a profound effect on my 13 year old self.....

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Well, i drove down to the garage at 10am this morning, the car was sat there all waiting for me, and looking rather sexy!, Ferrari headed paperwork was signed, hands were shook and off i went!. Thgey had changed the oil and filter for me, changed the power steering oil, looked at the central locking but decided that it would need longer to look at so left that for me to fix but they did get the boot lock to unlock.


I took a photo of the old garage photos on the office wall.






The 20 mile drive home was uneventful, it really does drive nice for a car that's only done about 30 miles in 7 years, it's a little lumpy in traffic and i think it's running rich but that should all be simple enough to go through, I stopped off at Halfords on the way back to get a couple of bit.




Once home i removed the old MW radio as it was shagged and fitted a old Kenwood system i had in temporary, annoyingly the CD player as packed up but at least i have a radio now.




After that i took the family to Felixstowe for a family fun day my work had put on, I parked it up in the car park and had loads of people looking over it and coming for a chat about it, It really is a eye catcher.


After that i took some proper photos with my camera, the paintwork is a bit faded and polished though to the grey primer in places but it's tidy and original still, I can't see any sign of welding having been done or needing doing.




I need a pair of tow eye bumper covers.










The interior is a wonderful cross of beige and brown, it's very much like my old Triumph Acclaim.




The headlining is good, it's come unstuck in a few place sbut nothing major, yet.






The engine bay will get a good clean and i plan on fitting one of these Powerspark electric ignition modules in the dizzy, changing all the belts, tune the carbs, new plugs etc and seeing how it runs then.





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The boot is clean and tidy, just need to refit some of the trim and a new nut on the rear ROVER trim, It does need a pair of boot struts though.






Sadly this trim is damaged both sides, hopefully it's repairable.






I love them dash lights.




And lastly Mrs T filmed me driving it home, it sounds amazing!, unlike the shit that's on the radio.


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Like it a lot.


I was starting to think that the days decent affordable SD1s were gone.


This gives hope to us all.

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I made one fatal mistake whilst driving it home, I turned the blowers on full speed to see if they worked... I ended up with half a forest inside my mouth!

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That is excellent. It looks like it is in great condition, the interior looks so comfortable (seeing those seats makes me start to understand what everyone here is on about with velour) and it sounds awesome. Another great purchase. Will we be seeing it make an appearance at Shotley in the future?

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That is excellent. It looks like it is in great condition, the interior looks so comfortable (seeing those seats makes me start to understand what everyone here is on about with velour) and it sounds awesome. Another great purchase. Will we be seeing it make an appearance at Shotley in the future?


I hope to have it there this Friday the 11th. :)

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MM beige interior and quartic wheel, I mustardmitt though, these do look better with the side rubbing strips

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Great that all is going well so far, I really look forward to seeing this. 


Also pleased to see the old Riddelsdell photos (that Richard Gates chap is no relation). My stepdad gets his Ford Ranger serviced there.

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