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Major Autoshite.com problems now sorted


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Server specs are as follows


We are running an unmanaged dedicated server

Processor    2x L5639 @ 2.13GHz
Ram    32 GiB
IPv4    /29 IP Block (8 Ips, 5 usable)
Disk    480 GB ssd
Bandwidth    1Gbit Port: 33TB Transfer
Operating System    HP - CentOS 6 (latest)


I mind once hosting a wee forum for myself and a few friends from the back bedroom to test out how it all ties in together and to play about with PHP and MySQL etc. It was a Pentium MMX 200MHz, 64MB ram running Windows 2000 server. It got upgraded eventually to an UltraSPARC 450MHz, 512MB ram and Gentoo Linux.


My, how times change.

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Big thanks Dave.. I'm sure you had better things to do with your week than to have to sort this out ..amidst whining ungratefuls.   Your efforts really do positively effect those around you. 8)


For my part.., I'm all for freedom of speech as long as it's not offensive ..But I'm equally for the liberty to BLOCK / IGNORE  RustyNuts - who seemingly hasn't stopped with his negative vibes and issues since he's been on this site  ..and who does not positively effect me.!   Get a life dude.



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Just to add my thanks to daveb47 for sorting everything out, it's much appreciated by me and I'm sure by the vast majority who use and enjoy the forum, top work sir.

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Well I don't know of how any of this works or why it broke but thanks for getting it back working Davenotdave.


I know it might have looked like some people may not have appreciated the work you do but I'm sure they do (I know I do) and I'm hoping they say so!


Anyway not to sound like I'm moaning but my old bookmark doesn't work, still giving the same error, do I need to clear the cache or something or has background changes done stuff? (I'm on Android default web browser)

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Great work getting this back up and running again despite the problems.


I am not going to copy my post from the other forum, but just want to say thanks on behalf of everyone here again, not just for the past few days, but for all the hard work in the last few years. Needless to say I am also glad you will be staying to keep this place ticking over for the foreseeable future.

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Down in my manor (Jaywick)  they are celebrating that  Autoshite has risen again by declaring public holidays and scoffing chocolate sculptures of Dave-not-Dave's head.

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Top marks top man, we are back.  I've been on the paint brushes around the house this weekend and watching paint dry, is like watching paint dry.  So tuning in to what a few shitters have been up to whilst enjoying a cuppa is much better.

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Cheers Mike.

Please do ignore the paranoid conspiracy theorists. Very easy for people to talk the talk and bandy around accusations, much harder to walk the walk and put the hard work in at ungodly hours.

I think it shows the level of traffic and measure of this site that so many people freak out when it's down.

Many thanks yet again.

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Guest Hooli

Down in my manor (Jaywick)  they are celebrating that  Autoshite has risen again by declaring public holidays and scoffing chocolate sculptures of Dave-not-Dave's head.


They have the internet in Jaywick??


I didn't think they even had electrickery!

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Guest Hooli

Thanks Dave, I have a faint idea what you're on about with all the issues but I couldn't fix half the problems here you do.

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Thanks Dave i am certain your efforts are very much appreciated by the vast majority of us.


To those that have bitched and moaned for the last few days i think you need turn off your computers and find more important things to fill your life with.

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They have the internet in Jaywick??


I didn't think they even had electrickery!

There's an IBM PC8086 in the pub, The Molotov Arms, that has dial-up. Residents of Jaywick huddle round it gawping at Autoshite, mainly to see the types of cars the town will receive in about 15 years from now.


They've also nearly saved up enough loose change to enter a roffle.

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Does this mean we have lost some posts ? Cant find one of mine ?


Seems like we lost posts from Autoshite, from sometime on the 11th April.  I also lost (a lengthy) one which was posted on the 11th in 'Sunbeam Motorcycle Resto'..  shame as it was a lot to write.  Hopefully most other people's were recovered.


Bfg :) 

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